Chapter 22 - 48 Hours

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I'm super duper sorry that I haven't been updating, but to be honest I've lost interest in most of magcon, but for the sake of my readers I'm going to finish this book. For you guys. But be warned, updates will not be frequent. - Leila

*Olivias' POV*

I awoke in a sterile room with a hospital gown on, how did I get here? My last memory was falling asleep at Matt's.

The door opens startling me, I jolt from my laying down poisition to a sitting poisition. A doctor walks through with a clipboard.

"Hello Olivia, you may be wondering why you're here. You've been placed on 48 hour suicide watch. Two of your friends have expressed concern for your well being and state of mind. That is why you're here. Any questions?"

I shake my head.

"There is breakfast in the Cafeteria if you're interested." She stands up and heads for the door.

"Wait." I croak, she spins her body to face me. "When will I be able to speak to my friends?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, you're not allowed contact within these hours." She explains, and leaves shutting the door behind her.

I lie back down, staring at the ceiling. Thinking of how it all got so bad.
Standing infront of the hospital, waiting for my dad to pick me up. I survived the 48 hours, they said I should start going to see a therapist. Just great.

A black jeep stops infront of me, I open the front seat and get in.

"Sweetie, I'm so glad you're okay." My dad states, giving me a hug. I stare out the window the rest of the car ride, music playing softly in the background.

Once we arrive home, I take my small bag of clothes and head to my room. Throwing the bag into the corner, I lay on my bed. Closing my eyes, I get flashbacks of that night from two days ago. The tears, the rain and the look on Shawn and Matt's faces.

This year so far, I've ruined friendships, relationships, and had one of my best friends die. What a shitty year?

Everybody has had it bad, and it's all because of me.


My phone buzzes signalling a notification. I pick it up and open it, multiple notifications from multiple apps. Great.
After checking all of them I decide to call two people over.

After phoning them, I change out of my clothes into leggings and a sweatshirt.

The doorbell rings signalling that they're here. I walk slowly down the stairs, standing in front of the door, I take a deep breathe, I open it and look up.

"We need to talk." Matthew speaks. Shawn standing beside him.

"Yeah." I whisper. They both walk in, pulling me into a group hug. "Let's go to my room."

We enter into my room, Shawn and Matt take a seat on my bed. I stand in front of my bed.

"Olivia." Shawn speaks.

"Wait." I say. "Hear me out, then you can say somthing."

"I started this year off a nobody, bullied, only one friend. There were certain points where I did contemplate taking my life, but then I thought this is temporary, this will pass. So, I let it pass. I got a makeover put a stop to the bulling, became a somebody. I became a somebody but as something else. I heard the whispers as I walked down the halls. Slut, bitch, skank, hoar. I brushed it off like nothing but kept the words near, kept hearing them in the back of my mind. First Taylor, then Carter, both horrible disasters, ending in my heart broken and my trust weakened. I then found someone else." I look up at Shawn. "I ruined that, falling for someone. Having my heart in two and not knowing what to do, what to say. All the words coming back to me, starting to believe them, telling my self they weren't rumours but the truth. One day it just snapped, I really was those things, the pain came back, the thoughts came back. But this time the thought was this is permanent, this won't pass. I said I would break off all my ties, then end my life that night. I wasn't able to. Those thoughts creep up on me, and it will take time to get to the state I was before, but I swear to god, I will try my best."

I finish up, tears streaming down my cheeks. They once again come up and hug me.

This is temporary. This will pass.
I feel like this would be a good place to end it, then do an epilogue, but what do you guys want me to do?
end here and epilogue
please tell me!!

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