Chapter 10 // Shawn?

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*Olivias POV*

I coughed and gagged. I think I choked on a mixture of my spit and the ice cream.

"What?" I asked him, while I continued to cough.

"I was, hum, wondering if you would like, uh, go on a date with me?" He told me while scratching the back of my head, I chuckled. For someone that acts like a hotshot most of the time, he gets really nervous to ask me on a date. I thought for a moment.

"I would love to, Carter." I replied back to him.

"Okay, tomorrow at 7:00, dress casually." He explained to me.


It was now 6:45 the next day. I put on a maroon crop top, light wash high waisted shorts, and black vans. My makeup was neutral like always, and my hair was au natural. I had a little messenger bag with all everything I needed.


I chuckled to myself. Real classy Carter. Honking your horn at me. I skipped down the stairs and out the door. I ran into his car.

"Hi Olivia." He told me while I was seating myself in the car.

"Hey, wanna tell me where we're going?" I asked him.

"The spring carnival." He replied with the smile of a little kid spreading across his face. I just laughed at his cuteness. I heard the faint noise of the radio, so I turned it up. Chandelier by Sia was playing. It was the good part too.

I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier
I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist
Like it doesn't exist
I'm gonna fly like a bird through the night, feel my tears as they dry
I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier

I swung side to side in the car, while belting out the lyrics. Carter joined in when he knew the words, other than that he was laughing at me. The car came to a sudden stop. I was thrown forward.

"Hey!" I yelled to no one in particular.

"Sorry, stupid car came out of nowhere. But on the bright side we're here." He told me. I got out of the car as quickly as I could, as well as Carter. I grabbed his hand and started to pull him to the ticket stand.

After we payed we came over to a clearing and just stood there.

"Can we ride the big roller coaster first!" I asked him, smiling.

"Yes, anything for you." He said to me, while we ran toward the ride. We ended up going on the ride three times, we then went on teacups, a hanger ride, a fun house, the love tunnel, a mirror maze, and another roller coaster that was there. We were not in the middle of the games, I kept looking around. My eyes kept going toward this polar bear fuzzy. Polar bears are my favourite animals. I don't know why, they always have.

"Come on, let me win you that polar bear." Carter told me. I'm guessing he saw me always staring at it. The game was to get rings on a bottle. It was $5 for a bucket.

Carter had now wasted $25. It was pretty hard, but every time I told him to leave, he would always say that he really wanted to win it for me. I gave up after the third try. You had to get one ring on a white bottle, or three rings on separate bottles. Carter had two on two different bottles. He threw the third one, and score. It got into the bottle. The guy handed him over the polar bear. Carter than handed it to me. I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you, it really means a lot." I whispered into his ear.

"No problem babe." He replied back.

"I'll be right back, I just need to go to the washroom." I said to him, while I started to walk to it.


I finished my business. The line took at least ten minutes. I walked out, and began my search for Carter in the crowd. I scanned it, and found him. With his tongue down the throat of some bleach blonde bimbo. I marched over there. As I got closer Carter noticed me. He backed away, and opened his mouth to say something, but I silenced him.

"Save it." I through the stuffed bear at him. "Just don't try to call me, text me, don't talk to me."

I turned to walk, but not before I saw the look on his face. He was dumbfounded. I walked slowly at first, until it turned into a run. I ran out of the carnival entrance, and down the street. I slowed down, since I was beginning to get tired. I sat down at a bench. That was when the tears started to flow. How could I be so stupid, how could I have thought that he would change. I took my phone out, wondering what time it was. The screen read 11:04. The walk from here was at least three hours. I scrolled through my contact list, thinking of who to call.

Meghan. No.

Juliana. Too late.

Matt. Not really that close.

Shawn. Yes.

I clicked his number. It rang three times before he picked up.

"Hello." He said, not sounding tired, as how I would expect.

"Shawn?" I said, my voice cracking, since I was still crying.


There is this chapter. You will figure out why in the next chapter she didn't call Meghan, when Meghan is supposed to be her best friend. I hope you liked it, and yeah.
What is your favourite movie?
Remember: don't chase the booty, let the booty chase you.
Thanks for this lauren.
Stay nashty.

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