Chapter 5 // Screw Up

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*Olivia's POV*

I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. Correction. Make out session, I had with Carter this morning, unlike the one I had with Taylor, this one I was really happy about and didn't regret one thing. I couldn't keep the smile off my face, that was plastered on this morning once I left the closet. It was very rough, but sweet at the same time. I just hope Taylor doesn't find out, because then we'll both be in deep shit. I kept the smile as I walked in to the lunch room, I looked around, looking for a free table. Until, I was him. Taylor, and he looked mad, make that beyond pissed. Who had a big mouth this time?

"Olivia, may I have a word?" Taylor asked me.

"S-urr-e." I say studdering. Taylor grips my arm, immediately as I say that, and drags me into the hallway.

"Did you kiss Carter?" He questions me, his face filling with anger. His grip tightens, my vision starts to go blurry. Don't cry.

"Let go of me." I say as confidently as I could. His grip just tightens.

"Answer me. Did you kiss Carter?" He says again. His grip getting tighter with each word. I could feel my fingertips losing blood.

"I said. Let. Go. Of . Me. Now." I tell him raising my voice hoping someone will hear me. What has gotten into him one second he's confessing his love for me, and now it's almost like he's bullying me again.

"Just answer me bitch." He spits, like venom. He raises his hand, and pain shoots through the side of my face.

"Taylor, No. Let her go, get away from her." I hear someone say behind me, and multiple footsteps running. Taylor let's go of me and pushes me away, and a look of regret washes over his face.

"Olivia, I'm so sorry. I'd didn't mean to." Taylor, tells me, barely above a whisper. The voice and footsteps, were the rest of the guys, they were here, and standing behind me.

"No, save it Taylor. I'm not going to forgive. I gave you one chance, and you blew. No more date, forget that kiss even happened. I hate you. I thought you changed, but now. I was proven wrong. You hurt me, just because I kiss someone. We are not officially, and never be, because we are not friends anymore." I yell at him, as the tears run down his face. I back step, and start to run. As fast as I can. Ignoring the voices behind me, calling my name. I need to get away. I need to get out.

sorry for short chapter, but lots of drama, anyway I would like to thank you for 1k reads in advance. I never thought my little book would get so much in such little time, anyway next one will be longer. But thanks for reading.



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