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They woke up in different spots of the tree house. " Rori? " Juas asks as he sits up. " Hm? What is it? " Rori replies tuning over her eyes and body glittering from the snow outside. Juas blushes due to her glittering and turns over. " What? Did I do something wrong? " Rori asks as she crawls over to him. He looks over and sees her then hides under the covers. " Juas? Are you okay? " Rori asks as Juas's nose starts to bleed. " Oh my lord! I'll get you a washcloth! " Rori says as she gets up and Juas accidentally looking up her kimono making his nose bleed onto the pillow even more. " Here- Oh my gosh!! Whats causing this?! " Rori asks as Juas is laying there lifeless. " You did..... " Juas says blushing hard. " Me?! I did this?! But how?! " Rori asks as she put her hand under his head still putting the cloth on his nose. " Cause your so cute and beautiful. " Juas said as she blushed hard. " You think that of me?! I-I didn't know! " Rori said as her eyes glowed and sparkled making Juas want to love on her more. " Rori... Can I do something? " Juas asks as he grips her hand not letting go. " Um... Yeah, I guess. " Rori replied as he forced her to lay down. " J-Juas! " Rori yelped as he roughly kissed her and pinned her down so she couldn't move. Juas started to playfully bite and kiss her neck not enough to make her bleed. " J-JUAS! W-W-WAIT! WAIT! " Rori yelped as she tried to move and get out of his grasp. She kept gasping and yelling for him to stop. Finally, she had enough and bite his shoulder making him yell and bleed jerking back. " OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! " Jaus yelled as he gripped his shoulder. " I SAID WAIT! " Rori angrily said as her eyes flamed red. " R-Rori?! I-I'm sorry! I- " Juas was interrupted by Rori. " GRR. WHY DIDN'T YOU LISTEN?! " Rori yelled as her wings fold out and she runs out the door and takes off. " RORI! WAIT! " Juas yelled as his wings folded out and he takes off after Rori.  " Eterna!! " Rori yells as Eterna pauses at the entrance of the village. Rori flies down and Juas pauses and waits. " Rori?! What are you doing?! " Eterna yelps as Rori glares at Juas. " I'm not here to fight just, play... " Rori says as she punches Eterna in the stomach and flies off. " RORI! WAIT! " Juas yelled speeding up catching up to her but she dives. " RORI! " Juas yells again as she enters the Forbidden Forest and dodging all the trees as Juas runs into some. " Rori wait! " Juas yells not so sever. Rori jumps off the ground going into the sky Juas huffs then power jumps of the ground catching up to her she dives once again. " -angry sigh- Rori! " Juas whines as she still dives. Juas dives then follows her again.

{This goes on for at least 3 hours...}

" Rori! R-Rori... " Juas slowly loses conscious and falls Rori sees him from the corner of her eye and dives to him catching him and slowly lowering to the ground. " I should have gone easy... " Rori says to herself as she puts him on her back and takes off to the tree house his wings flailing in the wind. " -sigh- I went too long. " Rori says to herself again diving to the entrance. Rori drops him off in the recliner and goes to make soup for him when he wakes up. Rori can't change into original form so she moves them to look like a cape. 

{5 hours later}

Rori has been sitting there on a stool staring at him not moving at all but she takes a nap staying in her position. Juas struggles to open his left eye until he finally does, the stairs at her for a second until he opens his other eye but it hurts too much to move. " R-Rori... " Juas asks as he opens her eyes calmly. " Yes? " Rori replies as he stretches her arms and yawns her fangs showing. " I-I'm hungry... " Juas says as his stomach growls. " Here. " Rori raises her arm in front of his mouth. " N-No... I'm in my mortal state. Today I stay human... " Juas says as he blushes lightly. " Oh. Well, I made soup... It's cold so I'll reheat it now. " Rori says her face expression a lot like Fallacy's. " Rori? How long was I unconscious? " Juas asks as Rori looks over as she stirs it. " Hm? Oh. 5, maybe 6 hours. " Rori says as Juas sits up in surprise and pain. " WHAT?! Ow.. ow.. " Juas says as Rori runs over and genitally lays him back down still having that Fallacy expression. " Don't sit up. Your body need to adjust to what just happened. My vampire state is still adjusting to the rage... " Rori says gripping her chest. Rori walks back over to stir the soup. " Why do you have my grandpa's facial expression? And your acting like him!Pfft! Ow.. " Juas says laughing a little. " What? I do?! Oh god! " Rori says leaning over in shame. " I'm cold... " Juas says rubbing his shoulders. Rori looks over to see him shaking so she grips her chest again and attempts to turn back............. It works. Rori folds her wings back and runs over to him and lays in the recliner snuggling with him. " ?! Is. Is this how snuggling feels for mortals? " Juas asks hugging her tighter. " Mhm. You like it? " Rori replies nuzzling his neck making him shiver. " Oh~ Did I find your sensitive spot?~ " Rori asks as he blushes hard. Rori nuzzles him again but it didn't work. The soup starts to boil over. " Eep! Your food. " Rori get up and runs over and pours it into a bowl and sits down on the stool close to the recliner. " Say ah! " Rori says playfully. " Ah! " Juas says opening his mouth as Rori feeds soups to him. " Well aren't you good at this! " Rori says rubbing her cheek on his. " Heh heh! Stop it! Your embarrassing me! " Juas says lightly pushing her away. " Okay well it's sundown, so lets get you fed! And go to sleep. " Rori says teasing him like he's 3. They feed each other and Juas falls asleep in the recliner and Rori pulls the other recliner to his and sleeps holding hands.

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