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Juas woke up to see himself shirtless and as for Rori, still sleeping. Juas was snuggling her and Rori had her arm on his waist. It was first light so the sun wasn't up quite yet. Toshi started whining and crying so Juas slowly got up trying not to disturb Rori and walks into Toshi's room. " Shh, shh, it's okay papa's here. " Juas says as he picks her up and rocks her. Juas hears rustling in the corner of the dark room. " Come out... " Juas says sternly as two red eyes appear. " Show yourself... " Juas says making his eye flame green. Rori emerges from the shadow and makes her eyes wisp as she moves. " R-Rori?! I thought you were asleep! " Juas says as Toshi giggled and reached out and did a grabbing motion with her hands, so Rori picked her up. " Well now that I know i'm half vampire I pretty much have the senses of one, I could hear her in the back of my mind. And I felt you get up. " Rori says as she walks out of the room. " R-Rori wait! " Juas says running over to her. " Why have you been acting like Fallacy lately? You've been really moody. " Juas asks as she gets the look of surprise. " I'VE BEEN ACTING LIKE FALLACY?! " Rori yelps as Toshi giggles and looks up with sparkling eyes. " She's got your swirl eye, my upside down heart eye, along with your sparkling eyes. " Juas says as Rori nods and has tears in her eyes. " You okay? " Juas asks putting his arm on her waist. " Yeah, It's just I yawned.. " Rori said as she wiped the tears out of her eyes. " Baby. I know somethings up. What is it? " Juas asked as he wiped the tears on her cheek. " She giggles just like you. -sob- " Rori says as tears drop onto Toshi's face and fill her with this curiosity. " M- Ma! D- Dau! " Toshi said as both of them widened their eyes and were very happy. " Yes! I'm Ma! " Rori said setting her down on the run in the living room. " I'm Dau! " Juas said clapping and Toshi giggling her little head off. Toshi was learning fast, very fast but what did that mean? The door opened unexpectedly so Rori grabbed Toshi quickly and ran to Toshi's room. " H-Hey my uhh family! " Juas said nervously. " Why did Rori run off? " Jasper asked as Juas began to sweat. " We were discussing something embarrassing to her and so she probably ran off cause she's embarrassed and she thought ya herd! " Juas said standing up quickly. " Your worried and nervous about something. What is it? " Fallacy asked lifting a eyebrow. " Uh, What are you talking about? Uh heh. I'm not worried! " Juas said as he knew Fallacy was about to use the beyond eyes thing to find Rori. " JUAS! " Rori yelled angrily. Juas teleported to Toshi's room. " Act like we're mad at each other. " Rori whispered to Juas. " NO I WON'T!! " Juas said smiling and yelling. " WELL YOU HAVE TOO!! " Rori said yelling and smiling like Juas accidentally making Toshi cry. They all heard it and Jasper teleported them all into the room to see Toshi in Rori's arms. " OHHHH MMYYY LOOOORRD!! " Encre yelled and was fanboying. " So this is what you were hiding! " Fallacy said smiling. " -sigh- Yeah. We were hiding her. We didn't want Poppu knowing nor any of you because it's not our fault. She appeared at the door one morning. Though she looks like us she was not born from me and Juas. " Rori carefully explained as Toshi did the grabby hands to Juas, so Juas held her and let her suck on his finger. " JUAS!!!! " Poppu angrily yelled as Rori changed into her demon form and growled at Poppu. " HE GOT YOU PREGO?! WHY ARE YOU PROTECTING HIM?! " Poppu asked as he changed into his demon form and rammed their heads together. " TWINS STOP IMMEDIATELY! " Fallacy said as he tried to tie them up in his blue strings, he got Poppu but he missed Rori. Rori changed back into her original form and held Toshi. Bell Bell hugged Cil and didn't want them to fight. " Rori tell him! " Bell Bell said yelping as Cil hugged her back. " Brother please... This isn't our child though she may look like ours but she showed up at our door... " Rori said as he calmed down then turned back and Fallacy untied him. " I'm sorry Juas... It's just that my sister is the only family member I have left... " Poppu said tearing up. " What happened to ya'lls parents? " Juas asked as Rori hugged him. " Juas no! " Rori yelped as Poppu took off out the door. " Oh.. I'm sorry! " Juas said to Rori. " It's fine baby, he'll come back. " Rori said walking into Toshi's room as everyone except Juas was jaw dropped even Fallacy's was. " D-Did she just call you baby?! " Encre asked as he tugged on Fallacy's arm. " Babe! Come here for a sec! " Juas called out to Rori as all of them widened their eyes. Rori came back into the room and Toshi had a blood bottle. " Yes baby? Did you need something? " Rori asked Juas as everyone was freaking out. " Uhhh... What's wrong with them? Usually I never see Fallacy this freaked out... " Rori said as everyone was speechless. " Ya'll have names for eachother?! " Fallacy asked freaked out. " Yeah? Shouldn't you and Encre? " Rori asked Fallacy as everyone went- " OHHHHH!!!!!! " Now Fallacy was freaked out and embarrassed. " Anyway? Why are ya'll freaking out by me calling him Baby and him calling me Babe? " Rori asks as they all leave. " -yawn- I'm really tired baby. I can put her down and-" Juas interrupts Rori. " No babe~ I can put her down and you get some rest. You have dark circles under your eyes so go into your room and-" Rori interrupted him. " Baby~ I don't want to do that! Those beds are noisy. " Rori said as she snuggled into his chest and the baby was already asleep. " Okay i'm gonna go put her in her crib and go to sleep on the couch or the recliner. " Rori said as she walked into Toshi's room and sat her in the crib and rocked it lightly almost falling asleep, Rori finally fell asleep in the rocking chair, Juas walked in on the sleeping girls and carried Rori to her room then put her under her covers. Juas went to bed as well.

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