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{December 4}

Rori was getting tree sap for her sticky treats at sunset and she wondered further into where Maple Tree's grew, she usually got her sap from there. Rori wondered further and further looking for the big Maple Tree she gets the sap from every day, until she lost her way and found a path where she saw Mr. Encre waking into the Forbidden Forest, she saw a shadow pin him onto a tree and do something to his neck she tried to run but then she ran into a much smaller shadow she avoided it by getting up and running as fast as she could but her foot got stuck in a tree root she strongly pulled away dislocating her ankle. " Tasuketekudasai!!!(Help somebody help!!!)" She screamed as the shadow picked her up and she too was pinned on a tree. She could feel the shadows fangs pierce into her neck right onto her sensitive spot she screamed in pain and fear, she could feel her blood being drained from her like she was a Maple Tree being drained for its sweet thick blood. " Poppu!!! ANI WA WATASHI O TASUKETE!!!!(Poppu! Big brother help me!)" Rori screamed while the figure stopped, she was begging to feel nausea and drowsiness. Rori passed out, she couldn't move but she could feel like she was being held bridal style and carried somewhere cold, then she fully blacked out...

{5 weeks later}

Rori awoke to Encre, a tall vampire, a medium vampire, a butler, and a medium white vampire. " Bonjour mademoiselle.(good morning miss.)" Encre said with a worried face. "AHH!! KYUKETSUKI!! KARERA O HANARETE KUDASAI!!!!(Ahh! Vampires! Get them Away!!)" Rori screamed pulling the covers up and starting to cry. " What did she say Suave?" Fallacy asked looking over at Suave. " I don't know. I think she's talking Japanese!" Suave said with a worried look. " Encre see if you can calm her down." Fallacy said patting Encre's back. " Connaissez-Vous le Francais Miss?(do you know french miss?)" Encre asked Rori holding her hand to calm her down. " Mmhmm..." Rori said still crying but calmed down a little. " Oui, Je peux Encre...(Yes I can Encre...)" Rori said sniffling. " Pouvez-vous parler anglais?(Can you speak English?)" Encre said wiping her tears. " Some..." Rori said scooting over to Encre, yelping and gasping because of the pain from her ankle. " Oh dear, whats hurting?" Encre asked pulling the blankets slowly off her. " Ankle, running from the shadow. Tree root." Rori said as she laid backward gasping with pain as Encre lifted it slowly. It was dislocated almost purple from bruising. " Oh my lord! It's dislocated we need to pop it back in place!" Suave said running over to Rori. She jerked her foot back as he almost touched it gasping in pain a little. " Please don't be difficult miss I want to help you..." Suave said as he tried to touch it again, she dodged once again. " Let me try perhaps... " Jaus said as he crept close to her. "Ne le laissez pas près de Moi! C'est LUI QU'EST-CE QUE LE BIT!!! (Don't let him close to me! He's the one that bit me!) " Rori said putting her knees to her chest. " Look Miss. He won't do it again. I promise! I'll smack him if he does." Suave said rubbing her back. " Ne va pas faire remonter M. Encre?( Won't it hurt putting it back Mr. Encre?)" Rori asked looking at her ankle. " Well, I don't know... Would it Suave?" Encre asks while- [CRACK]. All of them jump and start staring in awe at Rori. " Cela fait encore un mal. Je peux le prendre ici merci!( Still hurts a little. I can take it from here thank you!)" Rori says getting out of bed and limping to the door Jaus runs and blocks the door, Rori kicks his shin with her limping foot making him hop out of the way, the door is locked. " Aw pressé!( aw sugar rush!)" Rori says limping back to the bed, she crawls back in bed. " Um, miss? Can you please speak English? I can't understand you..." Fallacy asks scratching his head. "  Pourquoi voudrais-je parler à un suceur de sang comme vous?( Why would I want to talk to a bloodsucker like you?)" Rori says in a sassy tone. " Miss I would watch your tone around the vampires... Especially Fallacy..." Encre warns Rori. " Well, miss can I bandage your ankle, please? It will heal faster." Suave says getting medicine and bandages. Rori agrees and picks up her foot so he can bandage it. " I'm Suave by the way." " Rori." She replied to Suave. " Okay everyone out... She has to have rest. Jaus you stay here and keep an eye on her. " Fallacy says as they both look at each other and yell no. " My castle, my orders..." Fallacy says sternly, they both sigh as they look in opposite directions, Rori looks at the window and Jaus looks at the wall as Fallacy closes and locks the door. Rori and Jaus hear squawking and a love-bird pops out from her hair. " What the heck?..." Jaus asks like she's insane. " Pet. " Rori says to him stroking the bird softly. " Hey do you wanna go to the Bird House outside I can teleport us there easily?" Jaus asks Rori holding out his hand waiting for her to take it. The bird goes inside her shirt and peeks his head out from the collar. " Yes. Thank you. " Rori says taking his hand being teleported to the Bird House. Rori runs and sits down at the willow tree that all the birds are climbing on. She loved the songs of the birds sang all at once. " Look we didn't meet correctly I'm Jaus..." Jaus held out his hand. " Rori, pleasured to meet you. And may I ask why did you bite me in MY SENSITIVE SPOT?!" Rori yelled as some of the birds fidgeted. " You speak full English?!" " Of course I do! How do you think I would make a living here if I didn't?!" Rori yelled again. " S-Sorry I have a bad temper, yeah I usually judge before I speak. " Rori said as he pulled him down and he sat down next to her. " So you like birds?" Jaus asked accidentally touching her hand her love-bird pecked him. " Shippo! Nono! Sorry, it's okay, you can hold my hand if that's what you wish My Lord." Rori said as Jaus was starstruck. " L-Lord? I.. I don't know what to say! " Jaus said as she took his hand. " It's a tradition, if you get bit by a vampire you either become their lover or there servant, and Oh! You have to choose I just guessed because that's what all the vampires picked in the stories. " Rori said as he looked her in the eyes. " Well I choose... Lover..." Jaus said as she blushed. " Y-you like me?" Rori asked putting her hand on his shoulder. " Why do you think I bit you? So I could take you in and watch after you." Jaus said blushing a meadow green. " Well, you are kinda cute." Rori said as he put her in his lap. They snuggled until they fell asleep under the willow tree. " FALLACY!!! WHERE ARE THEY?! " Encre yelled as he ran out of Rori's room. 

{25 minutes later}

  " Oh.. Well would you look at that?~" Fallacy said with a soft voice as Encre sighed in relief. Fallacy put Jaus in his bed while Encre put Rori in hers.

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