Cutie~ (3)

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{I recommend playing this song as you read lol! But srsly I recommend this!! LMAO}

Juas wakes up to yelling and Rori, not in his arms. " Get her! She's right there! " Jasper says as Rori runs around the house. " Huh?! Whats going on?! " Juas gets up and Fallacy walks over to him. " Freeze tag like you said Juas. " Fallacy says as Rori jumps off of his head ticking him off. A bat with pink and purple fading on the wings passes by Juas. " HOW'D SHE TURN INTO A BAT?! " Encre yelled as she flew above their heads. " Rori! Sit! " Juas yelled as Rori sat down in front of him. " DA HOLY HECK JUST HAPPENED?!?! " Encre yelled as everyone paused and stared at Juas. " Poppu told me they were very obedient when they were like 12 unless they were going to take a bath. So I just- Oh no... " Juas paused as she ran out of the room because he said bath. " Rori! Come! " Juas yelled as Rori flew in and sat down in front of him in her bat form. Juas tried to pick her up and she flew out the window. " OH GAWD NO! " Jasper yelled as the vampires turned into bats and flew fast and caught up to Rori. They passed by tree's and entered a cave full of bats. " Oh, no.. " Jasper said as Rori did a bat screech and all the bats all flew everywhere covering up where Rori went. The vampires stayed still and were searching around until Juas saw her. " THERE! " Juas yelled as they all charged at her causing her to fly out of the cave. They wet through the Forbidden forest dodging trees and flying upwards then diving after Rori until she does a sharp turn making them run into the big maple tree Rori got sap from before. Another bat joins Rori it has the colors of blue and orange. " Poppu?! " Juas yells as they all dodge trees. They both screech at each other talking, Fallacy's eyes open widely. " What is it?! " Jasper yells as they all fly upwards. " Their gonna ditch us by water! Then go to the bat cave we were just in! " Fallacy yells because of the wind in their ears. " Well, that won't stop us! " Juas says determinedly. They drop an inch away from the water watching the twins underwater until they go upside down and go the opposite direction causing the group of vampires to run into the beaver dam. The twins go into the cave and perch in a hole in the wall that can't be seen very well. " Dang it!! " Jasper says as Juas takes off after them. Fallacy and Jasper soon catch up to Juas in the cave and search around on the ceiling, not there. The twins take off to the tree house and perch under it. " They're not here! Where would they be?! " Jasper says as they all fly to the entrance. " They're under the tree house! " Juas said as they looked at him like he was crazy. " It's that mind searchy thing. " Juas replied as they nodded their heads. Rori and Poppu screeched to each other stating that they found them they take off to the village in their house, they fly in through the chimney and sleep in their bunks and turn back into their kid forms. " They went to their bakery. " Juas said as they all paused and went into the village, came in through the chimney and went into their room to see them sleeping. They changed into there normal form and picked up the sleeping children and took them back into the tree house. " Okay feed her now! " Jasper yells pinning Rori down as Fallacy pins Poppu down. They growl and do bat screeches. " Hey! Language! " Fallacy yells at the twins making them full of rage. Rori kicks Jasper and kicks Fallacy in the crotch causing him to let go but injures Poppu. Poppu screeches as he grips his arm. Juas looks over to see Rori holding Poppu in her arms. Rori puts him down on his knees as her eyes go full red even the outside and screeches like a Xenomorph, her head shaking while screeching.

" AHH!!!! JUAS RUN!!!! " Everyone yells as they exit the tree house. " NO! Y'ALL GET OUT! " Juas yells as he has the bottle in his hand. " Rori calm down... I'm not gonna hurt you... " Juas says slowly inching to her. Rori screeches like a Xenomorph again. " Rori. Are you hungry? I got food for ya right here. " Juas says holding it out to her making her drool. Her small pupil locks onto Juas, she makes a clicking noise and Poppu does the same. " Y'all are communicating aren't you? " Juas says as he keeps inching. " JUAS DUCK!! " Jasper yells as Rori Xenomorph's again tuning around and charges at Jasper. " FATHER NO!!! " Juas yells as Jasper throws a rope around her that electrocutes her making her full of rage. Rori Xenomorph's angrily and snaps the rope. She folds her wings out and grows a devil-like tail as her fangs and claws grow. Jasper falls off the edge of the tree house. Rori locks her small black pupils on Juas as she craws slowly on the ground to him and pins him to the ground. " Rori... Please... " Juas quietly begs as she crawls on top of him. Rori rubs her neck on him stating that she is putting her sent on him. Rori purrs as he lightly scratches her back. " O-Oh. I thought you were gonna kill me! " Juas states to his demonic waifu. Rori and Poppu do the clicking noise again. Poppu starts to form like her. A tail, claws, fangs, bat wings, and all red eyes except for the pupil.  Fallacy flies up to the tree house. They are both on all fours and back up to Juas and growl. " Grandfather! They are just protecting me! Don't make any sudden moves! " Juas yells as they back up next to Juas still growling. " Don't worry he's not gonna hurt you. " Juas says as Rori gives a ' little too late ' look at him. She crawls over to Poppu as his arm bleeds, Rori starts licking it keeping it cleansed.  " Oh, God... " Juas says to himself as he rips off his sleeve and wraps it around Poppu's arm. " Will you eat now? And you don't really have a choice... " Juas asks as she rubs her neck on him. She opens her mouth her teeth have strings of saliva on them like a beast would have. " Here you go. " Juas says as she starts sucking on the bottle causing her to become sleepy and rest her head on his lap taking hold of the bottle herself. Poppu passes out banging his head on the floor. Juas falls asleep too.

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