It's Over!

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Juas's P.O.V

I was waking up to two young ladies in my bed... Why mine...? Anyway, they were both snuggling each other... Why not me..? I shook Rori a bit to get her to wake up then she got goosebumps and moved away. Was I normal again? After all that attention, I just got an ending to it? It just ended? I wanted to go for a fly so I did. I flew over the falls and looked at the ice mirroring my every movement. I looked at the ice and saw a black figure coming towards me, right as I was gonna turn they tackled me and giggled at the same time. We both landed in the snow, but... I was laying on top of them... They were still giggling cutely but in a wheezed way because I was bigger than them. I looked behind me to see Rori giggling her ass off. " What are you doing outside?~ " I asked rolling off of her and laying face to face with her. " You woke me up with your cold hands! I just had to follow you! " Rori said as I brought her closer to me to the point we were staring into each other's eyes. " So you were awake?! " Juas said as she giggled and stuck her tongue out at him. He started to talk about when they lived back at the castle and they'd play hide and seek all the time, or tag, and how they used to act so young and silly.

 He started to talk about when they lived back at the castle and they'd play hide and seek all the time, or tag, and how they used to act so young and silly

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Rori's P.O.V

I knew he was normal when he tried to wake me up this morning. His hands were cold as the hemisphere! Burrr! Luckily I got up when he walked out of the room. I started to remember the times of when we were back at the castle and I would tease Juas. It feels like soo long ago but it was like 2 months ago. That's not a very long time if you ask me...

No1's P.O.V

Rori flicked her tail at Juas challenging him. " What are you doing?~ " Juas asked as she took off into the air making the snow fly up with her but then fall back down. Juas caught what she was challenging him to do. He took of swirling himself like a bullet and opening his wings making the snow a spiral and a splash like shape at the top. Rori clapped but then set off to the bat cave, Juas following closely. " Rori! Wait! " Juas said as she immediately stopped causing Juas to get off course but then he flew back over to her. " Yes? " Rori asked as she got a mischevious smirk on her face. " What are we playing? " Juas said as she flicked his arm then took off. " Goddammit... " Juas said as he took off after her again. He took a shortcut and cut her off making her run into a tree... " Rori! Hehe! You okay?! " JUas called out as he flew over to her and tried to untangle her from the branches. He couldn't help notice that her butt was in front of him. " EY! EY! EY! DON'T CHU BE STARING AT MY ASS!!! " Rori said trying to kick him away. " Well that's not very nice~ " Juas said and flicked her butt. She yelped and struggled more trying to kick him. " Do you want me to help you out? " Juas asked as she stood still and pouted. 

15 minutes later...

" My wing was caught? Is that why it hurts? " Rori asked as Juas flew them back to their house. " Yeah. It got punctured. You shouldn't use your wings for a while but you do have to keep them out so you can heal, okay? " Juas asked as Rori nodded. " You think we should pay a little visit to my brother and the family? " Juas asked as Rori nodded. " Encre really loves Toshi! " Rori giggled as she got up and went to get Toshi. " Yeah. So... Is it okay if my Grandfather checks on your wing. " Juas asked as Rori came back with a very upset face. " I'm not letting that old grouchy Dracula touch me! " Rori pouted as Juas sighed. " Please? " Juas whined as Rori had to accept or she'd be forced to. " Fine! But if I do something rational that's not my fault. " Rori said flying in front of the house. " RORI! Nonono! " Juas said walking over to her at the edge of the patio. " What? I can fly, fi-INE!!! " Rori yelped as her wing ripped more then fell while holding onto Toshi. Rori acted quickly and wrapped her wings round Toshi while taking all the pain of falling through the slanted hill with trees and boulders throughout it which at the end... Was a cliff... Once she reached the end she shouted and cried out Juas's name. Juas flew over but after she fell... He dived down bending his wings to his sides like a falcon. He caught her luckily but she was bashed up a lot and thankfully there was Toshi safe and sound cuddled up against her mother... Juas flew as fast as he could to get to the castle. Luckily Fallacy was outside with Encre talking, they took her inside and hung her from a bar for bats to repair her wing and aid to the wounds on her back. 


Rori laid on the bed wings out, stitched wing, scratches, bruises, bandages all over her body... They had to remove her jumpsuit so technically she was naked but Juas didn't care... He moved the blanket a little to show her cracked ribs hit by multiple trees... Saw her spine and how it was bruised... Everything on her body was either cracked or bruised... Except for her soul thankfully, it wasn't damaged that much, again just bruised. 

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