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Juas woke up to Rori still sleeping still in her demon form but much bigger due to the gathered blood that was fed to her. " Rori? Rori get up. " Juas said sitting her up in his arms. " Nuu. Let me sleep... " Rori said as she laid on his chest kinda pushing him to the floor. " Well, at least your normal again... Well not really you still look like a demon. " Juas said as Rori opened her eyes they were normal. " WHAT.... " Rori was starstruck. " I LOOK LIKE A DEMON?! " Rori asked as she got up and looked in the mirror on the counter. " I look like I was dragged out of the underworld.... " Rori said as she woke up Poppu his eyes still red. He did the Xenomorph screech and triggered Rori to turn back. " No. Not again. " Juas said as he hugged her and calmed her down. " J-Juas... What the heck was that?! " Rori asked as she started crying. " This is your uh. Attack mode yeah. Poppu just triggered it by that screech don't worry. Hey, can you try and turn back normal? " Juas asked as she turned normal. " Poppu... Turn back. " Rori said as she slapped his face. " Ow... What was that for?! " Poppu said as he turned back. Their clothes were torn and ripped up. " Wait isn't this where mom and dad hid our clothes? " Rori askes as Poppu nodded and the searched the rooms until Rori found them. " Poppu!!! " Rori yelled as Poppu ran into the room Rori was in. " Heck yeah! " Poppu said as he found his black ninja suit that had blue threading all over it. " I looked for this one for so long! " Rori said as she found her black ninja suit that had red threading all around it. They walked to the two bathrooms that were across from each other and changed. Rori was the first one to walk out, Juas stared in awe and was drooling a little. " Son you gotta little something on your chin. " Suave said as he pointed to the blood. Rori wiped it off his chin before he could and licked it off her finger. Juas was screaming in his head as she walked away. " Juas come here. " Rori said as he ran over to her. " Why are you staring at me all of a sudden? " Rori asked as Juas blushed a dark green because she noticed. " Uhhhh. I'm staring? I don't know what you're talking about... " Juas said as he folded his wings out and took off. She folded out her wings and caught up to him. " Why are you running away from me? " Rori asked as he dove and Rori did too. " Juas stop for a second! (huff) " Rori huffed as he stopped held Rori in his arms and went to the ground. " You okay? " Juas asked as Rori got a devilish smirk and stopped huffing. " Ohh! You little devil! " Juas said as he dropped her and was about to take off but Rori stopped him by grabbing his foot. " Juas wait. Can we please stop this tag for today, please... I'm really tired. " Rori said as she stood up and held his hands. " Okay. But we're training you all day tomorrow! " Juas said as they flew to the castle to see everyone there. " Well. Well. Well. If it isn't the young lovers~ " Poppu said teasing her. " Watch it bud.... " Rori said as they started growling at each other at the doorway Rori attacked Poppu and made him fall into the snow outside. They both transformed into their demon state and started fighting. They sounded like snarling dogs. " HEY! " Juas yelled as they paused but Rori punched him one more time. " Ow! GRRR " Poppu growled. " Hey! " Juas yelled one more time as Rori got off of Poppu and crawled over to Juas and rubbed her neck on him. " Rori don't do that sweet stuff now that you fought your brother. " Juas said sternly as she whined. Poppu turned back normal as Rori stayed in her demon form. " Why don't you turn normal that way he's not disappointed anymore? " Poppu said having a devil smile. " GRRRR " Rori growled as Juas scratched her back for comfort making her purr and calm down. " Poppu. Don't. She was protecting you when you were hurt on that arm. She would protect you no matter what happened. "  Juas said as he looked down in shame. " And she has more of a temper in this form than in the other. So be careful to what you say. " Juas says as he looks up and nods. They all walk inside and Rori goes to sleep in her room. " You think she's still mad at me? " Poppu asks Juas as he prepares a bottle of blood for Rori. " No. She doesn't let go of things that easily but she would forgive you no matter what. " Juas replies calmly smiling. 

{1 hour later}

" (yawn) Hey guys! Whatcha up to? Oh.. No ones in here. I'll just take this warm blood bottle and go back to sleep. " Rori says crawling on the floor in her demon state grabs the bottle and crawls back to bed. Juas and Poppu walk in from outside. " Whew! That was a good training exercise! " Poppu says turning back to his normal form. " Yeah your a pretty good flyer! And a excellent aim you have! " Juas replies going back to the kitchen. " Yeah I got that from my sis! You should see her with guns! " Poppu said as Juas nods. " I think Rori took the bottle and went back to bed, cause it's not there anymore. " Juas says pointing to where the bottle was. " Go check! " Poppu says as Juas nods and goes to her room. " Rori do you have the- Oh I guess so heh heh! " Juas says as Rori hides under the covers still drinking the bottle. " Rori you don't have to hide it from me. " Juas says as he uncovers her feet by the pillow. " How'd you- How'd you do that so quickly Rori?! " Juas asks as she handed him the bottle. " I'm not mad Rori i'm just asking. " Rori turns back around and sits up. " You can go back to sleep, I was just checking on you. " Juas says as he gives her the bottle back. " Juas. Do you still love me? " Rori asks as Juas sits on her bed and snuggles her. " Of course I do! What kind of question is that? " Juas says as he turns into her normal form Rori kisses him and snuggles into his chest. " I love you too. " Rori replies falling asleep. " Okay i'm going to hang out with your brother okay yell my name if you need anything. " Juas says as he walks into the doorway and waits for her response. " Okay. " Rori says falling fully asleep. Juas closes the door and goes outside to train Poppu more.

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