Chapter 1

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"Riley!" My favourite song, Lost control by Grinspoon was rudely interrupted by my twin brother, Aiden exploding into my room, a huge grin plastering his face. Today was our 17th birthday, his favourite day of the year.

"You know, I could have been butt-naked" I shot him an icy glare, still quite pissed that he ruined the chorus of my killer solo. He playfully rolled his eyes and smiled. I swear nothing can ruin his good moods.

"Oh shut up, we shared a whom for 9 months. Speaking of which, today is the anniversary of escaping it. Let's go." He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of my room, not caring that I was only wearing a faded Blink-182 t-shirt and underwear because it was 7 in the morning. I had never really cared much for my birthday, to me it was just another day. Except on this particular day everyone treats you like a princess and showers you with gifts. This part I was okay with.

In the kitchen my parents were cooking our traditional birthday breakfast of waffles with icecream and strawberries with chocolate syrip on top. We were greeted with smiles and hugs, along with our presents of course! Two piles of blue gift wrapped presents lazed on the dining table, both consisting of about five wrapped goodies each. Beaconing to the gifts, my mom sat our plates on the table and sat down, not long followed by my sleepy dad.

Within no more than ten seconds, Aiden had slid into his designated chair and was eagerly looking at presents. The rule was that we had to open the first gift together, so he immediately shot me a look that said 'sit your ass down so I can enjoy my birthday'. I smiled at his enthusiasm and slid into my seat in between him and mom, finally starting to get excited about the day. Without hesitation, we ripped open the first gift as if it was our eighth birthday and not our seventeenth. Both gifts had the same shape and were rectangular boxes. Simutaneously, we took off the last layer of paper and stared at complete shock at the almost identical gifts.

Aiden was the first to speak after a long minute. "An iPhone 7+!?" He could barely even choke out the words. We both dove over the table and tackled our beloved parents in big bear hugs. You see, Aiden and I had never had phones before. I know, shocking, but my parents were very old fashioned when it came to technology and thought we were over reacting when we whined to them countless times about how we were the only ones without the mobile gadget. This gift wasn't just a generous one, it was for the books. After finally recovering from the paralysing shock, we proceeded to open the rest of our gifts. We both got some new clothes and he got a watch with 'happy seventeenth birthday, Aiden' engraved on the back and I got a bracelet with the same message except with my name in it.

~ ~ ~

By the time we were ready for school, Aiden's best friend Tyler had come to pick us up. I had known Tyler since the beginning of freshman year when he first came over. I tried my best to ignore him most of the time because when we did speak, we were teasing each other. Although, he was HELLA fine. I called shotgun and pushed my brother out of the way, not so smoothly sliding in the front seat. I glanced over at Ty to say hi but nearly hyperventilated when I did so. First I saw his attire. He was wearing black semi-skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and his signature denim jacket. Then I saw his ever so lovely face. His hair was a chocolate brown and was styled to a messy perfection. His soft brown eyes were ringed with long, thick eyelashes. I hated it when guys had better eyelashes than me. I drew my attention down to his soft, plush lips and sharp jawline. I bit my lip and looked at his eyes again, where he met my gaze.

"Like what you see?" He gave a cocky smile and started laughing. That was the thing about Tyler. He was the biggest jerk in existence. Why you might ask? I have no idea.

"Jeez Riley, you need to control yourself around my friends." Aiden joked, barely able to spit out the words through his hysterical laughter. I clicked in my seatbelt of his range rover and put in my ear buds in hope to drain out the noise. Soon we were off, on our way to hell. Oops sorry I meant Pineville highschool. I hesitantly got out of the car, kowing that if I got out with the boys we'd all be flocked by people wishing Aiden a happy birthday. Notice how I said AIDEN, not me, his weird twin sister.Tyler and Aiden were the most popular boys in school, whereas I was completely invisible. Most people don't even know aiden has any siblings, let alone a twin. When they do discover the truth, we get questioned but eventually our similar looks persuade them. Aiden is a great brother though. He never denies that we're family, despite the social differences. He loves me and I love him. You'd think that we'd bicker over just about everything but I actually dont think that we've ever had a real fight. Sure we were polar opposites, he was extroverted and popular with a shitty taste in music and girls and I was introverted and unpopular with a brilliant taste in music and NO taste in girls but we always got along.

Soon people started walking toward us so I dart away, giving my brother one last 'happy birthday' smile and fleeing the carpark into the big main building. As I make my way to my locker, I spot my best friend Mark. As soon as I make eye contact, he races over and tackles me in a hug, before yelling

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU SKANKY HOE" Everyone in the hallway turned their attention to us, making me flush crimson and hide my face in mark's chest. Once he releases his grip on me, he takes in my appearance for the first time today. "Riles honey, you look like a hobo rather than the birthday girl. You'd think that becoming a woman would make you dress like one, I guess not." I look down in dismay at my outfit, automatically feeling self-conscious as he links our arms and leads me to my locker. I'm wearing my black and white converse, blue skinny jeans, my blink-182 pyjama shirt and my hair was in a very messy bun. I even put some light make-up on. I didn't think I looked THAT bad, right? He notices my sudden change in behaviour and quickly spoke up again, realising what he'd done. "But, a complete hot hobo! Don't worry boo, all the old homeless men will be checking you out." This made my lips curve into a smile "Oh I almost forgot!" He presented me with a little pink wrapped gift, limp and badly wrapped. I gave him a suspicious smile, knowing that it couldn't be anything good if it was from my crazy best friend. I took a sharp breath in and neatly unwrapped it, revealing two thongs. One hot pink and the other jet black. I looked at him in shock and horror as I held it in the air. "You need to stop wearing hello kitty underwear sooner or later." he shrugged.

"What do we have here?" I heard a familiar voice say. Before I had the chance to see Ty's face, he had already unhooked the underwear from my index finger and was swinging them in the air for the entire world to see. I could feel the flush of red enter my cheeks again as he smiled cheekily at me. "Hoping to get some birthday sex, birthday girl?" he threw them in my face and walked away laughing, one of his little skanks by his side. I felt the tinge of tears forming in my eyes and ran into the girls' toilets.

Happy Birthday to me.

Heyyyyy. Okay so, how do ya like the new story? Comment and vote for more and tell me you opinions pleaseeee. <3 Oh and I couldn't be bothered to edit, sorry!

-Hollie xoxo

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