Chapter 25

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I walked straight through the front doer of the Montgomery's home, not bothering to knock. On my way in I noticed a car in the driveway, indicating that they had company. From the kitchen I heard muffled voices and turned to that direction. Pushing the door open, I froze at the scene in front of me.

Riley was sat on the marble bench, giggling despite her face being covered in blood. Her head also had a large lump forming, looking incredibly painful. But that's not what made me see red.

In between her legs, was a guy who looked around our age. He had cropped black hair and from the angle I was looking, seemed very comfortable around my girlfriend. He chuckled too and gingerly wiped her face with what looked like baby wipes. But I was too angry to focus on that right now.

She was mine.

Finally, she was aware of my presence and locked her eyes with mine. A sheepish grin spread across her face and she fiddled with her necklace around her neck. I had to restrain myself from cooing and squeezing her cheeks at her adorable embarrassment. Just like that, I went from wanting to punch this asshole in the nose before turning into a complete lovestruck teenager in seconds.

I think my dick just shrunk at the lack of masculinity.

Not that it would make much of a difference...

"Hey Ty," her angelic voice snapped me from my thoughts and brought me back to the presence.

"Hey babe," I replied. I knew how much she hated that pet name but this random dude needed to know that she was off limits. As if reading my thoughts, he turned around to meet my burning gaze. He smirked, noticing my obvious protectiveness towards Riley and met my challenging glare.

"So you're the famous Tyler, huh? Smiley wouldn't shut up about you since she woke up. Whining about how you'd laugh at how much of a klutz she is from falling down the stairs." He shook his head and chucked in disbelief. I spared a glance at Al, to meet her sheepish look. I smirked and rolled my eyes. I was defensively going to tease her about that later. But right now, I needed to deal with the problem at hand.

"Smiley?" I questioned what he called her, a flare of jealousy shooting through me.

"Yeah, he's called me that ever since I can remember. I was always smiling as a kid so he just started calling me Smiley I guess." She shrugged, not realising the tension in the air.

"Well does Mr. Childhood have a name?" I snapped sarcastically, taking her off guard. He however just smirked, probably anticipating my outburst.

"I'm Liam Reynolds, The Twins' childhood best friend." He introduces himself, sticking a hand out to me to shake. I puffed out my chest and crossed the few feet that seperated us. I had a good coupled of inches on him, making my intimidating stance work even better. Grabbing his hand, I shook it with a tight grip and smirked as I watched him wince.

"Nice to meet you man. Oh and thanks for looking after my girlfriend until I got here. I really appreciate it."

His jaw ticked and he let go of my hand. "No worries man. Good thing I was here when you weren't."  He grinned. This guy really had some nerve. I smiled tightly at him before pushing him out of the way to tend to Riley.

"Jeez there's so much testosterone in the air I think I just grew a pair of balls." She mumbled, clearly not for me to hear. I laughed warmly at her, causing her to snap her head to meet my eyes. Her enchanting green ones shone with humour and she herself let out a light chuckle.

"Hello to you too, Al" I rolled my eyes half-heartedly. Before she could come with a snarky response, I crashed my lips onto hers, my hands cupped her cheeks, squishing them into a fishy face. She laughed and pushed me away when someone cleared their throat, popping our perfect little bubble. I turned to glare at Liam which he so happily returned.

"Aiden is upstairs, he just texted me that your parents are on their way home." He said to Riley.

"Great" she rolled her eyes and frowned.

A/N- yeah so another short chapter, sorry!! I get home tomorrow night and will do a proper update then ;)

-Hollie xoxo

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