Chapter 12

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"What the fuck?"

Without removing myself from Ty's lap, I swung my head around to face the doorway.


He was leaning against the now-open door with an amused look on his face. Looking back at Tyler, I realised he was smiling too. This was more confusing than the calculus Ty tutors me in.

"Dude, I told you to tell her that you liked her. Not to make out with her. She's still my sister you asshole." He still wore the same drunken smile and took another swig of his beer.

"Wait. You knew he liked me?" I was still completely confused, but didn't want to get off Ty's lap.

"He's known for a while now..." Ty scratched the back of his neck and failed to meet my eyes.

"Come on Riles, its pretty obvious. Just as obvious as you liking him. Everyone knows." Aiden shrugged and took yet another drink of his beer. Was it really that obvious? I thought I hid it pretty well... "Well, everyone except Tyler that is."

"Oh." I didn't know what else to say. I sat next to Ty on the bed and looked at Aiden, who was clearly completely unbothered by what he just walked in on. He gave us one last evil smirk.

"Use protection, don't want to be an uncle just yet." And with that, closed the door and left the room silent once again. Ty chuckled at the comment and shook his head, I just went bright red and turned away.

"How long have you felt this way about me?" The question took him off guard, but he hid his surprise immediately and stood up, playing with something on the dresser.

"A while..."

"Ty." I gave him an exasperated look.

"Since we first met." He blurted out, clearly embarrassed. He scratched the back on his neck and I think I even saw a tinge of pink in his cheeks, despite the darkness. It was still so strange seeing him like this. He was a badboy, but around me he took his walls down. Around me he was my Tyler. It made me feel ecstatic knowing I of all people had this effect on him. "I just didn't really realise it until your birthday party when you kissed me."

"You kissed back." I answered defensively.

"How could I not?" He smiled and opened the door, beckoning me to come out with him. My heart skipped a beat at his words and followed him out the door, letting him intertwine our fingers.

How is this even happening?

The gaping mouths of my peers confirmed that this was in fact, not a dream. They looked down at our tangled fingers in disbelief, as did I. Ty, however, looked completely unbothered. His clammy palms said otherwise. He obviously decided we were leaving, because he was basically dragging me out the front door.

Beneath the milky twilight, he turned to face me, his brown eyes sparkling. His chest was flushed against mine, rising and falling unevenly. My butterflies returned and where we touched felt like a wildfire, although in a good way. I tried to hold back my grin by biting my lip, failing miserably because I felt my mouth turn into a full blown grin. How embarrassing.

"I love it when you do that." It came out as a whisper.

"Do what?" I tilted my head, both confused and flirtatiously. I jumped when he brushed my lips with a rough thumb, so lightly I could barely feel it. I bit my lip again.

"That." He whispered, nodding at my lip. I blushed uncontrollably, unable to keep my cool. He began to lean toward me, cradling my cheek. Instinctively, my eyelids fluttered shut and let his lips press against my own. This kiss wasn't like the first- full of hunger and lust. This one was sweet and simple. It still had the same surreal sensation to it though, as if it was just another one of my many dreams.

"Pinch me." I muttered when we broke away, my eyes still refusing to open so I could bask in the moment for just a moment longer.

"What?" He chuckled. I opened my eyes and saw his eyebrows furrow, his lips twitching into the smile I adore.

"I just can't believe this is happening..." I admit, my voice a mere whisper.

"Believe it,  Al." He winked and continued to lead me toward his car.

~ ~ ~

"YOU LITTLE FUCKING SLUT!" Mark sat cross legged on my bed, slapping his hands over his mouth in astonishment. "I knew it. Melody owes me twenty bucks..." He muttered the last part under his breath, but my super hearing managed to pick it up.

"You bet on me?" My voice sounded like the chipmunks on helium and I threw a pillow at his face, which he miserably failed to dodge.

"Pfffft no." He waved his hand about dismissively. "So are you guys dating now or??"

I pondered this for a solid minute, playing with the hem of my Jet t-shirt. "I don't know..."

Are we dating? I mean, we both like each other, so what does that mean?

"I mean, it only happened last night. It's a little soon to just dive into a relationship, right?" I asked more to myself than Mark.

"Well, I ship Ryler."

"Ryler? What the heck is that?" I sat on my desk, staring at my best friend and seriously wondering if I should send him to a mental health facility.

"Riley and Tyler equals Ryler. Duh. Dumb slut."

"Okay firstly, that's not a thing. secondly, I can't be a slut if I'm a virgin and lastly, lets watch the latest episode of teen wolf." I counted them off on my fingers, simultaneously opening my laptop and opening up Netflix.

"Sure best friend." He smiled and handed me my chocolate cake, god bless his beautiful soul. Half way through the episode while Mark and I were completely drooling over Tyler Posey's abs, I received a text message.

Look out your window ;)- Tyler

My heart fluttered at the words on the screen and did as I was told. Tyler was leant against his car, the phone's light illuminating his usually god like features in a creepy way.

You look like a serial killer.-Riley

Yeah, my looks could definitely kill. Now get your perfect little ass down here. I have a surprise for you.- Tyler

I glanced over at Mark who seemed to have caught on, winking at me he says "Use protection you little sex monkeys." I rolled my eyes at this, refusing to let Mark see me blush I grabbed a pair of converse and didn't bother tiptoeing down the stairs because my parents were working late and Aiden was at Melody's.

"Took you long enough." Ty comments, opening the passenger seat's door and helping me inside.

"Shut up, Ty Ty." he cringed at the nickname all of his little skanks call him. Climbing into the driver's seat and turning on the radio, he looked at me with his signature mischievous smirk and twinkle in his eyes.

"Get ready for the best night of your life." We drove off into the darkness, leaving my emotions in a salad.

A/N- LONG TIME NO SEE! Sorry it took me so long to update, life be crazy. Where do you think Tyler's taking Riley? COMMENT AND VOTE TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT AND MAKE ME SMILE.

Love you all,

-Hollie xoxox

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