Chapter 28

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I lay on my bed, facing the ceiling. I was trying to do that thing in movies where you stare at the roof and then you have an epiphany. But unfortunately my life was not a movie, and the old glow in the dark stick on stars were really killing the vibe. To be honest this feeble act was just feeding my eternal boredom. Tyler dropped me off about an hour ago, and mom and dad were having a serious talk with Aiden and Melody. I think he was telling them about the pregnancy. She told him three weeks ago, but neither of them had told their parents. Melody didn't know how far along she was but she was only just beginning to show so she needed to tell our parents.

"Fuck" finally, someone had come to save me from my existential crisis of boredom. Aiden stood in the doorway, with an expression I couldn't quite read. He dragged himself to my bed and flopped down face first.

"Hey twin" I greeted, smiling at his back because his face was currently squished into my bed sheets.

A weird mumbling sound came from him, making me furrow my eyes brows in confusion.

"Come again?" I chuckled, giving him a playful shove. He reluctantly rolled over so we were both staring at my ceiling, shoulder to shoulder.

"I said they actually weren't as mad as I thought they were going to be. At first they were shocked, then angry, then obviously disappointed but now they just want to make sure the baby is okay. I even think mom was kind of excited." He explained, letting his emerald green eyes glaze over with both disbelief and joy. A warm sensation filled my heart and an eye crinkling smile made its way onto my face. I attacked my twin in a tight hug, ecstatic that my parents had accepted the fact they were going to be grandparents.

"We must celebrate!" I jumped up from the bed and clapped my hands together "I'll call up all our friends and we can go down to Ember's."

"Riles, you literally only know like 6 people" he chuckled, propping himself up on his elbows.

"Oh shut up and call Melody upstairs." I said dismissively, rolling my eyes.

"How did you know she was still here?" Aiden raised an eyebrow. I shrugged in response.

"She's pregnant and loves our food. I put two and two together." I said as I started dialling Tyler's number. As Aiden walked out of the room he mumbled something incoherent under his breath, an insult no doubt. So I picked up a pillow and threw it at his head.  He spun around and childishly stuck his tongue out at me, which I so gracefully returned.

"Hey Al" Tyler's voice startled me on the other end of the line. I smiled at his deep familiar voice.

"Hey! Meet me at Ember's in a half hour." I said hastily and before he could answer, I hung up.

I did the same to Mark, Roni and Liam and quickly got changed into a pair of jeans and a Ramones shirt with back and white converse to match. Within twenty minutes, Aiden, melody and I were all ready to go and piled into Aiden's car.

Ember's wasn't very crowded so we managed to score the largest booth at the back. Roni and Tyler beat us there so by the time we got seated we were just waiting for Liam and Mark. Mark also said he'd bring Isaac and finally introduce him to the rest of the group.

I think I may have forgot to mention, Liam and Mark are cousins. That's how we've always known each other.

After about five minutes the trio sauntered in, attracting attention from the table of girls around the front of the diner. I rolled my eyes at their giggling, but understood as they were all very very attractive. As soon as they sat down, Tyler's arm found its way around my shoulders, pulling me closer to his body. Liam snarled at him in response and I rolled my eyes.

This should be fun...

A/n sorry for the short chapter! But I hadn't updated in over two weeks and really needed to so here it is. I'll be updating again in the next couple sad so watch out ;)

-Hollie xoxox

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