Chapter 11

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I ran down the stairs to be greeted by Aiden and Ty sitting on the couch, obviously waiting for me. Tyler jumped up as soon as he was aware of my presence. He hadn't told anyone about yesterday, which I was eternally grateful for. When he stood up the wind was knocked out of me. He was wearing black skinny jeans with rips on the knees, a black and white stripy t-shirt and of course, his denim jacket. His hair was styled in its perfect messy perfection and his smile was so white it blinded me.

sweet baby Jesus

"What the hell are you wearing?" He lightly chuckled and grabbed my forearm, dragging me back up the stairs. Aiden merely glanced at us, shrugged and went back to watching his football tapes. Ty could literally be taking me upstairs to murder me. What a great brother for caring so very much.

"What do you mean?" I asked, suddenly feeling self-conscious. We were now standing in the middle of my bedroom. I looked down at my faded high-wasted ultra skinny jeans, old skools, green day shirt and my hair was left alone. I actually put some effort into putting those jeans on. Has he ever gone through the struggle of putting ultra skinny jeans on? I think not. 

"You aren't wearing that" he motioned to my outfit "to a party." He walked over to my wardrobe and started looking through my t-shirts. I silently thanked myself that I kept my underwear in a draw on the other side of my room. He was in my band shirts section and raised an eyebrow at me. "You have A LOT of band shirts."

"I collect them." I shrugged and continued to watch him cautiously pick out the perfect outfit.

"I know" he chuckled and found a black tank body suit that I'd never worn. "Here, just change your shirt." he threw the clothing at me and kept staring, waiting for me to do something. After about ten seconds, I finally understood what he was waiting for. When it hit me, I felt my cheeks heat up and the zoo escape in my stomach.

"I'm not getting changed in front of you!" I slapped his chest and started pushing him towards the door.

"Worth a try. Now hurry up princess." He closed the door and my heart went crazy.


~ ~ ~

The sound of incoherent drunken singing seeped out of the front door, making it clear of what events were inside. Ty and Aiden flanked my each side as we walked into the party, looking badass asf if I may add. I promised myself I wouldn't drink tonight, not after the killer hangover from mine and Aiden's birthday almost two months ago.

In a nanosecond, the boys had disappeared so I was left to fend for myself. I did see Aiden in my peripheral vision, but he was groping Melody and I didn't feel like third wheeling so instead I made my way to the kitchen. Red plastic cups were littering the floor, I could barely even see the beautiful floorboards anymore. The party had been in full swing for a while now, but Tyler insisted on being 'fashionably late.'

The Middle by Jimmy Eat World came on and I just about lost it. Immediately, I ran into the middle of the dance floor and started singing along to the words. The onlookers were too drunk to care so I belted it and danced like I was about to pee myself. Just when the song was finishing, someone came up behind me and tapped on my shoulder. I swung around to be greeted by a cute boy I recognised from my brother's team. He had sandy blonde hair, blue eyes and was wearing a varsity football jacket.

"I like your dancing" he said, showing off his slightly imperfect smile.

"Why thank you, people stop and stare when I dance." I said, giggling.

"I can certainly see why." he laughed "Do you want to go outside with me?"

"Sure." taking his hand, I followed him through the intoxicated couples sloppily making out everywhere. We found a spot on a seat outside and sat down.

"I'm Asher by the way" he smiled.

"I'm Riley" I smiled back and engaged into conversation with him. After about five minutes, I spotted Ty out of the corner of my eye. I smiled and waved but his eyes turned to slits. "I'll be right back..." Before Asher could respond I was walking towards Ty, who was turning around to leave.

Grabbing his arm, I spun him around and looked him in the eyes. "What's the matter?" I asked, confusion and worry evident in my voice.

"Why should you care!" I could tell something was wrong. Ty rarely got upset and when he did, it was never over nothing. I grabbed his hand and dragged him up the stairs, pushing him into the first vacant bedroom I could find. His arms were crossed and he wasn't meeting my eyes.

"Ty tell me what's wrong." I was being a bit more stern now.

"I don't know, why don't you go ask your little boyfriend?" He started for the door but I was leaning against it just in case he tried to escape. I pushed him away and looked him in the eye.

"Who the hell are you talking about?" He threw his arms up in exasperation at my words and looked at me as if I was the dumbest person in the world.

"That freaking blonde guy you were just talking to!"

"Asher?" This was starting to get really weird. I just met Asher, and Ty was acting so strange. Was he jealous?

"Don't say his name..." he turned around and sat on the bed. I followed in suit and sat right next to him, resting a hand on his thigh. I instantly realised what I did and moved it away, placing it in my lap instead. "Look, I'm sorry for getting mad. You can date anyone you want. I honestly just surprised it took you so long to get a boyfriend, so many guys I know have a crush on you. And why wouldn't they? Like that cute thing you do when you're mad and your nose twitches. Or when you laugh how you crinkle your eyes. Oh and that adorable crease you get right between your eyebrows when you're singing. And when you're worried you-"

My eyes widened at his words. I cut him off half way through his speech "I'm not dating anyone." He looked up at me and instantly snapped out of his rant.

"What? Really? Why not?"

"Well, I kinda have feelings for this one guy..." His face dropped again. I loved seeing this side of him, I only ever saw the bad boy side of him but when we were together, he changed. And it drove me crazy.

"Lucky guy..." He started playing with his fingers and I burst into laughter. Where the hell was all of this confidence coming from? "What?" his face was flooded with hurt and confusion from my abrupt laughter.

"How oblivious could you possibly be?" He met my eyes again, his big booming brown irises awaiting my next words.

"Of what?"

"I like you... a lot." As soon as I said it I regretted it. My face flushed crimson and I looked away. Knots started to form in my stomach. "I can't believe I just said that..." A hand cupped my cheek and all of a sudden Tyler's lips were on mine.

"I've been wanting to do that for months..." he said as he pulled away, but I wasn't finished. I crashed my lips against his again, taking him by surprise this time. His lips perfectly moulded to mine, moving in sync. He pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him, my fingers gently pulling on the hair at the nape of his neck. He pulled me closer still, grabbing my hips. The kiss was hungry and full of pure lust. I felt limp and light headed, yet so alive. My body was on fire, but it felt amazing. It was somehow even better than our first kiss. This one was everything and more. I bit his lip as I pulled away, making him slightly moan.

"Wow..." I whispered, our faces still only a centimetre apart.

"I like you so freaking much..." He went to kiss me again when an unmistakable voice interrupted our moment.

"What the fuck?" My heart sank.

A/N- This shit's bout to get so juicy it'll out orange juice out of business. PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!!!!!

-Hollie xoxo

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