Chapter 18

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He looked at me with those same crystal blues eyes that keep me awake at night. I couldn't break his gaze, it was like we were having an unannounced staring competition. The only thing that ripped me away was Ty's low animalistic snarl. I spared a glance in his direction. His entire body was literally shaking. His teeth were grinding against each other and his fists were clenched so tight his knuckles were tuning yellow. Let's just say that if looks could kill, Jackson would be ten feet under.

"I-I uh. I have to go." I cringed at how hoarse my voice sounded and grabbed Tyler's wrist, pulling him through the huge front doorway. Once we were outside, I noticed Ty had calmed down considerably. His terrifying slits were now the big brown orbs I loved. His expression was full of concern and it almost made me swoon.

"Riley..." That's all it took. I launched myself onto him and coiled my arms around his chest. Automatically, he returned the hug and rested his chin on top of my head. He was the only thing keeping me standing, if it weren't for his arms I surely would have collapsed.

"He's back. He's back. He's back" I kept chanting through my hysterics, although they were muffled by Ty's now snot-and-tear drenched t-shirt. I just couldn't believe what had just happened. I couldn't HANDLE what had just happened. HE was back. The man who still gave me nightmares leaving me in tears was back. And the worst part was, he was pretending he didn't even know me at all.

About five minutes later, my sobs turned into hiccups and my cobra-like grip I had on Ty had loosened. "Let's go for a ride." He entangled his fingers with mine and led me to a ten car garage space beside the mansion. Unsurprisingly, inside there were six VERY expensive cars and two motorbikes.

"Oh how cliché, the bad boy rides a motorbike- holy shit is that a 1983 XR-1000!?" Pushing my boyfriend out of the way, I mounted the Harley effortlessly and watched as his shock morphed into one of his infamous smirks.

"I didn't know you were into bikes." He stated, leaning against the black Tesla behind him.

"Are you kidding? My uncle Nate owns a shop, I used to go in there with Aiden all the time when we were younger. I've only seen 2 1983's in my life, and this is the second." I adoringly ran a hand over the cool metal as I spoke and basked in the memories.

"Can you drive?"

"Are you stupid?" he rolled his eyes and chuckled at my retort.

"Well, because I'm the most amazing human ever, you can ride my XR and I'll take the FLHT. But first, you need to get changed." I looked down at my- or should I say Ty's- Yankees jersey and blushed a deep crimson. We took the back way into the house and ran up to Tyler's room, making sure to avoid Roni and HIM at all costs. Soon, we were both dressed appropriately and back on the bikes.

~ ~ ~

"That was fucking amazing." I declared, placing my helmet back on the seat. We were out for at least five hours, riding around with absolutely no purpose other than to escape.

"Agreed. I thought it would be cute if you clung onto my waist all scared and shit, but watching you ride like that was wayyy hotter." He winked and I rolled my eyes playfully at his shameless flirting. I almost forgot about Him, almost. Suddenly he swung the door open and was standing in the archway, smirking at me.

"Hello there Riley." I saw Ty's fist tighten and immediately stood in between the two boys.

"Leave." I spat, genuinely surprised I managed to form a full syllable despite how terrified I was of this man.

"Nah, I think I'm gonna stay for a while." He said conversationally, making my fear turn to pure anger and hatred.

"I said leave. Nobody wants you here."

"Well, as I recall you used to want me by your side every second of every day. You wanted my attention so badly because you're too pathetic to get any guy's attention. I only kept you around so I could bang you. That's exactly what Tyler's going to do too." Self doubt flooded me as he said every word. But I finally cracked when he neared the end of his little speech.

"BANGED!? YOU BANGED ME!? YOU FUCKING RAPED ME, JACKSON!" His nonchalant act faltered for a second, but masked it immediately.

"I did no such thing. You were begging for it for months. Just face it, you're only saying this because you're so desperate for love. But no man will ever love you." His was deadly and laced with venom. I let a single tear spill over as I backed up in defeat.

"That's never been further from the truth." Tyler's voice made me jump, I'd completely forgotten he was still here. "Riley is the most lovable woman I have ever met. You fall in love with her smile, or the way her hair smells. You fall in love with the way she blushes when you give her the smallest bit of attention. You even fall in love with the fact that she collects band t-shirts and currently owns twenty-seven, twenty-eight if you count the one she ordered online on Thursday. So if you even think about making her doubt herself in the slightest of ways, I would happily break parole and smash your face in."

"Whatever, I'm leaving." Jackson turned to walk out the door but was interrupted by a fist sounding as though it broke his nose. A fist belonging to none other than Roni.

"Not so fast, cock muncher. I'm calling the cops." She pulled out her phone and dialled the number as Ty whispered in my ear the three words I had been waiting to hear for months.

"I love you."


A/n- PLEASE DONT HATE ME! I know its been two weeks, and I'm so sorry for that. I've had major writer's block :/. Anywhooooo I hope this chapter will suffice.


I wasn't planning on it lasting long, so it will probably only have five or so more chapters+ an epilogue. But we'll see how it goes. I might extend it slightly.


-Hollie xoxoxo

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