Chapter 27

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"W-what?" I asked, feeling like complete and utter shit. The shock and embarrassment of being rejected and finding out that Tyler had a secret that he had been hiding from me hit me like a truck.

"You have no idea how much I want to do this with you, Al. But I need to tell you something first. Or better yet, show you." He replied, giving me a small smile. Regret and hope shone brightly in my favourite pair of brown eyes. I nodded my head reluctantly, terrified that whatever he was going to 'show' me would tear us apart.

I know it sounds absolutely pathetic, but I honestly wouldn't be able to live without him.

What if he has a kid? What if he isn't actually a guy?

Well, seeing him naked definitely proves otherwise.

I shook off my perverted thoughts, ashamed in myself to think such things in a serious situation like this.

He gave me a quick, curt nod and pulled his boxers back on. While he was putting his shirt on, I quickly slipped on my panties and bra so he couldn't see. There was no way that I was letting him see me get dressed after what he just said. A sick churning occurred in my stomach, flipping it every which way. I was terrified. Tyler was my world, I didn't want anything to be between us. But I should've known our relationship was too good to be true.

Taking in a shaky breath, I led the way down the stairs and made a b-line for the living room. Liam and Aiden we're still contently watching the movie. They were a little too interested in the sex scene if you ask me. Glancing at Liam, a wave of regret flooded through me. He had only just arrived and I was already running off.

"Hey guys, Tyler and I are going out but we'll be back soon." I announced. Both boys turned their heads in our direction and shrugged. But I could see the hurt through Liam's nonchalance, it was clear as day. I shook off the guilt and made my way to he front door with Tyler in tow.

I fidgeted in the passenger seat, patiently waiting for Tyler to pull into our destination. However, when he pulled into the huge driveway of his Aunt's mansion I was more than surprised. I had honestly been expecting him to take me to an orphanage where his secret kid was or something.

"What are we doing here?" I thought aloud, facing him.

"I need to show you something." He said lowly, averting his eyes. Suspicion rose as we made our way up the front porch steps and into the house. Tyler's house was even bigger than mine. My parents were incredibly wealthy and what better way to show that than to get a mansion, right? But Helen's is twice the size of mine. Tyler briefly mentioned that she ran the multimillion dollar family business. Tyler's mom ran off with his dad when she first got pregnant. Until she was arrested, their was no trace of her so the family business was left to her younger sister instead.

The millions of hallways were making my brain hurt, and I wondered how the heck Tyler found his way around without getting lost every few minutes.

He has a photographic memory you idiot

Eventually, we made it to a white door that completely blended into the hundreds of others. But by the wistful look on Ty's face, it was so much more than just another door. Abruptly, he turned to face me with a passive look.

"I lied"

"What? About what?" I asked, my kicking against my ribcage. He took a deep breath and let his brown eyes lock with my green ones.

"When I said that my Mom destroyed everything of my Dad's... I lied." He explained, fidgeting with the hem of his t-shirt. I thought back to the night I spent here when he told me the significance of his denim jacket. He had said that it was the only thing his mom didn't burn of his dad's and he loved that he looked just like him when he wore it.

"She didn't burn everything?"  He shook his head and turned to twist the nob. The room was completely empty aside from a huge piano in the centre. I didn't know much about pianos, but I could tell that this one was old and definitely worth a few hot dollars. But I could tell that it had a story, and that couldn't just be sold.

"This piano was my Dad's. His dad gave it to him. When I was little, my dad taught me how to play. While Roni slept, we'd sneak downstairs and he'd teach me. Turns out I was really good. Mom used to watch us, thinking we didn't know. But she was really bad at tip toeing" he chuckled, a nostalgic smile passing on his lips "when he died, she couldn't bring herself to burn it. Not this." He stroked the surface and sighed before taking a seat. I didn't dare say a word, knowing that I didn't need to. He placed both hands on the keys but didn't play anything.

"She was the only one who knew I played. I just wanted it to be mine and Dad's thing. Sometimes I sneak in here late at night and play. And it's almost like he's still here with me..." he whispered, a lone tear sliding down his cheek. I stifled a gasp at this. Tyler never ever cries.

"I'm the only one you've told?" I whispered, slowly sliding onto the seat. He nodded before staring me in the eyes.

"I told you, Al. You're the only one."

My heart skipped a beat before thundering hard in my ears. 

"Can you play me something?" I asked, eying his hands resting gently on the piano. He thought for a moment before nodding.

"Please don't laugh, I'm not very good at singing." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes in response, knowing he was right. Ty sounded like a dying goat when he sang.

He slowly began to play the familiar tune of an Ed Sheeran song.

I put the supermarket flowers on the windowsill
I through the day old tea from the cup
Packed up the photo album Matthew had made
Memories of a life that's been lost

He began. My eyes widened in shock at his angelic voice. So maybe he just never tried to sound good. His voice was hypnotising, coaxing me to lean in closer. As he continued the song, his eyes filled with so much joy it made my heart melt. It meant so much to me that he felt he need to show me this. The next few minutes I just spent staring intently at him, marvelling at his beauty. His messy brown hair sprawled across his forehead and his jaw moved along with the words. His fingers glided across the keys like a second nature, not missing a single note.

Way too early, he came to the end of the song.

So I'll sing hallelujah
You were an angel in the shape of my mum
You got to see the person I have become
Spread your wings as you go
And when god took you back he he said 'hallelujah, you're home'

A lone tear slid down my cheek as he turned to me. The joyful glint in his dark brown eyes made my heart swell and I knew, in that moment, something that excited and terrified me all in one.

In that moment I knew I would never love anyone as much as I love Tyler Cooper.

~ ~ ~

Yeahhhhhh so it wasn't the really crazy dramatic twist you were expecting, righttt? ;)

That will be saved for another chapter.

-Hollie xoxox

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