Chapter 4

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I woke up around midday on Saturday feeling like I was hit by a truck. Twice. I groaned loudly, not caring that Mark was asleep right next to me. "Shut up bitch" he mumbled, hitting my thigh as if it was an alarm clock. I quite literally fell out of bed and stumbled to my feet again with yet another groan escaping my lips. My lips.. I touched my lips and recalled the kiss with Tyler last night. I felt my mouth curve up into a full blown grin as I remembered every detail, from leaning in to pulling away. I felt myself blush but then shook my head, as if the action would somehow remove the thoughts from my brain.

I gawked at the fact that I somehow made it down the stares without tripping over. I was clumsy enough as it is, add a hangover to the mix and you have a recipe for a broken bone.  I dragged myself into the kitchen and immediately started searching for the asprin. My parents would have left for work already so I didn't worry about them being in the house and asking questions. When I closed the pantry door, I nearly had a heat-attack when Ty was leaning against the bench right beside me.

"Holy shit!" I jumped three feet in the air and then slapped him on the chest. "Jeez Ty, you really need to give a girl some warning." He laughed hysterically and I shushed him, rubbing my temples because of my banging headache.

"Oh Al, you sweet innocent child." he chuckled, putting his hand on the small of my back to direct me to a stool at the breakfast bar. I jumped at his small gesture and quickly remembered the way he wrapped his arms around me in this very part of my back. He looked like he remembered too and used that hand to rake through his thick, brown hair. "Look, Al we should really talk about last night."

"What do you mean?" I asked, pretending to be completely oblivious to what he was talking about. He shot me a look, clearly not falling for my charade.

"You know exactly what I mean."

"Ohhh thattt." I said "Yeah well don't sweat it. I mean, I know you probably kiss girls all the time and I know that you just saw it as a game and so did I. So don't worry about me 'catching feelings' because honestly its not a big deal." I pasted on a fake smile and he just looked at me, completely confused.

"Oh ok then um... good. That's good then cool." He turned around and made the asprin, handing me the antidote to the throbbing in my head.

~ ~ ~


I scratched the back of my neck and decided to make some pancakes to try to distract myself from Riley who had just completely rejected me. I was so confused. Why did I even care so much? I kissed girls all the time, why did Riley affect me so much? The pancakes started to stick so I quickly scraped them off and chucked them in the garbage can that I'd deliberately placed next to me. It was now over flowing with failed creations. I was not a very good cook.

Grunting in frustration, I finally asked riley what I was doing wrong without turning around. Seconds later she was behind me, leaning over to grab the Canola spray. As she reached around my body, I looked at her face. And not just notice it, studied it. I saw a stray lock of hair had escaped her high pony tail. I saw the little scar just under her beaming green eyes. I saw that when she smiled, one side lifted slightly higher than the other. I realised that she was beautiful. I turned to look at her, our bodies touching and our faces over an inch apart. My breath hitched and I noticed my heart beating so much faster, yet so much slower at the same time.

What the hell is happening to me? I'm freaking Tyler Cooper. This isn't real. It cant be.

"I uh... I gotta go." I grabbed my jacket and ran out the door, not bothering to look back at her face in danger of it convincing me to stay. I pulled my keys out of the front pocket of yesterday's clothes and sped out of the street as fast as I could. The entire two minute drive back to my house a couple houses down, I couldn't help but keep seeing her face. I didn't want to see her face though. I just wanted to bask in knowing that it was Saturday but my brain didn't let me. I slammed the door of my range rover and rushed into the house, exploding into the loungeroom and sitting in front of the TV where my aunt sat.

I had lived with my Aunt since the beginning of high school when I moved here. You'd think that she would be snobby and a bitch because she was the wealthiest person in town. I was scared to meet her because we didn't know of eachother's existence until the end of eighth grade. My mom was arrested for child abuse and abuse of drugs and my dad passed away when I was twelve. I felt so alone until I met her. Her along with the Montgomery's were my family.

"Aunt Helen!" I yelled a little too loudly as I panted on the coffee table. "I need your help."

"Of course Tyler, what is it?" She looked at me with love and worry, which made me feel warm. I instantly told her the events of last night, knowing that I could trust her completely with it. Her eyes when wide as I described the kiss to her.

"But I think of Riley as a sister, and Aiden is my brother right?" I looked at her, completely lost. She shook her head quickly and was grinning ear to ear. I could tell she was busting to tell me something. "Aunt Helen! What's going on with me?"

"You love her." she squealed, wrapping her arms around me and intoxicating me with the smell of her Britney Spears perfume. Helen was only ten years older than me, so she was still fairly young and acted like a teenager half the time. I guess that's why we got along so well.

"Of course I love her! Shes like me sister. Youre supposed to love your family!" I said, letting out an exasperated sigh and threw my hands up in the air.

"No Ty, you don't love her like a sister. You've been threw so much, your idea of love is completely screwed up. You are in love with Riley. You just described the way it feels to be in love." She wriggled her eyebrows and embraced me warmly again. I stared off at nothing and analysed everything that had happened since I first met her freshman year.


"Riles, this is Tyler, he just moved here from LA" Aiden said "Tyler this is my twin sister Riley." I looked down to the girl lazing on the couch in nothing but a All Time Low t-shirt and a pair of pyjama shorts. Her hair was wavy and was loose down her back. She looked up at me and I saw her face. She was extremely beautiful. Her eyes were a deep emerald green, the same colour as Aiden's. She had a light tan and a colgate smile.

"Hey there, city boy. I'm Riley Alexandra Montgomery, the better twin in my opinion." She playfully winked at her brother and he rolled his eyes.

"Hey there Al, I like your t-shirt." She giggled at my nick-name for her and looked down at her shirt.

"Thanks. I love them, I have a collection of band shirts. I have All Time Low, Greenday, Radiohead, Blink-182, Fallout Boy, All-American Rejects... well you get the point." She blushed, realising her babbling. I loved that kind of music. I decided that she would be my new sister the same way Aiden was my new brother. I smiled at her and complimented her music taste and followed Aiden up the stairs, secretly wanting to stay down there with Riley.


Is she right? I'm... in love with her? Surely not, I don't do love. Its too much for me to handle. I'm too use to people leaving me...

I'm in love with Riley Montgomery.



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