Chapter 9

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It had been two weeks since my date with Cam. Since I realised I was in love with Ty. Recently he would be around a lot more frequently. And by that I he basically lived with us. He'd go home around eleven some nights but most of the time he would just stay over. I knew I should have been annoyed with him always being around but, I didn't mind at all. In fact I craved him as weird as that sounds. He was acting strange as well, but in a good way. He'd always smile at me and I'd catch him staring. At first I thought he might have had a crush on me but quickly realised how stupid that sounded. Tyler could never like me. He probably only acted that way because he felt sorry for me after what happened with Cameron.

Today was a Saturday. Aiden was at his usual Saturday training after last night's game and of course, Ty decided he'd stay at our house. I was sitting in the lounge room playing COD when Tyler walked downstairs in nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants. I looked him up and down and when he spoke it scared the shit out of me.

"Checking me out are we?" He said. His voice was croaky and sleepy and made me internally swoon.

"Ew you wish Cooper." I said, turning my attention back to the game. My parents got me an Xbox for Christmas last year and I soon became addicted to Call of Duty, kicking Aiden's ass in every game.

Running a hand through his bed hair he took a seat next to me on the couch. My heart started beating faster as his bare arm brushed against mine. I didn't hear him the first time he spoke, probably because my heart was beating at a billion decibels or something.

"Al?" He waved his hands in front of my eyes.

"Oh sorry aha. What'd you say?" I asked awkwardly, noticing that my game against the computer had finished and I won.

"I asked you if I could play." He said with a light chuckle.

"Only if you want to lose..." I teased. He rolled his eyes and I passed him a controller. Game on.

After an extreme fifteen minutes of cussing, screaming and playfully pushing each other, I won. Obviously. He wasn't that bad, I'll admit. But I was the most competitive person ever and would turn anything into a competition. Most of the time, I won too.

"You cheated!" He whined, resembling a little kid. I rolled my eyes and put the controller on the coffee table and returned to my spot next to him, sitting closer than before.

"Nah. I just have mad skills." I said, brushing the non existent dirt from my shoulders.

"Are you kidding? You were looking at my screen the entire time! Admit you cheated." He was getting irritated. Wow, sore loser much?

"Never." I retort.

"Admit you cheated and that I'm the best video gamer ever." He began leaning in dangerously close, making my thoughts jumble together.

"Make me." He launched for me but I was too quick and dodged him. He raised his eyebrow and I gave him a teasing smile, egging him on. He pounced again but once again, I dodged him. I ran up the stairs squealing as he stomped after me. My bedroom door was open so I ran straight in and jumped on my bed, instantly diving under all of my pillows and blankets. I don't know why I did that, it was stupid to think that a couple of layers of fabric would actually stop him but somehow I convinced myself they would.

It certainly did not work.

The blankets and pillows were ripped off of me as I squirmed. Ty turned me on my back and pinned me down by straddling me and holding my arms firmly on the bed. We were both panting heavily as he hovered over me with a triumphant grin.

"Say that I'm the best in the world and that you cheated." He demanded. I shook my head defiantly and he raised an eyebrow. "I'm going to give you one last chance." he warned but I just shook my head again. "You asked for it." He held my hands down over my head as he began to tickle my sides.

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