Chapter 8

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I watched from Ty's car as he stood at the counter of Cake World, paying for my favourite chocolate mud cake. This all felt so surreal; I never hung out with Tyler alone. I barely even talked to him when he was at my house. Pretty much all the talking we did was tease each other. How did he even know what my favourite food was? And why did he come to get me without me explaining why? Why was he being so nice, was it just a charade?

My thoughts were interrupted when Tyler swung his door open and placed the box on my lap. His fingers slightly brushed my skin and made an explosion of butterflies go off in my stomach. The skin he had touched tingled and my breathing became uneven. I hated that the slightest touch could make me react so irrationally. Thankfully, he didn't see my reaction and reached into the centre console to pull out two metal forks.

"You keep cutlery in your car?" It came out more as a statement than a question. "What am I saying, of course you do, you're freaking Tyler Cooper." I muttered the last part but he managed to hear my sarcastic tone.

"You'd be surprised how often they come in handy." He winked. I knew he wasn't referring to food purposes and rolled my eyes.

"You washed them though right?"

"Of course! Wouldn't want wittle Al getting sick now would we?" He asked in a baby tone, pinching my cheeks. As much as I didn't want to break our contact, I swatted his hands away and took a fork from him, stabbing it into the cake and taking a gigantic bite. I moaned at the moist, rich substance in my mouth.

"Wow Al, if just a bite of some cake could make you moan I'm intrigued to see what I'd do to you." He said, having a mouthful of his own.

"Pah-lease. This cake brings me more pleasure than you ever could." I rolled my eyes and turned my head, not wanting him to see me blush.

"You shouldn't say things like that Al, it makes you sound like an obese child. And anyway, I beg to differ." He shrugged, taking another gigantic bite.

"Prove it." I spit.

"Well, besides the fact that you're blushing 80% of the time," My cheeks started to heat up. "In fact, you're blushing right now." He laughed.

"Am not." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"You are but anyway, a cake can't do this." He said. cupping my face in his hands, he took me completely by surprise and with a millisecond, our faces were so close that if I moved the slightest our lips would brush together. My breath hitched as I drank in his angelic features. I could smell the chocolate cake on his breath, and his spicy vanilla cologne. I looked into eyes, his pupils dilated to a point where I could barely see his chocolate brown irises. The proximity seemed as though it affected him as much as it affected me, but this was only showed for a split second until he put his walls back up and chuckled.

"See, I do have an affect on you." he whispered. He said it slyly, but hope laced his voice and glistened in his eyes. Did he want to have an affect on me?

"In your dreams Ty." I said in a normal tone, shattering the silent moment we had formed. Breaking our contact, I took another bite of my cake as he started up the engine.

"You have no idea..." he muttered under his breath, probably not intending for me to hear. I couldn't help but blush at his words, but still refused to look at him. A smile played at my lips at the thought of being Ty's dreams.

Snap out of it Riley! You're just his friend's twin sister, he has to be nice to you. Don't overanalyse it. 

~ ~ ~

When we arrived home the cake was long demolished, and I was completely beat. Tyler and I decided to for a drive so it was about 11:30 when we pulled into the drive way. The soft tune of Mr Brightside played in the back ground as he shut off the engine and turned to meet my gaze.

"Thanks Ty. For everything." I smile.

"No worries Al." He says with a smile that would make any girl go weak in the knees, including myself but I refused to show it. I gave him a quick nod and began to climb out of his Range Rover when I abruptly turned around to face him once more. He still hadn't taken his eyes off of me and this made me slightly blush.

"Oh and Ty, please don't tell anyone about what happened." I pleaded, not meeting his eyes.

"Our little secret." He winked, but his jaw clenched and his grip on the steering wheel tightened until he knuckles went white. I could tell he wasn't too happy about what Cam tried to do to me tonight and was furious with me for not wanting to do anything about it. I gently closed the door and pulled out my keys, unlocking the front door and switching on the light.

"HOLY SHIT! Oh my god Aiden! You scared me half to death!" I exclaimed, clutching my chest and panting very dramatically. He ignored my comment though.

"Why are you home so late? And why were you with Tyler? You were supposed to be going out with Cameron." He growled, breaking the distance between us in just two large strides.

"Dude, chill. Cam was being gross so I called Ty to come pick me up." I lied, pushing Aiden away by putting my hands on his chest. He refused to move though.

"Why didn't you call me?" He asked through his teeth. I was at a loss for words. "Did you and Tyler hook up or something? And what the fuck happened? Why are you bleeding? Holy shit have you been crying?"

"Yes Aiden. We had crazy hot sex on the back seat. It was exhilarating. It got so hot that I hit my head on the window." I said, lightly jogging up the stairs. Once I reached the top, I ran to my door and slammed it, locking it in the process. I heard Aiden cuss through the door and I just laughed. I loved my brother but he was just such a meathead sometimes. I plugged in my phone which had died and went for yet another shower tonight, washing off the disgusting Cameron grime from my skin. In the mirror, I saw my naked body and whimpered at my appearance.

Half of my face was stained in blood and tears. My hair was a complete mess and my playsuit was ripped. I had bruises everywhere and the only makeup left on my face was smeared unattractively. But this wasn't what scared me. It was the fact that I had completely forgotten about my date with Cameron. When I was with Ty I didn't even feel the pain from the gash on my forhead that seemed to be in tremendous pain now. How was it that I got assaulted and managed to completely forget just because of Tyler's presence?


It couldn't be.

When I'm with Tyler everything  else seems to disappear. When we're apart it feels like something's missing. I can't even begin to describe this feeling. It's like nothing can compare to the way my heart reacts when he's around. There's no freaking way. It's so wrong to feel this way yet it can't feel more right.

Tyler hates me. He thinks I'm fat, ugly and pathetic.

Yet I have a crush on him.

Oh who am I kidding? This isn't a crush.

I'm in love with Tyler Cooper.

A/N- Sorry for the shitty chapter! I just needed a filler but good stuff is coming so get excited. Don't be a silent reader, VOTE AND COMMENT!!!

-Much love, Hollie xoxox

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