Chapter 7

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After no less than an hour of Mark violently getting me ready, I was fully done. I wore my hair down and lightly curled. My make-up was poppin, my highlighter glowin and I was wearing a black playsuit with a shoulder bag to match. The obnoxious honking from outside signalled Cam's arrival. Saying goodbye to the boys, I slid into the front seat of Cam's car and shot him a flirtatious smile and buckled up.

"You look gorgeous babygirl." He commented with a cocky wink, making me feel nauseous instead of special. My flirty smile quickly turned to an awkward one as he obliviously pulled out of my driveway and onto the main road. I was embarrassed to see that he barely made an effort, wearing a button down shirt and jean shorts with a pair of converse.

"Where are we going?" I asked, trying to break the ice.

"We're just going to Ma's Milkshake Bar, you brought your wallet, right?" I looked at him completely flaberghasted. I did bring my wallet, for emergencies. I mean, call me old fashioned but I think guys should pay for the first date right? And the milk bar is a small rundown fast food restaurant that's been closed for rat infestation five times since it was opened in 1978.

"Oh um, sure." He pulled into the small carpark consisting of two spots and stopped the engine. He gave me a crooked smile and slammed the door shut, not bothering to wait for me in the process. The old hillbilly woman at the counter grunted upon our arrival. She was overweight with greasy big skin and her hair looked as though she hadn't taken it out of the bun on the crown of her head in days. Her eyes took in our appearences, well I should probably say EYE because one of them was a milky white colour.

"Follow me" her voice was deep and croaky. She led us to a small booth with a ripped cushion and unwiped table. Cameron sat down, not caring about the state of our eating area. He ordered a burger and a strawberry milkshake, but I didn't get anything and told Cam I wasn't hungry.

He chewed obnoxiously loud, smacking his lips and spitting as he talked. If this wasn't bad enough, I don't think he looked at my eyes once the entire hour. He just kept staring at my boobs shamelessly.

"And then your brother passed me the ball, and I caught it while I was turned around, with one hand with my eyes closed and got the touchdown!" He yelled, food landing on me as he threw his hands up in the air. I tried to be polite by nodding every now and then but I knew for a fact he was lying. I was at that game. He was actually winking at the cheerleaders when the ball hit him in the back of the head, he stumbled and somehow managed to get over the touchdown line. After the third story, I had enough and wanted to go home.

"Oh crap! Sorry, I have to go home, it's my night to um... do the... dishes. Yeah that's right I have to do the dishes so we better go." I was a terrible liar, the worst you'd ever seen. He looked at me suspiciously but soon agreed and payed for his meal. By the time he was opening the old, glass door I was already in the car with my seatbelt on.

This is the worst date ever!

I was tempted to text mark but I only had ten percent left from pretending to listening at dinner but was really playing balls. Cameron took a right turn onto an old dirt road that led to Creepy Craig's house. I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows but he didn't even look at me. After about five minutes, he stopped the car and turned off the ignition, staring into my eyes. The sun had long since gone down and the luminescence of the bright stars and full moon barely showed his face.

"I really like you Riley..." He leant in and closed his eyes, sliding one hand up my thigh and the other cradled my head.

"Yeah um, about that.." I choked out, pressing myself against the locked door to escape his grip. A hand tightened on my upper thigh and the other held my shoulder in place, using an extreme amount of force.

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