Chapter 19

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"I love you"

His hot, minty breath fanned my neck, causing my hairs to stand in end. Several moments passed, and I still hadn't moved an inch. I couldn't believe what he was saying. Finally, I whipped my head around and met his gleaming brown orbs. I stood, gaping at him for a few more seconds. His eyes became hesitant and full of regret, and his larger than life smile dropped into a deep frown.

"Uh-you don't have to say anything. I understand if this was too early for you... I'm sorry just pretend I didn't say anything-" he started rambling.

"I love you too." I cut him off, surprising us both. His grin instantly reappeared, reaching his eyes and making them crinkle adorably. Without warning, he snaked his arms around my waist and spun me around, making me squeal, "Ty!"

"Awwww" Roni cooed, reminding me she was still there, along with the cock sucker Jackson. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and hid my face in Ty's chest, attempting to hide my embarrassment. He just chuckled and rolled his eyes, the same huge smile plastered to his face.

"Let's go upstairs." He whispered into my hair, and kissing the crown of my head. He took my hand and led the way, straight passed Roni's suggestive eyebrow waggling and Jackson's painful groans.

When we reached his room, I retreated to his bed, sat on the end and watched as Tyler locked his bedroom door. His michievious grin warned me to run, but I held my ground, being drawn to him. Slowly, he made his way toward me. He stood so his abdomen was facing me, and I had to crane my neck just to look at his face.

"I told you so." He stated, with the same grin he'd worn since I uttered the words 'I love you.'

"Told me what?" My voice held my evident confusion.

"I tol you that you love me, that day in your room. I knew it." He winked, lowering himself to my level. I just rolled my eyes in response, unable to hold back the blush.

He held my chin between his index finger and thumb, causing me to look at him directly in his eyes.  He inched forward and I instinctively fluttered my eyes shut. At first, his lips gently brushed against mine. He sucked gently on my bottom lip, and I allowed him entry. We battled for dominance, but he easily won and moaned against by lips as I let my hands wonder his body. Effortlessly, he picked me up and moved me to the middle of the bed.

Breaking the kiss, he began sucking gently along my jaw, trailing down to my neck. I moaned in response and he smile agaist my skin. I ran my fingers through his thick hair, loving how soft it felt in between my fingers. He sat up straight and removed his shirt, so I got the idea and followed I suit. He smirked at me and continued his trail of kisses down my torso, eaving me in pure bliss.

~ ~ ~


It was probably around 9pm when I woke up, Riley in my arms. My girl. We hadn't slept together, that was too special and I didn't want to take her innocence from her. Yet. She was wearing only her underwear. Her panties were Hello Kitty, but I thought it was adorable. Her head rested on my muscles, each breath she took tickling my skin. She looked so beautiful, and I wondered what I had done to deserve her.

Ever since we met, all I had ever done was tease her. I would call her names and flaunt all the girls I slept with to her. I don't know why I did that, it was so incredibly stupid. She deserved so much more than me, but no one will ever love her as much as I do.

"Al," I whispered, gently shaking her, All this did was make her mutter something about cake in her sleep. I shook her a bit harder now, and finally, she opened her eyes.

"What do you want?" She slurred, wiping drool from the corner of her mouth and pulling a distorted face at it.

"It's 9 o'clock, I should take you home." I kissed her cheek and she smiled, nuzzling herself further into my chest. Until suddenly, her eyes snappd open as she gaped at something on my left shoulder.

"Is that a tattoo?" she shrieked, completely ignoring my prior statement. I looked at my shoulder and nodded.

"Yeah, its my Dad's death day in roman numerals." She ran a delicate finger along the shapes, making my skin tingle.

"Do you miss him?" Her voice was a mere whisper, but I managed to pick it up in the silence of my dark room.


She turned to me with sparkling eyes, one tear slipping down her cheek.I quickly wiped it away with my thumb and brought her face down to mine, giving her a sweet kiss. "Don't cry, Princess. It's honestly fine, I have you. The girl of my dreams." A deep blush rose up her neck and across her face, instantly amplifying her cuteness,

"Guess what?"

"What?" She replied, a smile complimenting her deep green eyes.

"I love you"

"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you." She repeated after every delicate kiss she left on my chest. I chuckled and pushed her back up, turning completely serious as I remembered something.

"I need to ask you something." My voice was hesitant and her face contorted into worry.


"Will you come visit my Mom with me?"


Hey pals!! Yeah so I'm not dead... just incredibly lazy. S/O to my friend Leilani for forcing me to update #1 fan. IM SORRY ABOUT THE KISSING SCENE AND IF IT WAS BAD I GET AWKWARD WRITING STUFF LIKE THAT

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 800 READS!!! I honestly didn't think I'd get more than 100, let alone 835!!! I love you all so much, thank you for bearing with me.

Hope you have a good day, and don't forget to smile!

-Hollie xoxox

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