Chapter 16

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As I arrived at the Montgomery's, I couldn't help the irrational amount of nerves I was feeling. It was nothing like me, to be nervous. I'd only ever been nervous five times within my lifetime.

The first time, I was twelve. My dad was in stage four of his cancer, practically in his deathbed. He had told me, "Tyler, my son, soon I will be gone from this world, a mere memory. When I do, you need to be the man in the house, you understand? You'll look after your mother and sister. I'll always be there, right in here." I never took my eyes off of his, identical to mine, as he poked me twice in the left side of my chest. I was a spitting image of him, something I was always proud of. Our hair thick and brown, our eyebrows bushy and sharp jawline. We even somehow had a matching birthmark, on the ball of our hands. I let the tears blurring my picture of him spill, being the last time I cried since.

The second time was the first time Mom hit my sister and I. She was intoxicated on god knows what. It was five months after Dad's death, and Mom hadn't handled it 'well'. I didn't mind as much about her hitting me, I'd gladly take the punched and insults over Roni having to endure it. I took Roni's arm and took her out of the house, only to sleep in our local park until the next day. I had no idea what I was doing but I couldn't just stand there and watch my mother scream at my sister, the things leading to her ultimate downfall. She had been the one looking out for me since the funeral... since we lost hope.

The third time was when we arrived at Aunt Helen's. A stranger to me, someone who I didn't even know existed was my new guardian. The fourth and fifth times were with Riley, our first kiss and right now.

She closed the door and fiddled with the lock, before turning around and flashing her heart-melting smile. I inevitably smiled in return and continued to look her up and down, admiring her skin-tight jeans and off-white sweater. Oh and, MY denim jacket, which she wore so much better than I did. I allowed my lips to twitch upwards, knowing that as long as she wore it she was mine.

"Checking me out, are we?" She said, repeating the line I'd used on her more times then I can count. I could still see the adorable tinge of pink in her cheeks as she tried to cover it in the dark cloak of the evening. I rolled my eyes and laughed in return, opening her door for her. Our light conversation made my heatbeat slow... but only very slightly.

Riley fucking Montgomery was sleeping at my house tonight.

~ ~ ~

Aunt Helen was in her usual spot in the living room, sprawled across the couch in her pyjamas with her two favourite guys; Ben and Jerry.

"What the fuck, Elena?! Everyone knows you love Damon, don't even try to deny it, bitch." She said sassily at the humongous flat-screen TV. She glanced up at the sound of me clearing my throat, and widened her eyes in embarrassment by being caught in the act. Her eyes fall on Riley, and her face turns smug within a split second. "Hello, children. I assume you're wanting to get upstairs and do ya thing so, go right ahead. Please be quiet though, I'm watching The Vampire Diaries." She adds a little wink before dismissing us with a wave of her hand, completlly oblivious to the awkwardness it had caused. 

"I'm gonna go get some food, I'll be right back." She nodded with a small smile, taking a seat on my king sized bed. She wasn't paying much attention though, too busy taking in my room. It was messy, with dirty clothes and Xbox games scattering the floor. My walls were plastered with band posters and my desk had school work piled on. The wardrobe was wide open and my black leather couch had a blue blanket crumpled on it. Nothing special.

I ascended the stairs, the ones on the wesr wing of the mansion. The entire west side was pretty much mine, no one else came here. My arms were overflowing with chips, Pods and waterbottles. I had a bag of skittles in my mouth and a small tub of ice-cream stupidly shoved down my pants.

It was fucking freezing my balls off.

I pushed open my ajar bedroom door with my hip, only to stop in my drops and drop everything I was holding in arms and mouth.

"Holy shit..." My voice notified Al that I was present, she turned around shyly, a deep blush forming on her face. She was wearing my Yankees baseball jersey, which covered her elbows and mid thigh. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was also wearing socks, she had always had a strange fear of feet.

"I didn't really want to wear my clothes to sleep... So I borrowed yours." She started fiddling with the hem of the shirt, biting her lip in the process.

"Unbelievable." I muttered lowly but she picked it up and wore a panicked expression.

"I'm sorry, I'll take it off..." I stopped her from picking up her clothes from the floor, wrapping my arm around her waist.

"Don't. I was just thinking, how the hell you look better in my clothes than me. I mean, look at me! How the heck could someone look more adorable than this!" She started giggling, which soon turned into one of her infamous snorting-laughing-fits. I rolled my eyes but still managed to chuckle at her. "Shut up Al, you sound like a pig giving birth." She sent me a playful glare before lying on her back on my bed. I followed her actions, until we were both staring up at my clinically white ceiling.

"Can I ask you something?" Her voice was hesitant, nervous almost. I felt her stare on me but refused to look at her, scared of what she might ask.


"Why do you love that jacket so much?" She was soft and sincere, but I chuckled at her question.

"It was my dad's."


"When... when he died, my mom lost it. She spent all of our money on drugs and alcohol, and burnt all of his possessions." I picked up the jacket from my side, staring adoringly at it. It didn't smell like him anymore, it hadn't in years. But when I put it on I looked just like him when he wore it when he was my age. "I took it without her noticing. It's the only thing I have left of him." I finally turned to her and smiled. I know I should be upset but I'm not. I'm lying next to the girl of my dreams and sharing my memories of the greatest man I've ever known with her.

"I'm honoured that you let me wear it." She smiled at me as I continued to stare into her striking green eyes. I planted a gentle kiss on her lips, about to continue more affectionately when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I groaned in annoyance that our perfect bubble had been popped, which Riley just laughed at. I dug my phone from its place in my jeans and unlocked it, only to reveal a message from the sister who was currently in the local hospital from anorexia. I hadn't seen her in over a month, I cant stand hospitals. We still talk everyday, she knows me better than I do. But this wasn't just one of her normal dramtic text messages. This one was so much more.

I'm coming home.


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