Chapter 29

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I poked my fries around, exhausted from merely sitting in this booth. Tyler had somehow managed to pull me even closer to his side over the past half hour. At this point I was basically sitting on his lap. The whole dinner was filled with awkward chatter, everyone picking up on the tension between my boyfriend and Liam.

"So... you going up for the football team?" Aiden asked, directing his question at Liam. He snapped his head up at the mention of his name, probably startled that someone had finally spoken up for the first time in almost five minutes.

"Uh, yeah I guess. I might as well" He shrugged.

"You should, you're really good at it. Not as good as me though." He winked. Everyone chuckled at this, much to my surprise. I was almost certain that they'd all fallen asleep.

In my peripheral vision, I saw Liam looking at me strangely. He had been doing it all night, giving me weird expressions. I shot him a questioning glance, furrowing my eyebrows. He took a deep breath and let his electric blue eyes flicker to Tyler before resting on me once more.

"Hey, um, Riley?" Liam cleared his throat, contorting his face in a weird constipated looking expression.


"Can I talk to you?" Tyler stiffened by myself and didn't hesitate in glaring at him "Alone." He clarified.

"Sure?" I slowly slid out of the booth and signalled to the others that we'd be back in a minute. They all brushed it off except for Tyler, who hadn't removed his sharp gaze from Liam. I gave him a pleading look and his expression immediately softened. But only slightly. Very slightly. With one last reassuring smile, I gave his a lingering kiss and grabbed 'my' denim jacket.

I didn't miss Tyler's smirk on my way out the door.

"So what's up?" I spun around on my heels to face Liam. He was subconsciously playing with the hem of his t-shirt, biting his lip. Anxiousness oozed from him and I put a hand on his shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. With one last tight lipped smile, he took a deep breath and began.

"Why him?" His shoulders slumped.


"Why are you with him? You used to text me all the time about how much you hated him and how mean he was to you. And now that I'm back you're suddenly dating your tormentor. He's taken my place..." His voice dropped at the end.

"That was a long time ago, Lee. Things have changed since my birthday."

"Its been six months! You can't seriously tell me that it only took six months for him to change." His outburst startled me, coaxing me to take a step back.

"He didn't have to change. that's the thing. I love him, and he didn't have to change for me. Maybe his behaviour changed for the better but I still love him. And I won't apologise for it." A new found confidence got me to stand straight and meet his eyes directly.

"You used to love me..." a defeated look graced his features. A wave of guilt washed over me and I felt tears prick my eyes. I opened my mouth but no sound came out. "I waited for you, Riley. I loved you and never stopped. You're my everything and you and I both know that I'm so much better for you than that asshole. He doesn't deserve you. Please, please just take me back." he pleaded with a  desperate tone.

"I can't." My voice broke. I looked at the boy who I had known my entire life. The one who took me on my first date. The one who always held me when I cried because I was never good enough for my family. The one who showed me how to smile when everyone else failed. My first love. "I love you, Liam. But not in that way anymore. I will always love you. You are my past and Tyler is my present and future. I'm so sorry."

A dangerous glint sparked in his electric blue eyes. "Fuck sorry's."

Before I could question him, he cupped my cheeks and pressed his lips against mine. My eyes stayed wide open in shock. His lips were too soft, too gentle. The memory of my first kiss crossed my mind. I realised that the same spark that was once there had failed to appear.

He wasn't Tyler.

Gently, I removed his hands from my cheeks and pulled away. I saw the fire in his eyes burn out. A fresh glaze of tears shone in his eyes but his squeezed them shut before any tears could be spilt. I, however, let a tear slide down my face. My raven black curls caught it. I gently caressed his cheek with his thumb and placed a lingering kiss on his forehead. Opening his eyes, he forced a smile.

"Shall we go back inside?" I asked, trying my best to keep up a cool façade when all I wanted to do was collapse.

"Actually, I think I'm gonna stay out here for a little while longer if that's okay. I just need a second." I nodded in understanding and slowly made my way back inside the diner, unable to shake the overwhelming heartbreak I felt. Unlike before, everyone was now laughing heartedly and interacting with one another. I couldn't help but feel that I'd just lost a part of myself, so excuse me from failing to join in on the festivities.

Looking around the booth, I realised that Tyler wasn't there. My eyes roamed from person to person in the resturaunt, before landing on tall figure by the window. I felt my heart plummet when realisation dawned upon me.

He saw everything.

His beautiful brown eyes found mine and I anticipated a cold glare. Instead, he smiled at me and mouthed 'are you okay?'. He understood. He actually understood. I immediately shook my head and ran into his awaiting arms, burying my head into his chest.

"Shh, its okay, Al." He cooed in my ear, his huge hand gently massaging my head. "I've got you now." I couldn't help but sob hysterically into his t-shirt. I vaguely sensed him pulling me out the door, hearing the jingle of the bell. Before I knew it, we were sitting in the passenger seat of his car, me sitting on his lap.

"I- I just can't believe this is happening. I've lost him, haven't I? I just let him go and he's never going to come back." I wailed, my voice muffled by his chest. Gently, he lifting my head by my chin.

"Don't say that. Of course he'll come back." He said sternly, but his eyes welled with love.

"You aren't mad?" I asked, only now remembering that he had witnessed our little moment. Ty gave me a reassuring smile.

"I could never be mad. He was your first love and you never got a proper good bye, if I were him I would have kissed you too. And you stopped him. I know that you would never cheat on me." My heart swelled in love for the man right in front of me. I leaned in and kissed him with all I had, not being able to believe that I had gotten so lucky. Without even a second of reluctance, he kissed me back equally as passionate. Despite my being such a mess, he still wanted to kiss me.

"I love you so much." I whispered as I pulled away, resting my forehead on his.

"I love you so much more, Riley Alexandra Montgomery."

A/n- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay so last night this story hit 4K!!!!!!!!!!!! Like whatttttttttttttttt. I cant even comprehend it. Thank you all so much for this.

-Hollie xoxox

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