Chapter 23

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We made our way up the front steps of the Nite Mansion, something Mark and I had done many times but Isaac was quite clearly distressed. In a way to comfort him, Mark caught hold of one of his shaking hands and sent him a reassuring smile. Isaac returned it instantly and visibly relaxed.

They're just too cute!

With his spare hand, Mark pushed open one of the huge mahogany double doors and exposed his modern day castle. I saw Isaac gaping out of the corner of my eye and I remembered the conversation from the car.

"I live in the next town over. My family moved to America four years ago and now we own a small convenience store. We don't have much, but we're happy" he had said, smiling at my best friend at the end of his speech.

This was probably the biggest house he'd ever been in, and I automatically felt guilty that my friends and I always take our wealth for granted.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when an all too familiar voice called from the main dining room, "We're in here, kids!" We followed the sound of her voice and were greeted by Mark's parents already seated at the 16 place table. Felicity Nite smiled widely at us and Charles Nite gave us a quick, curt nod, fixating his gaze on Isaac. I could see the two boys shifting nervously so I decided to break the ice.

"Hello Felicity, Charlie." I flashed the two my million dollar smile and they turned toward me and returned the gesture. You might think it's unusual to address such intimidating people by not only their first names, but nick names too. But I had known these people since first grade and was more comfortable around them than my own parents.

"Hello Smiley Riley" Charlie gave me a knowing smile at my childhood nick name and I beamed at him in response. He had always had a soft spot for me, and it made me feel hope for the cold man. I took my usual seat across from Felicity. She was in her mid forties, only the age lines on her face would give that away. Other than that, she was immensely beautiful. She had Mark's steely grey eyes, but on both people they looked warm and welcoming. Her hair was golden silk and tied onto an intricate bun on the nape of her neck. The bright bold red lipstick she wore made her fair skin almost glow and the pearls around her neck just added to her sophistication.

Charles Nite, on the other hand, didn't exactly share that breathtaking look. He was short and plump, only reaching his wife's ears. He had dark thick hair everywhere. Well, except for on his actual head. He had wrinkles around his eyes and on his forehead, making him appear much older than he was. At least the tuxedo he wore looked good.

"Well, are you going to sit down?" He snapped at the boys. Within no more than five seconds, both boys were seated opposite one another. Now Charles was at the head of the table, then it was Felicity and I, Isaac who was next to me and Mark who was next to his mother. "Rosemarie!" He boomed, addressing the housekeeper who was no where to be seen.

Moments later, the naturally cheery old woman appeared. "Yes, sir?" She squeaked, not meeting his irrationally angry stares. I loved Rosemarie, she was like family to me. Whenever I was here, she'd stay after hours to sit with Mark and I and braid my hair. We'd laugh and talk about our pasts which helped me get to know the kind old woman before me.

"Go get our food" he ordered, shooing her away. She nodded once and then scurried back out of the room. I hated the way Mr Nite treated her. Like she was the dirt on his shoe. It disgusted me. She's always been nothing but kind to his entire family, befriending both his wife and son. Yet he still refuses to show human decency to anyone below his class.

Before we knew it, Rosemarie was back with a cart of enough food to feed a small country.

~ ~ ~

Dinner went by quicker than expected. I didn't say much unless I was saving an awkward moment, but in the end Mark's mom fell in love with Isaac and his dad merely approved, much to everyone surprise. Right now I was waiting in the Autumn night for my brother to pick me up. He was already twenty minutes late and I started contemplating just walking home.

But just as I was about to stand up from the bottom step of the mansion, Aiden's Camaro pulled up in front. I sighed in relief that I wouldn't have to do any exercise and made my way to the car. Yanking on the passenger seat door, I slid into the car and automatically welcomed the warmness and the scent of my twin.

"Hey twin" I smiled bucking up my seatbelt.

"Hey twin" he copied, chuckling. We pulled out of the street and onto the main road. In my peripheral vision, I saw him shifting in his seat. I turned my head to see that he was busting to say something, his weirdly contorted face resembling one of a child.

"Okay, spit it out." I rolled my eyes in amusement.

"Liam's coming!" He all but squealed.

And I thought he was the guy.

Then I realised what he had said, "wait, Liam?!" I exclaimed, starting to get excited. He nodded his head crazily and he shared my excitement. "When?!"

"Tomorrow morning"

"Oh my gosh!" I gushed "I haven't seen him since eighth grade!" He smiled and pulled into our driveway.

"I know, so go get a good night's rest. He'll be here by 7." His smile still failed to leave him.

I ran up the stairs and quickly got ready for bed. I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing though, all I could think was-

Liam's coming home. My Liam.

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