Chapter 22

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"I missed you, you beautiful slut!" Before I could respond, Mark had tackled me to my bedroom floor and let me take the impact of his weight. Despite my lungs collapsing, I threw my arms around my best friend and squeezed him tighter, savouring his strawberry fabric softener aroma.

"I missed you so much, loser" I breathed into his neck. I hadn't seen Mark in three weeks and I missed him so much it hurt. A wave of guilt washed through my veins when I realised it was MY fault that I hadn't seen him in so long. Every time he called, I declined it. Every time he texted me, I made up an excuse. Every time he approached me in school, I ignored him. And it was all because I got too wrapped up in my relationship to hang onto my best friend. "I'm so sorry, Mark."

"Its fine, sweetie. You're in the honeymoon stage with Mr. Badboy. I totally get it." He sang, climbing off of me and pulling me up to my feet. I rolled my eyes at his comment but didn't mange to hold back the blush creeping up my neck.

"But I've been a terrible best friend. How can I make it up to you? I'll do anything." I pleaded. He smirked at me and raised his perfectly plucked eyebrow, reminding me I needed to get mine done. I caught the mischievous glint in his steely grey eyes and immediately regretted my lack of boundaries.

"Wellll, if it really means that much to you, then I guess I could use a teenie weenie favour." The playfulness in his eyes turned hopeful and I realised that whatever it was must have been important to him. I could tell he was trying to hide his desperateness with a cheeky façade, but he should've known that I can read people better than he can read a book.

"Anything." I assured. He looked at me in awe and pursed his lips for a minute, making me become anxious.

"I got a boyfriend." He blurted out, the tips of his ears turning red. I released a face-splitting grin and coiled my best friend in a bone crushing hug, causing him to wince.

"That's amazing, Mark!" I let go and frowned at his solemn expression. "What's up? Shouldn't you be happy?"

"I am!" He quickly assured, "But he wants to meet my parents and I'm nervous. I only came out to them a few months ago and I'm scared of how they'll react." I nodded my head in understanding, knowing how his parents are. They're pretentious and stone-cold to most. But, at the end of the day, they're still his parents and love him dearly. It was hard for them to accept Mark's sexuality. Not because they're homophobic, but because the Nite bloodline would end without a biological child, as Mark is their only kid. I know, it's absolutely ridiculous but that's just how they are.

"So how do I fit into this?" my eyebrows strung together.

"My parents love you so, I was wondering if you'd come to dinner tonight with us. That way, they won't freak out as much." All it took was one look into those grey pleading eyes and I was a goner.

"Of course."

~ ~ ~

Adjusting my electric blue dress around my cleavage, I took one last final glance in my wardrobe mirror. I was wearing a semi-formal dress which reached to my knees and had a razor-back. My feet were clad in flats and I had on some natural makeup, leaving my hair to its natural curls. Satisfied with my look, I made my way down the stairs. Ty and Aiden were sitting on the sofa, watching adventure time. I frowned at the fact that I was missing an episode, not really caring about how childish it was. I approached the back of the couch and ruffled both boys' hair.

"I'm going to Mark's but I'll be back at around nine." I stated absentmindedly, trying to pick up on the plot of tonight's episode.

"How are you getting home?" Aiden asked, surprising me that he turned his attention fromt the TV to me. Ty was also looking at me, his chocolate brown eyes locking me in a trance for a moment.

"I-uh... um I'm walking home." I spluttered out, diverting my attention from my boyfriend and looking back at my twin. He shook his head in response.

"No. I'll pick you up. Be ready at 9, ok?" I nodded my head in relief and quickly pecked both boys on the cheek, before darting out the door when I heard a car horn. The refreshing early spring air nipped at my nose as I jogged toward Mark's awaiting car. It was illuminated creepily under the street light in comparison to the dark night. I climbed into the cramped back seat when I saw a silhouette in the passenger seat.  

"Took you long enough." He rolled his eyes half-heartedly and turned toward the passenger seat. I followed his gaze and grinned at the nervous teenage boy occupying my usual spot in the sacred car. he shakily smiled back, balling his fists on his khakis. "This is my boyfriend, Isaac. Isaac, this is my best friend, Riley." Mark introduced us.

"Hey, Riley" He greeted, giving me a curt nod. The first thing I noticed were his eyes. They were a breath-taking blue with different shades overlapping one another. His hair was a fiery orange, slightly curly but cut to perfection. While he spoke he showed off the cutest dimples I'd ever seen and his light sprinkle of freckles were hard to see in the dull lighting of the car. He was well built, undoubtedly an athlete and his voice was laced with a slight Irish accent.  

"Hello, Isaac." I chirped, evidently making him relax a little. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Mark smile in relief that his boyfriend and best friend got along well so far. I spared a glance at him and he shot me a quick thankful nod before starting the car.

"Time to meet the parentals." He said, before setting off on the dark road toward the Nite residence.

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