Ch. 24: One Step Closer...

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  • Gewidmet Everyone who is reading this :)

~ Ally's POV ~

"It's fine Blake. Just one question.. I know you say that you don't exactly remember me, but do you remember anything, something about you know, Us?" I asked Blake, biting my bottom lip.

He scratched his head and pulled back his flat dark brown hair that was dangling in front of his face. He doesn't seem too sure. That made a bullet shot my heart.

"Ally, honestly, I don't know. I don't remember anything about our relationship but at the same time, I feel that there's a connection." Blake explained.

After that, our table displayed mixed emotions. Blake is confused,(probably about our relationship), I'm all down and depressed, and Matthew is, just being Matthew. But looking on the bright side, I'm kind of relieved though that Blake said that he felt a connection between us, I'm still very upset though.

"We should go home guys, it has been a long day, plus, it's school." I stated.

I didn't really want to leave the carnival, but I wasn't so much in the mood and school was the first excuse that popped inside my head.

"Kk, bye." Blake waved.

"Cya." Matthew said.

I walked out of the carnival to the parking lot. I kept my head down, placing some strands of hair behind my ear so I can still see beneath me. After kicking a couple of rocks for a few blocks, I bumped into a firm causing me to stumble down. I was literally going to curse, but I just saw that it was only Matthew.

"Do you need something?" I try asking politely, but still sound annoyed since I'm trying to figure things out with Blake.

"I was just checking if you are okay." Matthew answered back, pulling me up.

"I'm fine!" I blurted out furiously.

"Sorry I asked."

"No, I'm sorry. I'm just a little upset with you know what."

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders hugging him. I'm in desperate need of a friend right now, and Matthew's all I got.

"Hey, Ally, it's okay. At least that Blake feels a connection between you and him, that's one step closer. Plus, you guys can reunite more during school tomorrow. Just baby steps." Matthew explained to me.

"Yeah, that's true. Thanks Matthew, it wasn't a long pep talk but I really needed it. " I thanked him, since his house is already 5 meters away. "I love having a good friend like you." I say, giving a light, friendly kiss on his cheek.

Matthew seemed puzzled, and he started to blush a little bit.

"Too much?"

"Nah, just right." Matthew smiled, revealing his cute dimples. He gave me a kiss on the cheek back, making me grin, taking me back to our times of being a couple. Those feelings that I had for him started to bubble up inside of me, but it's whatever.

I walked home, except this time, my head was up, and I was jolly skipping a couple of times. Oh Matthew, you really know how to cheer up a girl.

~ At school ~

"Dring! Dring!" rings the class bell.

I sat in my desk, Matthew's sitting on my right, while Blake is sitting on my left in Art class.

Our art teacher who is Ms. Beatrice always write our tasks on the chalk board, since she always arrives late. Rumor has it that Ms. Beatrice is always tardy because she's locks herself in the janitors closet sobbing about her ex boyfriend, no wonder why her mascara is usually messed up.

Today's task is to draw a person in an action. Ugh, that means you have to draw circles on the joints. I hate art class, it's never been a talent of mine. Now sports and gaming, that's for me.

I don't understand art really. Draw a line here, erase here, you know?

I started drawing an oval for the head, which looks bad already. The lines aren't perfectly curved and it's pretty narrow. It looks like a thin rectangle, but I'm way too lazy to fix anything.

I took a peek at Blake's sketch, he's doing pretty well actually.

"Nice sketch Blake, how do you draw like that?" I asked, admiring his drawing so far.

"Thanks and I don't know! It's a gift." Blake bragged.

"Can you, teach me, you know, so I don't fail this class?" I questioned him.

It's a good opportunity to bond with Blake, hopefully retrieving a little bit of his memory back.

"Sure. " he nodded.

I scooted my chair beside him, eager to spend some extra time with Blake, and learn how to not suck at drawing.

I hovered over his shoulder and showed me some cool techniques.

~ Matthew's POV ~

I spotted Ally sitting beside Blake getting drawing lessons from him. Blake's not that good, mine looks better. Snap out of it Matthew, you're jealous! Stop it!

Be happy for Ally, no matter how much you love her, you can't interfere with her relationship with Blake, it's not right.

Instead of being jealous, don't look at them, and so I didn't. I placed my easel and sketchbook in front of the love birds and continued drawing my little person.

I've seriously got to get over Ally.

~ At Ally's House ~

Right now, Blake, Ally and I are just hanging out and discussing random stuff, and Ally texted me that we're going to talk to Blake to see how his memory process is going.

"So Blake and I were just drawing in art class and then-"

I tuned Ally out because I don't want to hear their cheesy stories, it really annoys me to death about her talking about about amazing Blake is and stuff. So after waiting patiently for Ally's story to finish, I got right to the point, the whole reason that we're actually here.

" So Blake, do you remember more stuff now?" I asked. "Like your relationship with Ally?"

"Actually, I do. We're best friends."

"That's it?" Ally said disappointedly.

"Yeah, was I supposed to know more?" Blake replied.

Just when Ally was about to speak and remind Blake about their other relationship, I gave Ally a look. A look that tells her not to tell him more, it's bad for his memory. Even though I love Ally, I'll help out her boyfriend, and I know that it's bad to force someone to remember something.

If Ally and I keep helping Blake like this he's one step closer: to retrieve his memory, get Ally back, and one step closer, for me to lose Ally for good.

*Long Author's Note*

Hello to the 8 people that are reading this! Thanks for 600+ reads!

Now I'm going to ask, trying to be polite, can we get some votes and comments in? I've gotten a little less motivated because of that. Even one vote and comment would get me motivated.

Also, please check out my other book, it's called, "Talk About Crazy (A Niall Horan Fanfic)". I know that it's a lot to ask, but I'd appreciate it! Even one read on my other book would make me jump!

Thank you!

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