Ch. 17: School Project. *Filler*

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~ Ally's POV ~


Right now, I'm just preparing my hair for school. I don't know why, but I'm kind of excited to see everybody again.

I started packing up my violet book bag with books and loose papers. I threw it right beside my bathroom door.

I flicked the lights on and grabbed a magenta rubber elastic.

I started to hum a 1D tune and took a strand of my hair then separated it into 3.

"Midnight Memories.....

Baby you and me, stumming in the streets, singing...........

A couple minutes later, I successfully did a side braid! A little messy though, but I like it like that.

I turned off the lights and swung my backpack over my shoulder.

I feel like a happy girl for some reason. Not meaning to jinx it, but I think that it will be a nice day today.

I jolly skipped to my spiral staircase with my braid bouncing on my shoulder.

~ School ~

As I enter the halls once again, but this time, girls came rampaging over to me flooding me with questions.

" Is it true that you are recording with Jerome?" this girl asked hugging her books.

" Did Blake get hit by a truck?" asked this girl.

I felt that my gut got kicked when she mentioned that.

" Is he still single?" this girl asked, twirling her hair.

" Okay! Yes, Yes, and noo. He's mine." I stated, giving her the death glare.

Girls were still flowing questions through my ears. Thankfully, Matthew pulled me out.

" Thanks Matt. Sheesh, crazy girls." I say, adjusting my now super messed up braid.

Girls really know how to ruin your hair.

" Your welcome. K come on, let's go, or else those maniacs will tear you up even more." said Matthew.

We walked over to our navy blue lockers, thank goodness that we are almost beside each other. He's two lockers to the right away from me.

I still can't stop thinking about Blake though because of those girls. My best friend, my boyfriend got hit by a truck! Honestly, it's too painful to talk about.

"So, what class do you got first again?" Matt asked me while slamming his locker.

" English." I stated.

" Cool, me too. Come on, I'll walk you there." said Matthew, stuffing his hands in his front pockets.

We both wandered off to our classroom, as we sat down in our seats, sitting beside each other, the bell rang.

" Driing! Driing!"

" Alright class, take your seats please class is starting, conversations are ending." said the teacher Mrs. Ames firmly.

" So welcome back from spring break! But now, it's working time, so, time for a new class project!" exclaimed Mrs. Ames.

The whole class groaned, and slouching on their chairs.

" Working with a partner, that I chose, you will write about an invention, and how it came to be. Write about the inventor and the invention, more details are on the paper that I'm handing out." stated Mrs. Ames.

Once she handed me it, I examined my paper.

Write about the invention's date, how it works, and who invented it. The inventor's date of birth and death are required, as well a biography of them.

This must be completed on a poster board. Huge project. Man.

I glanced up and spotted the teacher writing up the partners on the chalkboard. I sat up anxiously to find out who it is.

Alyssa with Jack, Skylar with Ashley, but where is my name? Oh, Mrs. Ames is writing it right now.

Allllyy with.... I squinted my eyes and leaned forward from my desk.

Seriously? I'm with-

CLIFFHANGER! So sorry about this! It's a filler chapter and I promise that the next one will be better. I know, it's very short. Next one will be about 1000 words just like the rest! But thank you all for 200+ reads!!!

My Best friend and ITempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang