Ch. 35: Blake Plus Lauren Makes Unhappy Ally

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My apologies that it's been two weeks! I've been focused on..way too many things, and I'm going to Toronto this weekend! It's been a while, SORRY! So voila, a long chapter for you!

- 15 minutes before Double Date

- Ally

"Where are my earrings?!?" I yelled out in frustration.

I rummaged through my drawers and my jewelry inside my bedroom, trying to find my 8 diamond carrot stud earrings that I received from Christmas, later forming a huge mess in my room.

Suddenly, to rush me even more, I heard a yell that startled me.

"ALLY! MATTHEW'S HERE!" My mom yelled at the top of her lungs from downstairs, probably too lazy to get up her lazy butt to come upstairs.

"Coming mom!" I yelled back, finding no hope to find my earrings.

Since it was last minute, I just grabbed a pair of golden stud earrings with a heart dangling down from it bedazzled with fake diamonds. I ran over to my tall, golden rim mirror.

It actually goes well with my red peplum shirt and navy blue denim jeans. Creates a casual yet sweet look, don't you think?

I opened my bedroom door and ran rapidly downstairs, finding Matthew there smiling at me. I smiled at him back.

As I walked up to him he gave a quick kiss on the lips and held my hand as usual like every other date that we've been through. So sweet of him I guess.

"Alright, you kids have fun! Mwah love you Ally." My mom said and kissed my cheek.

"Love you too, mom we'll probably be back in 2 hours! Bye!" I said while Matthew and I exit the house to his black sport's car.

"Hop in, Ally." Matthew commanded sweetly, as he held his hand on the wheel.

"I'm in." I replied while buckling up my seatbelt.

"Awesome..Are you excited for our date? Love it when it's just the two of us." Matthew smiled at me for a couple of seconds, still remaining cautious that we're on the road.

Wait..does he know that Blake and Lauren..shoot.

Forgot to tell him.

I'll just tell him at the movies..that would be alright, right?

- After the car ride

- Inside Dat Cinema

My heart is pounding.

Blake and Lauren are already there, standing in front of us near the ticket booth.

And poor Matthew doesn't even know a clue what we're doing. Maybe I should've told him a little bit earlier. Hate it when I forget things.

Doesn't that annoy you?

"Ally, Matthew, you guys are ready?" Blake questioned us, while Lauren stands closely beside him.

"Ever heard of personal space, Lauren?" I thought.

"Excuse me?" Lauren asked me, still standing so extremely close to Blake that I want to pull my eyes out.

Shoot, I must've been thinking out loud.

"Oh, nothing." I faked a smile, hoping that I only whispered my thoughts and that Lauren will just ignore that. "Ally.." Matthew gave me a stern look.

"Heh, sorry." I whispered to him.

"Blake, Lauren, you guys are going to watch a movie too?" Poor Matthew asked cluelessly, not even knowing that we're having a double date right now.

My Best friend and ITempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang