Ch. 2: Blake's Girlfriend?

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"Dring! Dring!" rings the school bell.

As all of the students passed the halls, I caught a glimpse of Blake in my sight, so I come up to him.

" Hey Ally." said Blake nervously while he was rubbing his hands.

What's up with him?

I know for a fact that Blake rubs his hands when he's nervous to tell you something important.

" Hey Blake. Why you so nervous? Is it about that surprise that you told me about yesterday?" I questioned.

"Yeah, kind of. So I'll just blurt it out. Um I have a-" suddenly, Blake gets cut of from the class bell.

" Oh shoot. Got to go! Tell you later! Don't want to be late!" said Blake while running off with his books.

Wonder what he was about to say.

Oh well, I'll find out after math.

I scurry to classroom 209, Mrs. Ames room. Suddenly, a girl had shoved with to the ground.

" Watch it you creep!" yelled the prep.

" Why don't you watch it honey?" I say.

After, she turned around slowly.

"Do you want a piece of me?" says the girl wearing a mini skirt.

Man, this is going to get ugly.

"No I want the whole thing!" I talked back.

"Fine." says the blonde girl.

Suddenly, she swung a punch at me. Good thing that I have good reflexes. I ducked just in time. Man, she can punch.

After, I didn't bother to fight back. She's too delicate anyways.

So, I speed walked to class. Yes, just in time.

" Good morning class, now let's-" I tuned out Mrs. Ames.

Ugh, that girl. She's so rude. If I never see her it will be too soon.

Think about something else Ally. Positive. Blake's surprise! Man, I need to know it like now. I'll text him.

Hopefully he won't be mad. He's not your typical bad boy so trouble does not please him.

I quietly took my Blackberry out of my dark washed skinny jeans then I typed rapidly with my 2 thumbs.


To: Blake

From: Ally

What's that surprise you were so nervous about?? Plz tell me.

Send. ~~~~

Then, I quickly received a text.


To: Ally

From: Blake

Oh, I think we need to do this in person alright? Sorry.

Kk I texted.

Must be something important.

~After Class~

" Heyo Blake." I say while playing with my lock on my locker.

" Hey how was class?" he asked me.

" Fine, I kind of tuned Mrs. Ames out most of the time" I respond.

" Pft, you always do that dude." Blake said while shoving me gently.

" Whatever! How about that surprise thingy?" I asked anxiously.

" K fine." said Blake.

Suddenly, I see a gorgeous girl with straight, blonde hair and crystal blue eyes approaching us.

She was around Blake's height but just a tad bit shorter. She also is wear a fiery red jacket and a matching mini skirt.

What a prep. But she looks familiar. Wait, is it that girl?

After, Blake wrapped his arms around her.

" Ally, meet my girlfriend Faith"

They shared a quick kiss.

Suddenly, my heart sank and it shattered into a million pieces.

Blake and... Faith? We'll see about that.

Ooooo. I know it's a short chapter, SORRY! I'm not a pro at writing. This was written on mobile.
Comment if you read this. I would appreciate it!

My Best friend and ITempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang