Ch. 6: The Play

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~ 1 week later. 10 minutes before the play ~

~ Ally's POV ~

I sat on the red love seat and thought about last night.

Ahh,it was... perfect.

Everything was, especially that kiss. I definitely like Matthew. He's so amazing. The way that his dirty blonde hair shimmers in the moonlight, and his crystal blue eyes, that twinkle under the stars.

What's good is that my feelings for Blake are fading away, I think that I was just in one of those phases.

I finally have a boyfriend. Me, Ally Wilson!

"8 MINUTES TILL SHOWTIME!" Yelled the tech dude.

Oh shoot, I need to get in costume. As Sophia, I'm a poor villager, while Tyler, is the handsome prince. Like your typical love story.

What happens is that when Sophia encounters Tyler, they have love at first sight, bit cliche I know. Then Tyler gets injured badly then dies. After, to heal him, I seal it with a passionate kiss and yeah.

I scurry to my dressing room and my costume was found all destroyed. My dress was ripped into pieces and it was stained with strawberry jam. On it was a crumpled sticky note.

Don't get on that stage, or else.


Ughh, this girl gots to stop threatening me! Now what do I do? Just quit? Probably. I need to see the director.

As I came out, I see Faith, in a perfect replica of my costume ready to go on stage. She gave me a smirk.

" Faith, you are not going on! That's my costume!" I yelled while shoving her.

" No way! I'm Sophia, deal with it." said Faith.

Suddenly, she pushed me to the ground, pulling my gray hoodie ready to punch me with her clenched hand in the air.

I tried to release, but man she is strong.

Good thing that a teacher came by.

" Faith! Stop this madness! Release her and go to the principle's office." yelled the teacher.

" Honey, give me that costume please." I said innocently.

" Fine. You win this round." said Faith. She slowly walked away but then turned around. " This isn't over"

Later, she handed me her costume looking furious.

I changed into my villager costume, ready to enter the stage. Then, I see Faith and Blake smooching like crazy in my sight.

My heart sank a bit. Seeing him with her isn't right.

Blake's arms are wrapped around Faith's petite waist while Faith's delicate arms are wrapped around his shoulders.

This hurts to much to look at. Just focus on the show. I inhale and exhale to remain calm.

Then, I heard a speaker, " Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming. This year, Avlon High school presents, " You are mine!"

The audience starts to clap. That's my cue.

I glance at Blake, in his prince costume looking cute.

Ally, remember, you have a boyfriend.

I entered the stage, oh boy. I adjust my dress a little. Here I go.

~ Blake's POV ~

Man, this is nerve wracking. Ally's on now. Working like a poor villager. She's doing great.

" Get out of here Sophia! You're not welcomed here!" said Sophia's mom.

Ally pretended to be hurt. On the ground, covered in fake dirt.

That's my cue!

I entered the stage, approaching Sophia.

" My goodness, are you hurt?" I say.

" No, I'm fine." Said Ally, not making eye contact with me just yet.

Now, our eyes meet, supposed to be love at first sight. I observed her eyes. Her chocolate brown eyes looking so beautiful.

I can stare into them forever.

~ Further on the Play, ending ~

Right now I'm kind of dead? I pretended to get badly hurt. My legs relaxed, my back lying on the floor with my head slightly tilted to the right.

" Tyler, please wake up!" cried Ally.

She's doing well. She's fake crying!

Then, she whispered to my ear, " I love you"

After, she gave me a kiss.

That's when I wake up.

" Sophia? Is that you?" I spoke, acting weak.

She helped me up.

Suddenly, my body leaned in closer, before I know it, my lips were pressed on Ally's.

This is not what happens!

Oh well, I'm enjoying this. The anger I had for her from the argument just faded away. Suddenly, these feelings that I never had for Ally started bubbling up inside of me.

I cupped her delicate face while she wrapped her arms around me.

Our eyes were closed, then Ally's arm started to rise up to my head messing it up, but I don't care.

I never had a kiss this good with Faith.

The kiss with Ally was so passionate.

I released, breathing heavily, while Ally's smiling.

She leaned in and we started again.

It was amazing. This can't be from my acting skills.

Could it be?



I can't kiss a girl like that. Only if I really like her.

That means that

I like Ally.

Heyy, I'm wrote this on mobile in my car! What do you guys think? Comment!

Which couple do you like best?

Blake and Ally

Ally and Matthew

Blake and Faith

My Best friend and IOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant