Ch. 22: Our little Plan

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~ Ally's POV ~

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Blake asked.

"What do you mean Blake? I'm you're girlfriend, remember?"I chuckled a little, refusing to believe that this is happening.


That last word made me die inside, like there's a knife in my gut. I squeezed my stomach since there's like a thunderstorm in there. Tears rolled off of my cheeks and my voice cracked.

"What do you mean Blake? You don't remember your girlfriend? What do you remember?"

Blake pondered for a while, fidgeting on the bed. Wow, he really doesn't remember.

"Um, my mom, dad, and yeah." Blake shrugged.

"Really? Do you remember a girl named Ally in there?" I asked, keeping a little bit of hope inside of me.

Blake shook his head.

That made my tears leak out even more. I slid down, leaning on the side of the bed sitting on the ground in pain. All this time, I was so excited to have him back, but he has memory loss!

A moment later, a nurse barged in during my sobbing session.

"Oh dear, what's wrong?" the nurse in her mid 30s asked me.

"Did you call my house yesterday about Blake Johnston?" I questioned.

The nurse nodded.

"Well you just left one important detail. His memory is gone!!" I yelled, expressing all of my anger.

How could she not tell me that? I've been so excited and pumped up for this moment. I'm even wearing my minion shirt today! Which is only worn on what I think will be the best day of my life.

Suddenly, Matthew, who stood quietly like a mouse for the whole incident, came to comfort me. He patted my back and gave me a warm hug.

"I'm sorry m'am, but you hung up on the phone, remember?" the nurse told me.

~ Flashback ~

"You have a call. From the hospital." smiled my mom.

My heart started to pound outside of my chest. The hospital?

My mother handed me the phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hi are you Blake Johnston's boyfriend?" the feminine voice questioned me.

"Yes." I responded.

"Well I'm very excited to say that, he's back except-"

I hung up before she got to finish. I'm so filled with joy right now.

Blake's back!

~ End of Flashback ~

Then It hit me. The nurse was right. I was overjoyed and I hung up before she got the chance to let me know that Blake has memory loss. Now all the anger I had at the nurse was now towards me. Man, and I thought that today would be where my life will be balanced again. Clearly, the world hates me.

I stormed out of the room pulling Matthew by the arm. My eyes are filled with anger and sadness. I feel tears behind my eyes. I blinked them away rapidly. I don't want to sob even more. Redness circled around my eyes from the tears, and I kept sniffling.

"Matthew, can we go home?" I asked.

"Yeah sure. By the way, I have to stay at your place tonight. Your mom told my mom to go to your house. My mother's on a business trip." Matthew explained to me.

"K then. Let's go." I said.

Matthew hopped into the driver's seat while I slouched a little on the passenger's seat. I stared at the window observing the trees and trying to spot clouds that look like bunnies, leaving an awkward silence between us.

~ After the Boring Car Ride ~

I pulled out my house keys from my back pocket and jiggled a little with the lock. I pushed the door firmly and headed towards my room with Matthew right behind me.

I rested in the corner in my bedroom and curled up into a ball. Matthew quietly approached me, trying to comfort me.

"Ally, it's okay. Don't worry, Blake will come back." he whispered, sitting next to me.

"What if he's not? What can we do?" my voice cracked. Aw man, I feel some tears ready to roll down my cheeks.

"Al, we'll think of a plan. You know, those movies where they do things to jog the person's memory back?" Matthew suggested.

Suddenly, instead of my eyes being blurry from the tears, I had a new sense of hope. It feels nice to have a friend like him to be through tough times like this.

"Okay, we'll do that. And don't call me Al ever again." I smiled.

"Fine Al. Al Al Al. " he teased.

"Shut it Matthew!" I laughed shoving him playfully.

Right now, silence filled the air. A good kind of silence though. Suddenly, our eyes made contact, our shoulders are nearly touching, no, this will not happen again.

As Matthew closed his eyes and leaned in slowly. I couldn't think of a way to stop him. Just as our lips were about to make contact, I grabbed one of my teddy bears lying on the ground and he kissed it instead. Aw, teddy bear #9 got his first kiss.

Matthew's eyes widened, realizing that he's kissing a stuffed animal and not my lips.

"Sorry Matt. I'm with Blake and I enjoy being friends with you okay?" I said, trying to let him down easily.

"Oops. Sorry, I forgot." he blushed slightly, running a couple of fingers through his hair. "But you know, you could of just dodged it, instead of making me do a makeout session with a teddy bear."

"Heh, I panicked. So anyways, what's our plan?" I asked.

"What plan?" Matthew questioned me.

"The one to bring Blake's memory back. What are we going to do?" I said, fiddling with my hair a little bit.

"Well, let's try hanging out with him for the day. Maybe that will help him jog his memory." Matthew suggested.

"Yeah sure. That sounds good." I replied. "How about we take him to the carnival downtown? I've been wanting to go since their only staying there for a week."

"That sounds awesome." Matthew said, high fiving me.

"Let's just keep this to ourselves okay?" I tell Matthew.

"Yep. It will be our little plan."

Yay! Another chapter!

Anyways, for the 9 people who are reading this chapter, please comment and vote! One comment or vote would be much appreciate. :)

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