Ch. 25: Mixed Emotions

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Hey guys, I know I asked for a lot of things last chapter and thank you alsacee and Pauleenaletcheplan for voting!

Oh, and go check out alyssa_sayshello! She has a book called, The Girl who Got it.

Anyways, enjoy this chapter!! This took me a while because I had a little bit of writer's block. Sorry! Also, there's a little recap because... I just want one. :)


Blake's memory is progressing a little, but he only knows that he's best friends with Ally, not boyfriend and girlfriend. Ally is heartbroken with the news, luckily, Matthew was there to comfort her. But Matthew is starting to give up chasing Ally and decides to continue helping Blake with his memory, because he knows that he has no chance with Ally.

~ Ally's POV ~

~ Dream ~

I squinted my eyes, blinded by the luminous light. Where am I? Oh yay, it's a dream! There must be teddy bears, cotton candy, candy canes, and marshmallows. Also, if it is a perfect dream, where's Blake, or One Direction?

Anyways, turns out the light was just really thick fog, because it just evaporated leaving a golden 15ft gate in front of it. I attempted to open it, locked. I snatched a bobby pin from my hair and fiddled it with the lock. Not working.

Suddenly, I saw a tall figure with ravishing blonde hair. It's either that I'm in heaven or I have another dream guy instead of Blake. I leaned in to examined his face, Matthew? Aww, wish that was Blake, Matthew had to crash my almost perfect so far dream. Well, at least he opened the gate, turns out, there's a button on the side too.

Matthew almost looks like an angel, except with the wings, halo, and white clothing. His face looks so beautiful and innocent, his hair is all done perfectly, just so gorgeous. But what was unusual was that Matthew's wearing a tuxedo.

I looked ahead at my clothing if I'm fancied up or anything, it was a pretty pink baby doll dress! I smiled because this dress brings back a special memory, I wore this on Matthew and I's first date.

As we walk through the golden gate, I knew exactly where this is: the park from our first date, I feel like I'm going to relive the moment.

During our, I guess "date", dream Matthew talked a lot, unlike dream Blake.

We gazed into each other's eyes, observed the duck pond from afar.

"Ally you got something on your hand." Matthew said.

"What?" I looked at my palms, all clean.

"Here, let me see."

Suddenly, he grabbed my hand and swung me around in the air. I giggled a little because it felt like a mini rollercoaster. After a couple of spins, he went into the dip and we were in an awkward position: the kissing position. He swooped in for a kiss, our lips were almost about to go crashing together but luckily, there was an interruption. Thank goodness.

~ End of dream ~

I woke up, puzzled. Honestly, sometimes I don't understand dreams! Like when Blake was like "How could you?" in a dream, what did I do? Now this dream was like that, and I don't even like Matthew in that way! He's just one of my good friends.

Anyways, I got to go to school, I'm supposed to walk to school today, since Blake is out sick and Matthew has a ride. My car's getting fixed. At school, maybe I should talk to him about my dream, actually no. Matthew would think that I have feelings for him and then Blake will find out and blah blah blah.

My Best friend and IOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant