Ch. 29: Trapped in the Closet

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~ Ally's POV ~

I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for Blake to show up for his training. I glanced over at my watch and signed.


Ugh, when is he going to show up? He's already 34 minutes late. What's up with him? He's always on time for literally everything! Maybe a crisis happened, or maybe I hurt his feelings yesterday by saying that we aren't friends and he doesn't want to show his face.

I can't be friends with Blake, it's hard enough training him, using flash cards. Being friends with my ex best friend and ex boyfriend is awkward. It's either that I'll be nice to Blake then fall in love with him again, or just simply hate him.

Hate it is.

It's extremely hard being around your ex, for some reason, I can't even make eye contact with him! I don't even miss him, since I have Matthew. It's just, I don't even know what it is.

Since I might be standing here alone for a while, I entered the staff room, with only Riley sitting there on the white half circle leathered couch, who seems to be daydreaming.

"Hey Riley."

"Hey. Um, where's Blake?" She asked me.

"I don't know. He didn't really show up yet, which is odd for him, 34 minutes late."

"Interesting. I'll go text his friend Brandon to see what's up with Blake." Riley said.

"K thanks."

"No prob."

"Wait, does Brandon have blonde hair?" I asked.

"Yep, with sparkly and irresis- um he also has blue eyes." Riley terribly covered that up.

"Oh my gosh! You're crush goes to my school! He's the cute player that literally can't stick with one girl."

"Ally, he's not my crush. Besides, I'm older than him! I don't date younger guys." Riley said.

"Fine, that's your excuse. Why do you have his number anyways?" I questioned Riley.

"Well, anyways, you didn't tell me about that you and Blake had history." said Riley, completely changing the subject, obviously because she has a mini crush on Brandon.

How am I supposed to answer this? I can't stand talking about our breakup. Every time I try talking about it, I feel like breaking out into tears. This breakup was just so hard for me, even though this time i moved on, I'm still in the "I feel like a total loser" stage.

Suddenly, I heard a loud knock on the door, probably it's Blake, who's now.. 43 minutes late. Thank goodness he's here. I don't want to tell Riley about Blake and I's past just yet.

"Come in!" Riley raised up her voice.

The brass door knob twisted, and there stood Blake with his Bob's Diner uniform, looking slightly depressed, but covered it up with a fake smile.

"Sorry I'm late, I just had um family problems at home." Blake obviously lied, but Riley and I just rolled with it.

"Alright, but next time, I'm not letting you off the hook okay?" Riley put on her manager face.

"Okay thanks. Sorry again." Blake apologized.

"Since you memorized everything pretty much, you have to know where the inventory is and such."

"K." Blake replied.

I led Blake behind the mini breakfast bar to get started on the next lesson.

"Let's just say that.. we ran out off cups." I said.

"But there are cups right in front of-"

"There are no cups." I firmly stated, even though there's a stack of cups right in front of my eyes.

"Okay, then what do I do if the cups aren't there?" Blake asked, making air quotation marks.

"Guess." I said.

"Um, the cup storage or something?"Blake shrugged.

I chuckled a little but quickly died it down so that Blake wouldn't notice. "Not exactly Blake, the storage room, but technically, we have a closet."

"K then. Are we going to go to the storage closet, even though there are already cups?" Blake questioned.

"Yep, but I'm going to show you where all of the utilities are placed in there." I replied.

"Alright, let's get going I guess."

Blake and I walked away in silence to the closet. I glanced over at the time since I have to meet up with Matthew at 3:00pm for my break.


Alright, we got time.

"So, we will enter the employees only room then there's going to be a a mini storage room in there all the way at the back." I stated.


I pulled out my keys and searched for the right one. I unlocked the door and led Blake over to the back where storage room is.

To be honest, this isn't really necessary for his training, but what else am I supposed to do? It's a waste of my time training him, you know? I would rather be working my normal and better life as an assistant manager.

I don't like Blake anymore, which makes it awkward, then yesterday, I told him that we're not friends anymore, which made that even more awkward. I just don't want to be near him, that's all. Would you want to be around your ex? I still can't believe that Riley is doing this to me.

"Alright, we're in the back, the storage room is right there." I pointed to the door that read "STORAGE ROOM". "I'm just going to unlock it first." I added.

"How come you have the keys and Riley doesn't?" Blake asked.

"We both have the keys."

"But isn't there supposed to be only one key?" Blake questioned again.

"No, there's two. And also, I just unlocked the door now get in and I'll show you some stuff."

As we both entered in the storage room or closet, whatever you want to call it, Blake seemed amazed because I have to admit for a closet, it's huge, and this is just the utility room!

There are organized cups, silver spoons and forks, napkins and such packed in a box on the shelves, one on top of the other. The shelves are on the left and right, but not on the back or front for more space so that it doesn't look clustered.

Then, to make this place a bit more pretty, a large multicolored abstract painting hung from the back along with a random white leathered bench in the middle.

"Where's the food?" Blake randomly asked.

"Blake, are you seriously hungry-"

"No, where's the storage room for the food?"

"I'll show you it later, k?"

"Fine." Blake said. "This is a pretty cool place, Ally."

"I know right." I said.

I'm thinking that I forgot something honestly, but I think I didn't. But then, it popped right in my head as Blake was about to shut the door.

"Blake, make sure that you don't close the-"

Suddenly, the door shut. Dang. My heart sank a little bit.

The door has no handle on our side, and the other side is automatically locked, so that means that I'm going to be stuck in this closet, and that means that..........

I'm stuck in the closet, with Blake?

Ello! I want to say that thanks so much for 1.3K reads, it means a lot to me and gets me pumped to write another chapter.

Even though this is pointless since no one technically does it, but if you like it, a vote would be much appreciated!

My Best friend and IOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant