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I don't remember anything but I know he's the one responsible for it. That dawn there wasn't anyone else there just me and him and an empty glass in my hand. I know it must have been one of his potions that erased my memory from before that night, I've seen many of those potions in a secret room in his mansion. I remember my mind being enchanted and things fading rapidly from there. All my memories vanished by the time I woke up the next morning but luckily I didn't forget what happened that night.
It was dark, there were no lights but the dim sunrise daylight hidden behind the clouds sneaking through the distant windows. I was angry at first, then confused since my memories began to disappear and then finally I became afraid. I saw his reddish eyes glaring at me with desire and thirst filled in them. I knew what he was and I knew what he was going to do. So I ran since I could think of nothing else to do to save myself.
He was too fast, before I knew it I was cornered. I tried to squeeze myself back into the wall behind me as tears rolled down my eyes. I was shaking with fear since I just didn't want it to happen. I knew what was going to happen and I knew there was no escape, there was nothing I could do but still I didn't want it to happen. I wanted to escape, to disappear, I might have even preferred to die...but I didn't want what happened next.
He leaned close, taking deep breaths as if trying to get a good amount of scent up his nostrils till his desperation for me reached his peak and finally his head fell on my shoulder and his sharp teeth dug through my flesh. Just having a cat bite you was a lot of pain but this, I was paralysed by the pain I felt. I could hear him gulping it down, I felt the wetness of his mouth on my neck. He gripped me tightly, even though I had no strength to fight his but still his arms gripped on my forcefully and his nails dug into my arms. It felt like a desperate hug only a lot painful in every way imaginable.
This went on till he completely drained me and I fainted assuming to be dead soon but unfortunately I woke up the next morning feeling fine. I didn't feel like a vampire and I didn't feel dead either. I felt stinging on my neck and I knew the night before was not just a nightmare. But it was the strangest thing, I never turned onto a vampire! In fact I only healed and got better over time with blood still running through my veins...only for him to do it all over again.
He had the perfect advantage over me because of this. He didn't need anyone else now just me. Whenever he was weak, tired, thirst...I was his prey. Its happened so much now that I'm almost getting used to it.
Its not like I have no choice, with no memories there's nothing I can do, nowhere I can go and even if I decided to just run away blindly, I was neither a vampire nor anything else to be accepted anyways in the world. I was a stray and I was better of with him owning least till I can do something about my memories.
Oh, I almost forgot...HIS name is Aden
...and he's my vampire owner and I'm his prey...

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