chapter 17

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Several days easily passed since Aden became my slave. I didn't get to use him much. I only made him do ordinary chores of my home so far. But it became pretty boring for me. Sure I shattered his pride and whatnot but I wasn't enjoying much...not anymore. I didn't want a servant really, I actually wanted a tease and play around with to entertain myself.

Aden I'm bored," I moan, finally expressing this unbearable feeling.
"So what should I do," he asked turning to me.
"Go! Do something to entertain me!" I ordered. There was silence. "Well? Isn't there anything?"
"Would you like to hear piano," he finally asked me. He was sitting on the floor playing around with the loose threads of the rug he rat by due to not having much to do himself. He was also avoiding looking at me who lay there on the couch like a lazy model.
"Yeah whatever," I said with an attitude, " make it good though."
He got up and went to the piano on the other corner of the living room that I never really touched, only used it as a decoration. Then music, beautiful music started playing. I sat up and turned to look towards him and there he was sitting gracefully, his eyes focused professionally on the keys. The tune was enchanting, entrancing, I felt something strange that I never felt before at that moment but I didn't know what that feeling was.

Realizing soon enough that there wasn't much to do in my little cottage so I went out with Aden to do some trading in a trading post nearby across the stream. I went with a wicked plan in which Aden would surely be used now.
I barged into the trade house confidently with Aden silently following me. The one customer looking at the things in the display there instantly backed away and those outside also decided to get away from this place. The last person dealing hurried with his business and scurried right out. In the end it was just me, Aden, the trader and his boy left in the small dark shelter. As I walked to the counter the trader frowned and glared at me.
"I thought I told you I don't deal with witches then with whose permission do you dare enter here and scare my customers," he yelled out in a rough voice.
"Oh I wouldn't talk to me like that if I were you," I simply replied as I gazed at the items on the shelves. Then my eyes landed on the man's young son and I smirked. I knew just what to do. I went to the counter and placed everything I came to sell there. "I want all the gold I can get for all of this," I simply say, "and do you have any maliciousibicus poison herbs?"
"I won't give you a coin! You made me lose customers and still you think I'll deal with you witch!"
"Aden," I then say to the young vampire standing purposelessly behind me, "get the boy." I didn't dare look at him first but then he was hesitating so I turned to find his confused eyes on me. "That's on order," I stated sternly but then I softly added so that only he heard it, "trust me."
He then went and grabbed the arm of the boy and brought him forth to me. "What are you doing," the trader demanded in alarm.
"Oh did I forget to introduce you to my vampire slave," I casually say to the man, "he's a bit starved so at least I can get him lunch from here."
The mans eyes widened in panic as he tried to get to his son but I stepped in his way. "Let go of him!"
"No I don't think so, Aden I order you to drink his blood," I say and now Aden's eyes widen in alarm as well. I knew he didn't want to hurt an innocent boy. "I won't ask twice," I stated and the chain on his neck began to glow but he showed no reaction to except that his grip on the boy got tightened as he attempted to endure the pain which I've noticed he's been getting better at.
"Okay I'll give you the gold and the herbs too, let me son go," the man finally said in defeat.
"Okay, let go Aden." And he did gladly, sighing out in relief.

I then walked back through the woods gleefully with a satisfied smile. Thanks to fear, the trader gave her the most rarest and expensive magical herbs in exchange for a bunch of old jewelry, some of which was even fake. I couldn't help but snicker maniacally.
"Stop right there witch!"
Suddenly two angry armed men with swords came blocking our way followed by the now angry trader who to held a weapon.
"Yes there she is," the trader man said, "the witch and the vampire who threatened to kill my son and took all my gold in exchange for fake jewels!"
I smirked, "You and your men don't scare me. Step out of the way before I decide to kill you all."
"I don't think so witch," one of the armed men said, "Its you whose dying. You're gonna pay for your forefather's sins!"
Without warning the man charged right at me with his sword swinging straight to tear through my chest. But also without warning, perhaps on instinct, without being ordered anything, Aden stepped forward facing me and grabbed on hold of my shoulders and tried to push me out of the way. In the process of which the sharp blade struck at his back making him suddenly cry out in pain. I stepped back as he fell on his knees and saw a clear deep cut on his back with blackish liquid instantly seeping out of it. For a while I felt nothing but suddenly I was angry!
The next thing I knew I had set the woods on fire, the men caught somewhere in between as I ran whilst supporting Aden back to my cottage.

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