chapter 16

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Several days passed and Aden was no where to be seen. I had been going out of my territory more than often to come across at least a sign of him but he never came. I was fine with him never coming back too but I knew well that he would return to me eventually and hence I waited patiently and prepared myself. As I waited I had already fantasized many evil things that made me eagerly anticipate his return.
Finally on a silent, dark and peaceful night of the new moon, he snuck into my house again. With silence and stealth, he noiselessly entered my bedroom. He carefully crawled onto my cozy bed of dark velvet covering and silver linings where I lay peacefully, comfortably and seemingly fast asleep. I felt his cold skin hovering over me, brushing over my bare arms with which I held my blanket over my revealing silk nightwear. His warm breath softly swept over my face and then on my neck...

And all this time he had no idea that I was wide awake...waiting for him to get this close.

Suddenly I grabbed a hold of his neck; squeezing his throat, with an unpredictable power for him to fight, while I casually sat up. In the darkness I only saw an outline of his face and the glimmer of his stunning red eyes. I wouldn't bother denying that his eyes were the one thing I always admired about him. I smirked at his startled and suddenly frightened reaction. "I was just waiting for you," I said in a poisonously sweet voice, "I can't believe you were stupid enough to think you could walk unharmed into my room if I didn't want you to." He tried to loosen my grasp on his neck and fight his way out but I only dug my nails in deeper.
Then I chanted in an ancient language with a whisper like voice that magically echoed all around; "soulless demons with a stubborn heart,
cold yet warm for one persons want,
slave thee ye shall be to the descendant of your ruler,
remain with their will and hell will become cooler,
your freedom is now in the palms of whose you became lover,
fight against thy will and suffer ye shall forever."

I let go of him but he continued to choke with pain. He sat down and cried out as the place where I touched him started to burn. Then a glowing ring formed around his neck that slowly took shape of a tight  thick chain tied around his neck with no beginning and no end.
I got up from my bed and confidently stood upright before him. It was too dark for us to see each other but I would have cared less even if he did see me in my strapped, knee length navy silk nightdress.
"What did you do to me," he asked. His voice had become so husky due to pain that his words were hardly audible.
"Its ironic really. How you kept on saying it as a promise that you will make me yours but instead the opposite ended up happening," I explained mockingly in between evil chuckles, "you see I made you my slave, from now on you can not do a thing against my will and you definitely can not defy any thing I say to you. If you do try to disobey or not listen, that chain will burn you as punishment." The poor vampire looked so innocently confused. He didn't even know how to respond. "How about I test it out right now...bow down to me!" I ordered fiercely. He helplessly looked up at me, teary eyed and broken. His hesitation took too long that the chain slowly started glowing red. It burned him and he cried out helplessly. "It won't stop till you do as I say." Eventually he gave in, he was already on his knees on the floor due to pain, he only knelt a little to make the pain stop. "See it was that simple. Now get out of my room and don't you dare enter again!" I yelled before calmly adding, "but you aren't allowed to leave my territory either. I'll see you at dawn...I need to get some sleep now. Make yourself at home." I smiled at him as he slowly left the room and then I went to bed.
This is going to be so much fun, I thought, I doubt I'd be able to sleep with the excitement for tomorrow.

The next sunrise I found him sleeping on the carpeted floor of the living room with his head on the Jaguar furred couch. I smirked at his pitiful appearance and cleared my throat to make him aware of my presence. He slowly opened my eyes but kept his gaze to the side, away from me. "Do you cook vampire," I ask sweetly but with the tone of authority still present.
"My name is Aden," he mumbled through his clenched jaw.
"That wasn't the answer to my question I asked." He didn't reply. "If you continue being like this then I wont mind torturing you as much as I can. Just accept your ill fate and be an obedient slave understand. I'll go easy on you if you cooperate."
He frowned, not at me though since his gaze was focused elsewhere. I could see his pride shattering inside as he finally forced himself to say, "what do you want me to cook?"
"Whatever you can cook well," I say, "just impress me."
He stood up and dragged himself to the kitchen and made himself busy there. Meanwhile I went to the bathing room to clean myself and change my clothing. I purposely left the drapes around my tub open as well as the door slightly open. I wanted to tease him I guess but he was decent enough or perhaps too afraid to come. He waited in the dining room for my arrival as soon as he was done.
I came after changing into one of my casual dark gowns and jewels and putting on strong, sweet perfumes and good amount of make-up on my face. After looking satisfyingly attractive in front of the mirror. I tied my hair into a high ponytail and came to the dining room to find some surprisingly nice smelling breakfast. It tasted even better.
"Wow, now this is something I could never do. At least now I know the first useful ness of having you as a slave," I complimented while he awkwardly stood in a corner with his head lowered; not lowered due to respect but due to the shame and embarrassment he felt for doing this.

And that was only the beginning...

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