chapter 23

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(Third person POV)

The young attractive vampire strolled through the woods casually but as he did so a clear destination came to his mind and before he knew it, he was walking down a dark path deep inside the dead woods. The surroundings became darker and darker, the dead pale trees seemed to crawl closer and closer and it got foggier too.
Eventually the path led him to a great cave hole at the base of the mountains of the area. It was a dark but neatly carved hole like a gateway between the gray moist rocky wall. He walked straight through it without hesitation. He heard the fluttering of bats inside and as he walked further into the darkness where he could hardly see, he heard movements and whispers. Eventually, he made it to the point where lime colored lanterns hung on the cold wet halls of the cave here and there. It was extremely huge from inside, like a grand hallway, the roof was extremely high and the walls were far apart. Soon enough he entered the grand center of the cave which as big as a battlefield. There was plenty of light there coming from various sources like torches, oil lamps and candles. Other vampires could now be seen walking here and there, they had homes made inside the smaller tunnels of the caves on each end of the rocky walls.
At the other end, right ahead of the young vampire's path was a grand castle that seemed to have been carved into the cave since it was made of the very same rock that lines this dark and cold city of the vampires.
The huge front doors of the castle were guarded by armed vampires standing on each corner of it.
"Name your business, outsider," said one of those guards.
"I bring my lord important information meant for his ears only."
"What kind of information," the other guard asked with curiosity but tried to sound stern as if the question was an order.
"The kind that'd really please him, I'm sure."
"I guess I can lead you in and see for myself how pleased our master will truly be," the first guard said as he ordered the gates to be opened and walked in, guiding the young vampire into the stylishly decorated hallways on the palace.
They soon arrived at a place that looked like the king's courtroom and on a high pedestal, on a huge jeweled silver chair sat the king of all vampires; Count Ramon el Draco, a middle aged, gray haired, handsome yet scary pale skinned, tall man.
The young vampire instantly bowed down in respect after seeing him. "Lord Ramon el Draco, such a pleasure to see your greatness from my own two eyes," he said, his soft warm voice echoing through the halls.
"Who are you, boy, and what brings you here," Lord Ramon asked in a strong, heavy authoritative voice.
"I am called John, I am a young vampire since a decade. My mistress, whose prey I once was, was one of your great slaves, Larissa Beenia."
"Ah I see, her death was a great loss for us, she truly was a loyal one," Lord Ramon commented.
"I have come to share with you precious, valuable information with hope that you will reward me."
"Let me hear it first and I'll decide its worth for rewarding you or not."
"It is for your ears only, my lord, I wish for your best and hope no one takes advantage of this knowledge of mine."
"Very well then, all guards are dismissed," he ordered and everyone except a woman in a corner, bowed at their king and left. "Now tell."
"My Lord, I am a afraid that beyond your kingdom, your own kind betrays you and your law."
"How so, boy?"
"You see I came across an unusual vampire who has been living his life according to his own will," John started telling, "I tried to find more about him and it seems he overlooked more than one of your laws. Firstly, I heard that he killed his own master who turned him into a vampire. I know this is common case but it gets worse I'm afraid. The vampire is known to hate its own kind and his own self. Regardless of being a vampire for nearly as long as myself, he still tries to avoid his own instincts of killing and feeding. I then come to tell you the most important thing I came to discover of his, the first and most shocking thing..."
"Yes. What is it," Ramon asked getting impatient.
"He keeps with himself a witch who remains with him as his prey." Lord Ramon's eyes widened after hearing the statement.
"A witch," he asked after a while as he seemed to have gone into shock. "For how long?"
"It must have been a while but I only found out recently and came to tell you of it."
"And she stays with him willingly?"
"Seems so, originally she did run away from him and I tried to get her to me. And that's the upsetting part you see, he was too selfish to share her, he beat me up for tasting her blood. But the second time I saw her she seemed close to him and his behind him from me. It seemed he persuaded or seduced her to stay with him and him alone."
"This truly is precious information...."
"How did she taste," the woman who quietly stood in the corner listening to the conversation finally spoke. She was wealthily dressed and was clearly close to the king. "You said you got a taste of her blood, how was it?"
John smirked and replied, "it really should have been shared, everyone deserves a bit of it like how your law states, my lord."
"Very well then, try to find out more about this vampire and see if you can bring him in. Alisha can accompany you and assist," the king said gesturing to the woman, "try to bring in the witch too but I'm already well aware of the risks of trying to bring a witch against her will so it is okay if you have to leave her, just bring this vampire who dared to break my law!"

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