chapter 14

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I can't believe what I just said. I was so firm and fearless, so strong and stern. I turned around and looked him straight in the eyes and said it...the one sentence that could risk all that we have;
"I want my memories back," I stated blandly but then I added, "I'm sorry Aden, but I want the truth. I want to know what happened no matter how bad if was."
I finally asked it. It was honestly all that I've wanted to say for so long. Even though I know I said that I'd be fine without my memories and not bother asking him about it but I couldn't help but suspect all the secrets he was keeping from me. Even if they were all bad memories, I need to know them! They are a part of me and without them I'm forever lost and clueless. I don't know anything and I'm asking for it all now!
There was silence. He stared at me but he successfully put on a facade that hid all emotions from me. I had no clue to what he was thinking or feeling. Then he sighed and after what seemed like an eternal pause he whispered in his deep husky voice that made chills go through my body, "Fine."

I followed him silently as he walked up the stairs to the tower where he kept all the potions and magic books... That I'm still pretty sure are mine especially since its confirmed that I'm a witch and he's just a vampire. His face was cold ever since I asked him but he obeyed my wishes anyways as if he had no choice even though I knew he really really didn't want to. His footsteps were heavy and forced as if he was angrily moving his body against his own will. He didn't even turn around once to see whether I was keeping up behind him.
As we neared the dark and dusty magic lab, the atmosphere felt worse. The coldness, the darkness all added to the melancholy mood created between us. No matter how hard I tried to keep up with him, his strides were purposely far ahead of me. I could feel the distance forming and growing between us, both literally and figuratively.
I kinda regretted my behavior but there was no turning back now. Whatever happens next, the blame is all on me. I tried to mentally prepare myself for what was coming but even my imagination failed to work in this case. I had gone completely blank by the time he pushed open the door to the small room full of potions, books and other magical apparatus. I stood quietly as he went around the room searching through bottles of different shapes and sizes. He carefully read the labels each one of them before he took out the two he had been searching for.
He pulled out a small goblet into which he put carefully measured amounts of the two different colored drink. He even sprinkle some powder and added some water to it. The powder made the blue green translucent liquid fizz and the water made it shimmer gold like clear oil. After a little stirring it turned almost crystal clear like the purest water I had ever seen. When he brought the glass goblet towards me I even noticed tiny gold particles floating inside like glitter.
"This will bring your memories back," he said emotionlessly. He didn't even look at me, he just stared at the glass in his hands. I could see the strong hesitation in him to give it to me. He gripped it so tight as if he didn't want anyone to ever take it out of his hands. I could see the lines form between his brows through his dark fringe that fell over his forehead. Finally after a long moment of silence during which he seemed to have been contemplating many things, he extended his arm, bringing forth the potion before me. I reached out for it but then he slightly pulled his hand back. I looked up at him, trying to read his expression, searching for approval. That's when he finally looked up, his gaze landing straight into my eyes ever so intensely, my heart stopped. His emotions were still unreadable but there was a lot of things in his eyes; hesitance, regret, fear, sadness. It was almost impossible to sort it all out and know what he was thinking. The he spoke in the softest tone ever, "Lea...first tell me all that you felt for me was genuine and nothing you said was ever a lie."
"It wasn't a lie, I swear," I exclaimed defensively but I was taken aback by the question. Why was he suddenly doubting my feelings for him?
"Then promise me nothing will ever change after you get your memories back," he asked, his eyes begging me to say yes.
I hesitated to answer. I still don't know what was in my memories, what happened before between us, what all had I forgotten. But I sighed and listened to my heart that said that I really didn't want things to change between us. "I promise," I answered with a reassuring smile.
"Also promise me...YOU won't change much after you get your memories back," he asked as his voice started shaking due to intense emotions, "I really love you for who you are...especially who you are now."
"I promise," I smiled but inside I was unsure whether these promises will be easier to keep. I have no idea what I am even getting myself into.
He finally let me take the small glass goblet with the potion. He then put his hand gently on my cheek and softly rubbed his thumb against my skin as he stared deeply through my eyes and into my soul. "Also...don't hate your past self too much nor beat yourself up for the things you've done. I know the good person you are now is your true self," he whispered softly as he came closer and let his lips rest on my forehead.
The things he said made me hesitant too. I stared at the glass in my hands for a long while til finally I pushed myself to do it. He stepped back as I gulped down the small amount of drink in one shot. It didn't have much of a taste but moments later a severe headache erupted, it only got more and more painful that I lost my ability to stand. I fell into his arms and eventually fainted.
Slowly I entered in a dream like state where I got to relive my past as it came back to me.

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