chapter 6

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I came to the front door that I had never seen opened before. It was always sealed by enchantment. I remember how much I cried trying to open or break down this door during my first week here. I was full of joy as I saw the door open and bright light sneaked into the dark mansion hall through the space between the two open doors.
He stood in front of the door waiting for me. Light fell on him from the side making his pale skin glow. I felt like I had witnessed an angel from heaven. I was mesmerized by his beauty; his dark red eyes twinkled crimson as he gazed at me coming.
I came to him and then turned to look outside through the open doors. I was instantly hit by a cool breeze that smelled like fresh grass. I squinted as it took some time for my eyes to adjust to the brightness of the day. Finally my vision cleared and I saw a rocky path before me that invited me out into the foggy woods. The sky was full of thick white clouds but it was still bright regardless of the sun nowhere to be seen. I was going to step straight out without hesitation when suddenly he came in front of me to block my path and stop me. I stared at him with confusion.
"Did you forget?" He said as he presented his hand before me. Oh right, I'm supposed to hold his hand and not go anywhere, I can't let go of him for even a second during our entire walk. I stared at his bright fair palm for quite a while before I slowly put my hand into his. His skin was cold as usual but luckily they were not unbearably freezing cold, unlike his lips. He entwined his fingers through mine and held my hand a bit too lightly, I had expected him to squeeze my hand tight with all his strength so that I wouldn't even think of escaping. But he was a bit gentle and nonchalant. "Let's go then," he said with a sweet tiny smile formed of his thin pink lips.
We stepped out of the mansion holding hands and walked down the rocky path into the cold forest. The feeling of melancholy that had stayed with me during my time at the mansion had instantly faded away and was replaced by undescribable joy and excitement. We walked like that for quite some time. I wasn't sure yet where he was taking me but I made sure to observe everything carefully. I tried to map down what was around the mansion and where we were going, all while enjoying a breath of my momentary freedom of course.
The mansion was surrounded by woods from all directions but we soon came across a stream that was running on the eastward side of the mansion. I made sure to remember it as a landmark, I did the same with several other things that came across the way like a fallen log, an unusually twisted tree, a boulder ect. Eventually I started to feel like we were only strolling with no set destination, hence I asked, "so where exactly are we going?"
"Nowhere, why? Is there some place you want to go?" He asked casually.
How do I ask without making it obvious, I thought and then said, "I'm actually starting to get hungry..."
"So should we go back home?"
"No! I don't wanna go back yet...besides I'd like to eat something from outside... Isn't there a place to eat nearby?"
"Why? are you sick of my cooking," he teasingly asked with a smirk.
"No, its not that," I mumbled, "never mind."
Then he stopped walking and sighed, "I was just joking, there is a village nearby but just stay close so we don't get in trouble. No one must find out I'm a vampire."
I nodded obediently in response. He changed his direction a little to the south and started to walk while dragging me along. Since his hands were cold even after so long my hands didn't sweat inside his grip. As we walked something suddenly made me stop and he stopped as well to turn towards me and see why I suddenly came to a halt.
It was a black rose plant! I remembered it from my dream...but it felt a lot more than that. I suddenly looked up a certain direction with a strong desire to go there. I had a strong feeling that the garden of black roses from my dream is up there, up on that dark foggy hill surrounded by big scary trees. I could even get a whiff of a sweet scent that had to be from the roses. The place even felt familiar, the longer I stared the more I felt sure. I had to go there! Forgetting that Aden still held my hand, I stepped forward towards that dark hill but he suddenly gripped my hand tighter and pulled me back.
"What are you doing?" I could sense annoyance and anger in his rough deep voice.
"Can we go there for a moment..."
"No, why?"
"Please I really feel like I should go there. There's something about that place... I just need to check," I tried to move forward again but then suddenly in a swift manoeuvre, he twisted my arm back and twirled me to face him.
He glared at me sternly and said, "I'm starting to regret bringing you here, let's just go back since you aren't even listening to me!" His voice was like a scary whisper with a threatening tone.
"Sorry," I suddenly said while almost bowing towards him with my hands clapped together, "I'll listen to you. I'll do what you say. Forget this, forget I ever said anything... Please I don't want to go back yet. Let me at least enjoy this day."
"Then just keep quite and follow me," he said while jerking me away from the place that called me. Its okay, I thought, I'll come back here one day...I promise I will!
We arrived a small human village after around half an hour of walking through the woods. As soon as we came near, the noise of the hustle and bustle of human life was heard. I suddenly felt social phobic as I was not really used to being around anybody but Aden. I've lived alone by myself in that mansion for so long now and I don't remember my life before that so it made things even harder. I squeezed close to Aden like a cowardly child hiding behind their mother as we walked through the crowded streets of the village. "Aden, make sure the place to eat isn't too crowded," I whispered nervously, "I'm not feeling too comfortable around people."
"Yeah, okay," he replied.
He took me to a small pub at the outskirts of the village, we sat on a corner table where a shabby looking waitress took our order. Luckily there were only four-five more people sitting in the entire place and they were all pretty far from us. We quietly ate lunch there after which I asked him to take me out of the village as I regretted coming here. I didn't guess this is how I'd feel around people, I guess going to the village after escaping wouldn't be a good idea for me but at least I have the option. I know where the village is so the information is good enough for now. I didn't understand though, if I don't go to the village then where? What other option do I have? Is it even possible for me to get someplace after escaping?
As I thought these things, the sun started to sink to the horizon and eventually we had to go back to the mansion. My one and only day outside felt like a total waste. I just hope I get the chance to go out again soon.

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