chapter 1

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I woke up another morning like every other; inside a big room of a mansion, on a comfy queen sized bed, with the sunlight sneaking into my room through that three tall widows. The day was like every other. I got out of bed, picked out one of the very few dresses I had and went to the bathing room. I filled the huge round tub with a small fountain in the middle and went for a swim in there. I wasn't completely naked though, I wore a tiny sleeveless dress each time. I wore it just in case...just in case he came in, though he never did but I was still insecure living alone with some man. I liked how even the bathroom had huge windows. Some sunlight would fall in the tub making it nice and warm. I enjoyed my swim and then dressed up.
I looked into the tall rectangular mirror in the dressing room. I saw looking back at me a young lady with long wavy raven hair falling over her shoulders, she was relatively pretty too. Her eyes were bright green in color. She was also relatively smart especially in that black dress but she also looked weaker than she once did. I stepped closer to the mirror and then looked to see the wounds on my neck. They healed pretty quickly though I don't get how. I touched the rough sore skin on the right side of my neck. All of then healed except the first one. It was healed too but it never faded away. Either because he bit me in the worst way the first time, almost chewing my flesh off like an animal...or maybe the first one is meant to stay forever, as a sign...a sign that I belonged to him and him alone.
I went down for breakfast which always happened to be waiting for me in the empty dining room. I still wonder whether he cooks it all or whether he uses some magic for it, I don't know. It can't be him though, what can a vampire know of cooking?
I ate silently all alone. The clattering of my spoon on my plate echoed through the dark empty mansion. I was almost don't eating when suddenly from some distance I heard him softly call my name, "Lea." I was startled. I turned around to see him standing by the entrance of the dining room.
I stared at him. He was scary but a beautiful kind of scary. His dark brown hair fell over his forehead smoothly, his reddish eyes looked at me weakly, his pale skin shone like moonlight in the darkness of the room. He was tall but not too tall, broad but not too broad, muscular but not too muscular... In other words he'd be perfect in appearance to anyone who didn't know him. But I hated him regardless, I hated him for what he was, what he did to me...I even hated him when I had no reason to. I feel like a lot of this hate might originate from all the memories he erased but I guess I'll never truly know.
"Just come when you are finished eating," he said in his low rough husky voice.
I knew exactly what he was calling me for. He only talked to me for one reason. We never talk otherwise. I don't know why he doesn't talk to me but I obviously have no reason too. He hardly ever sees me either. Its only to say something important that he comes to me or else he makes sure he's in the farthest corner of the mansion from me. The other reason he obviously comes to me is when he's thirsty for blood. He doesn't go outside so he has no their pray, I'm his one and only. Since his biting me never turns me into vampire, it makes me his unlimited lifelong supply. He doesn't need anyone else. But he doesn't ever call me for that though. He only comes in the night for my blood, he attacks when I'm asleep; its either so that I won't be able to run away and struggle or perhaps its to cause me less pain since I'd be asleep...Though it still hurts.
But what he really called me for is something he really can't do himself. I remember when I first discovered him trying...I remember walking through the halls when I heard his grunts,hisses and moans. I followed the noise due to curiosity and found him sitting shirtless trying to clean a deep long scar on his back. He wasn't able to do much because the wound was behind him where he couldn't reach. I don't know why but whenever I saw that wound I felt really sorry and pitiful towards him. I couldn't help but offer him my help. He told me that if a vampire's skin is deeply scarred, it must be constantly moisturised and cleaned or else it would decay rapidly causing him to rot alive. Instead of blood some kind of blackish liquid would ooze out of the scar which had to be cleaned too. Hence every week he would hesitantly call for me and ask me to help him.
I finished eating and went to the room with a huge fireplace where he sat on the maroon carpeted floor waiting. The only light in that huge living room was from the burning fire in the fireplace. He had already prepared the bowl of warm water and a cloth beside him which I had to use to clean his scar. I sat behind him and that's when he took off his shirt. I never saw his shirtless front, why should I anyways? I started to run wet cloth over his scar. The skin around his scar was really hard like stone. He didn't really feel much pain or maybe he just held it in so I won't know but either way I felt pity towards him. I feel like there's some blocked memory deep inside about this scar but I never dared ask him about him. Like I said, we never really talk.
Once I was done he pit his black silk short back on and buttoned it up. I picked up the bowls and cloth and was about to leave when he softly said, "wait." I saw an expression on him that I had been seeing a lot recently. Its that expression when you wish to say something but can't really speak. "Nothing," he finally said, "just thanks." I still don't get what keeps him from talking to me. What are we, a force married couple?
I stood there staring at him a if giving him another chance to say whatever he wants to say to me. He noticed my expression and said, "you can go." But I didn't, I wanted him to keep talking, say whatever he wants to say. He then walked up close to me and stopped inches away and whispered, "I'll pay you back for this, I promise." He hesitantly put his fingers on my cheek.
His skin was cold yet enjoyable but what surprised me the most was how warm his breath was when he spoke. How can his skin be so cold and his breath so warm? I stared into his bloody red eyes as he took a lock of my hair and played around with it. His eyes were one thing I couldn't help but admire, they were beautiful. All vampires have reddish eyes but his were the most beautiful.
"You can go now," he said, waking me up from my trance and walking away. I stood there frozen for quite some time. I began to wonder of after all this time my feelings of hate will fade away and turn into something positive instead. I'm afraid of that happening because I'm almost prepared to escape!

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