chapter 19

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After quite a long time I decided to go for a walk and of course Aden had to cone along too, following me around purposelessly. He shouldn't mind though, he used to follow me around like this even before he ended up as my slave. In fact if he was really that passionate about me then he should be glad he's living with me, spending everyday with me, doing something for me.
We wandered around for a while doing nothing much. I just hunted a few birds for dinner and picked some berries. But it was tiresome and took too long too that it became dusk by the time we began our return journey. On our way there came a lake and it looked rather beautiful at this time. The waters calms and cool inviting me to swim in them.
I smirked and said, "I guess we can stop here for a while. I haven't bathed in a lake for a while now." Aden looked flustered by the idea but kept all reactions to himself and avoided eye contact. I untied my hair first then turning my back towards him and bringing my hair forward I ordered softly, "untie my ribbons please."
He hesitated but eventually had to do what he was told. He untied the ribbons of my gown and stepped back as I slipped out of it. I wore a knee length slip underneath that I kept on. Taking my shoes off I went to the lake.
"You stay and keep watch," is all I said to him as I left him standing there embarrassed, avoiding gazing at me as I dipped into the cool fresh water of the lake. I swam in there for a while and I did my best to tease him and I rubbed water over my shoulders and arms. I knew he was watching and yet by now he was aware of how I only played around with him that it only made him mad.
Just as the last rays of sunlight began to fade away, I came out and asked his assistance to help me dress back. As he tied the ribbons over my back I could feel his cold fingers sneakily touching my bare skin underneath. Slowly he came closer taking a deep breath, inhaling my scent.
Feeling threatened by his actions, I was about to step away from him when suddenly he whispered, "please..." He himself wasn't sure what he was asking for but his plead sounded so helpless and desperate that I took pity at him.
"As long as you keep your fangs to yourself, you're free to come as close as you desire," I say.
Then soon enough, though with constant hesitance, he leans closer till his nose begins rubbing at the nape of my neck and his surprisingly warm breath tickles onto my bare back and shoulders. The warmth that came from inside him was actually pleasing and it made me shiver more than due to his cold fingers gripping onto my shoulder and then crawling here and there. I could feel his desperation, his passion, his love and his thirst all mixed up inside resulting in the oddest of behaviors. He took deep inhales of my scent as if trying to drink my scent instead of my blood then soon enough his lips pressed onto my neck but he didn't dare open his mouth no matter how much he wanted to. I stood there, enjoying myself as a part of me hand been longing to feel warmth that I grew up without. But he on the other hand was going through internal chaos as he rubbed his face more and more vigorously onto my skin, he didn't know what to do to satisfy himself. His grip on me tightened and he pushed me closer into him. Honestly if he had tried to bite me now, he might have gotten away with it but he didn't try.
I can't imagine what this scene must look like to a third person, if someone passing by happened to see us, they'd be disturbed as it all was too bizarre, vulgar and creepy even.
The very last light of the sky was almost gone by the time he pushed me away and knelt onto the ground weakly, taking deep breaths and perhaps even crying silently. I guess I crossed the limit that time because he would have wanted nothing more than to drink every last drop of me till he killed me. "You're free for tonight to hunt, I'll go on my own from here," I said coldly as I left him there in an unimaginably miserable state.

And finally the fateful day came when all turned around. When he got his revenge and I got my punishment for my sins. I should have known it was coming since I went too far last night and he wasn't going to let it get away since already his temper was at it's peak.
I came to my dining room for breakfast as usual and there he was waiting for me with something new and delicious looking on the table. I sat down without a word or even a glance at him and began eating. I guess deep down I felt guilty for my actions and hence I feared to face him.
"Try the drink too," he said softly from behind, "a special juice I made using the berries we collected yesterday."
I picked up the dark purple colored drink and viewed suspiciously. I then brought it to my nose and took a whiff of the cool fumes escaping from it. It smelled like something I knew but I couldn't remember what it was. I cluelessly sipped it and in forgetfulness I drunk it all down to the last drop.
Then I felt weird and the next second it all came together, the nights he'd sneak to my magic lab, the sudden offer of a new drink, the strange smell and the amnesia that followed. The whisk of forgetfulbess.
I was angry at first, then confused since my memories began to disappear rapidly and then finally I became afraid. I saw his reddish eyes glaring at me with desire and thirst filled in them. Everything he ever wanted sat clueless right before him. He couldn't have resisted and he no longer wanted to either. He ran out of patience. I knew what he was going to do, hence I ran as I could think of nothing else to do to save myself.
He was too fast, before I knew it I was cornered. I tried to squeeze myself back into the wall behind me as tears rolled down my eyes. I was shaking with fear since I just didn't want it to happen. I knew what was going to happen and I knew there was no escape, there was nothing I could do but still I didn't want it to happen. I wanted to escape, to disappear, I might have even preferred to die...but I didn't want what happened next.
He leaned close, taking deep breaths as if trying to get a good amount of scent up his nostrils till his desperation for me reached his peak and finally his head fell on my shoulder and his sharp teeth dug through my flesh and gripped on me tightly to satisfy all his desperations and desires. Just having a cat bite was a lot of pain but this, I was paralysed by the pain I felt. I could hear him gulping it down, I felt the wetness of his mouth on my neck. He gripped me tightly, even though I had no strength to fight his but still his arms gripped on my forcefully and his nails dug into my arms. It felt like a desperate hug only a lot painful in every way imaginable.
This went on till he completely drained me and I fainted assuming to be dead soon...

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