chapter 5

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I was too restless after that moment but nothing made sense to me. I had no proof but I couldn't shake away the feeling that all those potions and magic books were mine, at least most of them. But nothing fits. If they were mine then why are they here and why would they be mine. My mind was filled with countless boggling questions. I wondered over and over again whether it was okay to ask him. I really wanted to ask him, I wanted answers! But I can't afford to do that now, its too risky. If I upset him too much he'll change his mind about taking me outside the mansion for a walk. I was too confused, I wanted to cry, I don't have a clue of what to do...
I began to sob, I sat on the carpeted staircase with my head on my knees and I just cried. My sobbing sounds echoed through the empty halls. I guess he was nearby when I sat there breathlessly shedding tears that he came silently due to curiosity. I guess he didn't know what to do in such situations that he just stood there in front of me, watching me with concern and pity in his eyes. I don't know for how long he had been standing there before I noticed him. I looked up at him when I finally noticed his presence.
I had never seen his eyes look softer and friendlier. He looked irresistibly adorable as he stared with that worried expression. "Did something happen? What's wrong?" He asked in a soft warm tone.
"It's driving me mad, I don't know what to think. I don't remember anything, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I was...I just... Its too confusing," I sobbed.
"Why did you remember something?" He asked with a slight frown.
"I'm not sure, even if I remember something it only makes me more confused because it just doesn't fit. Nothing makes's driving me insane!"
Unexpectedly he sat next to me and suddenly pulled me into a hug, my head forced into his chest. I froze, startled by the sudden empathetic move and skinship. His clothes were warm even though I know his skin would be freezing cold as ever. He wrapped his arms around me and leaned his head on my shoulder. Then he whispered into my ear, "I'm sorry, I don't know if you'll ever believe it but I really am sorry for all that I did to you. I hope you can understand my reasons some day and just forgive me."
I had never felt so comforted ever before. I wanted to squeeze myself deeper and deeper into his soft cozy sweater. I continued to cry for a while longer while enjoying his embrace. His warm breaths flew against my neck making me feel ticklish and cozy.
Eventually I started to feel awkward and slowly moved backwards out of his arm. Suddenly I froze as I found my face a bit too close to his face. I stared into his beautiful dreamy eyes as he gazed back. My skin felt warm but then his cool hands cupped my face to make it even. My heart raced as we continued to stare at each other. Then he leaned close, pulling me back to him and then I felt something ice cold press against my forehead followed by a warm blow. It was then I realized that he had given me a quick kiss on the forehead.
He got up instantly after that, acting cool and nonchalant like nothing had happened. He went a few steps down and then said, "Go get some sleep now, we'll go for a walk tomorrow."
I got up trying to hide my awkward embarrassed feeling. I nodded shyly, biting my lips finding it hard to find my voice and I walked back to my room.
I lied there thinking a lot about what had just happened. Aden was not a bad guy, I thought, but then another part of my argued that no, he's a monster, he's only trying to be nice so I wouldn't try to leave him. Memories of all the bad things he had done came back to me...but then again, he didn't do it on purpose. He needed to drink blood, just like how humans needed to eat chicken or other kind of meat. Aden has treated me kindly otherwise. He's kept his distance from me and did everything he can to make me comfortable. Maybe even him erasing my memories wasn't a bad thing, the memories that I've forgotten don't seem to be anything good either. I should forgive him and just accept him.
Wait what am I saying, why am I being swayed like this. I can't develop any feelings for him. Not now, not when I'm almost prepared to leave, when everything is already going as planned. He's taking me for a walk tomorrow! Finally! That's all I should be thinking about. That's all I need to worry about.
Somehow, in between all those thoughts, I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning quite excitedly. I looked outside the window first thing in the morning and was glad to see the sky full of clouds and no sign of the sun. I hope the weather stays like this all day. I got up and got ready quickly. I wore my best clothes today; a navy blue velvet dress with netted sleeves and black ribbons. I took some time to get ready as I didn't want to look bad to anyone who I might come across. I made my long wavy hair into a high ponytail with a matching ribbon. I even put on some makeup and perfume which I hadn't touched in all the time I was here.
I ran excitedly to the dining hall for breakfast. He was already down there waiting for me. To my surprise he had drawn away all the curtains from the windows of the dining room so that a breathtaking scene of the woods and the clouds could be seen through them. He stood there with his arms folded, staring outside, lost in thought. He looks even more breathtaking. I guess I wasn't the only one who was all dressed up to go out. He wore a maroon button shirt and a long black coat over it that made him look like a knight. His dark brown hair that always fell messily over his face we're combed smoothly to the side, though some locks of his hair were still on his forehead.
I stopped at the entrance to the dining room to just stand there and adore his stunning look. I guess my perfume was too strong that regardless of my silence he still notice my presence and turned to look at me. He smiled brightly the moment he saw me and my heart fluttered. I had never seen him smile like that before, he couldn't look more beautiful.
"What are you staring at," he asked while still beaming at me.
"Why at you smiling like that, I don't think I've seen you smile like that before," I replied.
"Its look nice, that's why...and its a little funny, how you got ready excitedly today like a child being taken to play in a park," he answered with a bit of nervousness but I'm glad his grin remained. I could stare with awe at his smile all day. "Aren't you planning to eat breakfast first?"
Oh I forgot about the breakfast, I looks down at the dishes waiting for me on the table in front of an empty chair. "Right, I'll eat it of course."
"Good, hurry, we'll leave as soon as you're done," he said as he walked out, "I'll be at the main door."
"Okay," I said. I felt so happy today. I just cant believe its finally happening. After months of imprisonment in this dark and stuffy mansion I'd get to taste fresh air, witness greenery and feel the outside world once more!

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