chapter 7

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The next morning the very first thing I did was to grab a paper and quill and scribble a rough map of everything I remember from yesterday before I could forget. I then took the map to the storeroom with my secret escape route. I placed the map inside a wardrobe that once used to be empty but now little by little I had filled it with all kinds of small things that I planned to take with me once I escape. I grab whatever useful I can find and I bring it down here so that if I have to leave all of a sudden I can grab everything I need on my way. There's a lot of small things here like a compass, candles and lamps, useful books, a knife for self protection and things like that. All I need now is something where I can keep and carry all these things and of course I need to gather some food just before I leave as well.
I was still pretty hesitant to run out right away because I still wasn't sure where I'd go and what I'll do once I've left. Life at this mansion with Aden wasn't so bad, I could most probably end up in a lot worse after getting out of here. I was a little taken aback to discover that I was social phobic, it makes things harder for me. I still needed to think things through but my mind seems to be pretty stubbornly made up about escaping, no mater how much I delay it in the end I know this is not the life I want and I will always want to run away from it.
I was really quite that day, seriously lost in thought. I didn't come across Aden during breakfast but he came to me while i was eating lunch. "Lea," he said softly from behind me. The way he said my name would always give me butterflies.
"You okay?"
"I'm fine," I said in emotionless monotone.
"I know yesterday went by pretty quick and things seemed a little below expectation for you but...don't worry, okay? I'll take you again sometime," he gave a reassuring smile, my heart melted at the sight of that soft gaze and that pretty thin smile. I guess he really does care about me. If only I could feel the same way about him...but I couldn't help but care about myself more, I'm extremely selfish, I know. It'd be pitiful to leave him by himself, will he be able to live without me? Would me leaving make much of a difference? Will it hurt his feelings? I wish I could forget about this escape plan of mine, I wish I could just give up and live with him peacefully. Sadly there is something engraved in my unconscious mind that tells me that I must leave. There is also that place I really want to go to, that place where Aden didn't let me go, the place that called me. I need to visit that place at least, I might just come back once I see what's there. Either way its become harder to leave Aden, I can't help but worry at least a little about him.
"How's your back," I suddenly asked out of the blue, "should I clean it today? We shouldn't let it get dry or it'll start oozing again."
"It hasn't been that long though," he replied. 'I know' I thought, 'but I just want to make sure you'd be okay before I leave.' "I'm fine," he said as he left the room. This is one thing I'm sure I'd worry about once I left him, he can't clean his injury by himself and it would only get worse and worse over time. Though I doubt it'd be bad enough to kill him but it still causes him pain and makes me worried.
I felt pretty uneasy that day. I know I won't be able to see him till nightfall now because he spends the entire day sleeping. He only wakes up to prepare my meals and to check on me. Otherwise vampires sleep during the day and stay awake during night. Then I thought why not try to clean his wound while he's sleeping. No, he'd easily wake up. I still started to look around for him. I wanted to see him sleep, I wanted to see where he was sleeping.
I roamed around the mansion and looked for him. He wasn't in his bedroom. I already had the feeling that he doesn't always sleep in his bedroom. I checked all the dark rooms of the mansion. Then I finally found him, in the darkest living room, on a cozy couch, he lay there fast asleep.
He looked so peaceful, so beautiful, I couldn't resist sneaking up on him. I sat down on the floor right next to the couch and I just stared at him. I tried to get a good grasp of the details of his facial features. His pale skin was so smooth looking without even a single mark or scar, it was completely flawless. I hadn't seen him with his eyes closed from this close before and hence I noticed for the very first time how pretty his eyelashes were. I almost wanted to touch them. I could hear his soft breathing as he continued to sleep in silence. Then I noticed something else; a thick metal chain-like necklace tightly hanging around his neck. I knew he always had this chain on his neck but I would rarely see it unless his shirt's first few buttons were unbuttoned or it the collar was lose like it was now. Even his collarbone was exposed right now which was rare. I almost feel he intentionally attempts to hide this chain from me. Its always there but I rarely see it, I wondered if he can even take it off?
Suddenly as I stared at the chain I had some kind of visions, they were some lost memories of mine that were resurfacing again. I saw several flashes of images of Aden with this chain around his neck but in each of those images the chain was choking him, the metal was hot red burning against his throat, making him go weak that he couldn't even stand! I almost gasped and fell back from him as if I had a sudden feeling that my presence would harm him.
I guess I was being noisy that it made him stir, he peeked through his droopy sleepy eyes and gave me a confused look. "What is it," he mumbled sleepily, "why are you here? Do you need something?"
"No," I said awkwardly.
"Then leave," he whispered as he sleepily turned over pushing his face into the pillow on the couch and turning his back towards me. He looked ...adorable, I feel embarrassed by the very thought but I can't deny it, he looks irresistibility cute like a sleepy little kitten. I literally wanted to pet him at that moment or at least touch him. Before I could even think of extending my hand towards him, he suddenly turned his head back at me and asked, "why aren't you leaving?" His hair messily fell over his eyes that I couldn't even tell if they were open. I couldn't help it, I started to gently brush his hair away from his eyes with my fingers. Once his hair were away from his eyes that's when I saw how strangely he stared at me. It was like he was judging my behavior but at the same time he was enjoying it so much that he didn't want me to stop. I couldn't see some kind of longing and desire in his eyes. My heart skipped a beat after meeting his gaze and I instantly pulled my hand back.
"I'm leaving," I said as I got up. I had only taken a few steps away from him when suddenly he grabbed my hand. I froze. My heart raced. His cold skin around my wrist felt like it was electrocuting me.
"Wait," he said softly in a way that my heart nearly stopped beating, "its just...I feel cold..."
Yes I know vampires don't have a strong sense of temperature but I knew what he meant. It wasn't like he was being bothered by the cold, it was just that sometimes he desired some warmth. I could ask if he wants me to turn on the fire or bring him a blanket but I already know that that's not what he wants. He wants my warmth, the warmth of touching the skin of a living creature. The way he held my hand was enough to confirm it. "Can you just stay close a little longer," he finally added.
"Yeah okay," i whispered as I returned back to him and sat back on the floor next to the couch. I tightly held his hand with both my hands and I blew warm breaths onto his hand. "Does this help?" I asked. He nodded and closed his eyes. I slightly leaned towards him since I was sitting uncomfortably and I ended up resting my head next to his chest. I stayed there for quite some time as I waited for him to fall back into deep sleep and then finally I decided to leave. I carefully let go of his hand and sat up, then I leaned towards his face and softly kissed on his cheeks.
Then I whispered, "I'm sorry" and I left.

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