chapter 9

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"Don't worry it won't hurt at all compared to whoever's been drinking your blood last," he whispered into my ear with his musical heart-melting voice.
I felt his cold nose touch my neck first, then his lips...he was purposely being slow, maybe he was even being careful and gentle as he said he'll be. He took deep breaths of my scent, his breaths tickling my neck in an uncomfortable way. His mouth finally opened, it opened so slowly that I heard the sound of his spit shifting in his mouth. Then his fangs dug into my flesh and he started to sip my blood as it rushed out of the holes that he had created on my neck. It was no lie, it actually didn't hurt as much as it did with Aden. Their was an obvious difference in how he drank my blood. Truth be told, it was actually enjoyable, the fangs obviously stung my flesh but it was not that bad.
I closed my eyes and relaxed, I couldn't escape so I might not as well give him a reason to be aggressive. I gave in, its not like I have anything to fear, its not like I haven't already been a vampire's prey all this time. I leaned my head back onto his shoulder giving him complete space to chew on my neck if he wanted to but I knew he'd feel so glad at me complying that he'd go easy on me. I felt his strong grip loosen from around my now relaxed body. Without letting me go he slowly sat down on the floor making both of us comfortable. I guess he sat so that he could take all his time comfortably drinking my blood. He was slower in drinking blood, he didn't suck and gulp hard like Aden. I guess I'd rather actually go with him since I've already ran off from Aden.
He started to pet my cheek from one hand while still drinking. He wrapped the other hand around my waist. There was something almost addictive and enjoyable about his gentle way. It almost made me feel like I never wanted it to end. Eventually time passed and the woods became completely dark, the sun must have set. I started to feel weak and drained, it took longer but I know eventually I will faint and he didn't seem to have any intention of stopping. He was taking all the time he needed, probably even over feeding himself because he was enjoying it too much. I tried not to think about him or anything at all about what was happening. I just wanted to fall asleep and wake up thinking it to be a dream. What'll happen to me then? What will be my fate after this? Where will I end up after I wake up?
Terrible thoughts suddenly came and I started to get alert again. I'll make sure I won't fall asleep, he could do anything with me after that. He could take me anywhere and I'll end up trapped somewhere all over again. This is why he hadn't stopped yet! He only plans to stop after I'm unconscious! I finally gathered whatever strength remained in me to try to suddenly get away from him. His grip was loosened and he was too relaxed that I think it'll be an easy chance for me to escape... But unfortunately I was wrong. Firstly I had no strength left and secondly I tried to jerk away from him suddenly but instantly his teeth clenched hard on my flesh and his grip tightened. I could feel the sudden anger rising in him.
My eyes were open now but droopy, no matter how alert I tried to be I couldn't fight the drowsiness and weaknesses that took over me as the vampire now drank my blood even more aggressively. But since I had finally opened my eyes I saw through the darkness... Someone standing far in front, watching us. I tried to ignore the severe stinging pain on my neck and tried to focus on the figure before me. That's when I saw that it was...
Aden! I couldn't get a good view of his face or his expression but I can't even imagine how disgusting and disturbing this scene would have looked to him. The sudden feeling of shame, regret and guilt took over me but it was too late for me to even move a bit to escape. How long had he been just standing there, just watching. He didn't even come and help me...he probably doesn't want to help me. Tears formed in my eyes and blurred my vision of him completely.
'Please forgive me,' I thought or rather screamed inside my head, 'please save me!' I reached out to him and tried everything to just call out his name but not even a whispered managed to escape my mouth.
At this point, probably due to my behavior, he must have noticed Aden standing. He finally released me and threw me aside and said rudely to Aden, "What? What do you think you are looking at?" He got up as he spoke while leaving me lying helplessly on the floor. "Don't you have any manners? Mind your own business?"
Suddenly, like a flash of lighting Aden had pounced forward and was suddenly standing right in front of the other vampire, gripping the collar of his shirt. His sudden movement and rage startled me. He gave the deadliest angry glare and spat, "You wanna talk to me about manners! How dare you even touch MY prey!!!"
The other vampire remained upright and coolheadedly replied, "Is she now? She never said anything about you or any other vampire. In fact, she willfully just gave in to me. Besides its obvious she ran away from someplace, now I know where, who and why." He even dared to smirk  as if not at all affected by Aden's threatening rage.
Aden only got more annoyed by the vampire's attitude and without hesitation he threw his fist on his face. He punched the other vampire continuously till finally the other vampire fought back. Just as I thought he was stronger than Aden, also taller. He gave one hard push and Aden was sent steps back.
The fight continued as I felt sleepiness take over me. My neck was throbbing with pain as blood continued to flow out from there. My whole body trembled in the cold and regardless of me trying to stay awake, I lost consciousness.

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