chapter 18

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We were home now and the injury had made Aden extremely weak. The moment I let go of him once we arrived back home, he instantly collapsed on the floor and remained sitting there. As much as I hated him, his condition was seriously pitiful that even my cold heart melted at the sight of his suppressed pain filled tears. He was trembling miserably in pain and regardless of trying hard not to, sounds of pain escaped from his throat. Besides he did save my life so I can't just stand there unsympathetically.
"Take your shirt off," I coldly ordered once I can back to him with some things from my magic lab. He didn't hesitate to listen as he knew this was no time to receive further punishments. "Drink this," I said handing him a blue green potion, "it'll help with the pain." He drank if after weakly removing his shirt. I then sat behind him and using a wet cloth I tried to clean the oozing blackness coming out of his fresh scar. He instantly hissed and tried to move away from me. "Sorry," the softly spoken word that I may have never seriously used before suddenly escaped my lips and even he took note of how for a second I sounded like someone else completely. "Wait I need to check some books, I don't know much about what'll help you heal."
"I doubt anything can heal the lifeless flesh of a vampire," he said bitterly before I could get up.
"Then will the scar remain forever," I asked.
"Not only that the oozing will continue after every week or so if not constantly kept clean and hydrated," he explained.
"Then you are free to visit the lake for bathing whenever you need to from now on," I simply say as I continue cleaning the oozing. "Also tonight I think you should go and hunt, it's been too long since your last drink."
He only nodded in response but I'm sure if he was in a better condition he might have just commented on how I seemed to have softened towards him after the incident... But I'm only being nice to him because of his condition and what he did for me, otherwise I'll be soon cold towards him for sure.
As I cleaned his wound, every now and then I finger would brush over his ice cold skin and each time he'd react to the touch but he couldn't see, so did I. I had never felt such smooth cold skin before, I couldn't help but admire it and before I knew it, I was purposely letting my fingers trace over his skin. Once I was done cleaning, I shamelessly stroked my hand over his hand saying, "there, feel better?" He stiffened and froze. Since he failed to reply I listened to my mischievous demons and teased him further. I embraced him from behind, gently resting my face over his skin, breathing into him. "Or is this better," I whispered into his skin and then pecked at him.
He didn't dare answer or move but I knew that I had suddenly provoked him to try something dangerous. I had given him the right to hunt that night and suddenly as I snuggled into my bed I felt sure he might try to see whether he could hunt me tonight.
So it kind of happened all over again. Me sleeping peacefully in bed when late at night the bedroom door creaks open. I hear him take a few steps in when soon enough his suppressed noises of pain confirm that the chain had begun burning him for trespassing into the soon where he was forbidden to come. But he endured it and forced himself closer to my bed nevertheless. He made it close enough but by that time the pain was too much that he instantly ran back out.

Soon his injury got better and almost from the very next day my attitude towards him returned to being like that of a teasing master who abused her slave. I loved playing with his emotions. Giving him false hope one day then the next day breaking him then the next day taunting him and then torturing him and so on. I ended up getting on his nerves more and more each time and the fact that he'd often end up starving only made him more desperate and hungry for me. Eventually he became extremely bitter and angry to the point that he because amusingly scary and monstrous. He glared at me once with unimaginable hatred in his eyes, his red eyes glowing with flames of anger as he sat there weak and starved while I, just for the fun of it, didn't let him go for even one meal. Due to desperation he'd try more and more often to get closer to me somehow but each time he even thought of harming me, the chains would burn him.
"You just wait," he said one day in an extremely harsh and bitter tone, "one day...I will make you mine."
But I never feared him, never took him seriously, only laughed at him with amusement. He was my pet after all and nothing was more fun then playing around with him...even if I truly was going too far.

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