chapter 13

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We were in the grand living room with the fireplace when I woke up. I was sleeping on the couch and he was fixing the firewood so that it didn't over heat nor turn off. As I stirred awake I noticed some pieces of cloth and rags placed on the floor nearby as well as a bucket full of warm water. I sat up but his back was turned towards me and he was too focused to notice me wake up soundlessly. I looked at the things on the floor and immediately understood.
"Do your scars need cleaning today?" I mumbled as I sat upright and rubbed my eyes. He was startled at first but then hummed a yes.
"Its been a while and they've been oozing," he said softly, "but you don't need to start immediately, you can rest for longer if you want."
"No I'm fine," I replied, "I'll do it now." I immediately sat on the floor and began dipping the rags into the water.
He hesitated for a while but then he took off his coat and unbuttoned his shirt. I guess he was shy to undress before me so he turned his back as he took his shirt off. For the first time I couldn't help but glance at him as he did so. I immediately felt embarrassed about my actions and looked down blushing. He sat in front of me with his back facing me.
I saw those wounds again and just like always a feeling of pity and guilt took over me. As I cleaned those oozing deep scars on his bare pale back, I felt memories trying to come back but they failed. An image of a sword hitting his back flashed before my eyes. I froze as I got too busy in trying to grasp onto that memory but if went away as soon as it came.
"Is something wrong," he asked as I had gotten too still and quiet.
"May I ask how you got this scar?"
"Why," he asked in a suspicious tone. I felt him get tense.
"Just curious," I replied innocently.
"You're remembering things aren't you?"
I hesitated to answer. At first I nodded but he was facing the other way so he didn't see it. Then I swallowed the lump in my throat and whispered, "I almost remember... Before I forget it all again."
He didn't respond after that. Clearly he was avoiding the questions as there was something he didn't want to tell me. Something he was hiding. I didn't like it though. I wanted him to be honest with me. It was too suspicious. Why was he keeping secrets from me? Why did he erase my past and not even let me talk about it? I thought we were getting close but then why would he still hide all this? Does he not regret erasing my memory? What was in my past that he had completely veiled?
All these frustrating thoughts ran through my head as I continued cleaning his wounds with a frown of disappointment and even anger. Then suddenly he yelped and gasped as he bent forward. He cried out in pain and I thought maybe I pushed his wounds too hard or something to hurt him but then I caught a glimpse of the chain around his neck. It had been glowing but it stopped pretty soon as it started. I saw burns on his skin that was in contact with that chain. The chain had no beginning nor end, it was tightly tied and there was no way to take it off.
"Are you okay?" I exclaimed. He forced back his tears, gulped hard before giving a weak nod. He was trembling... Not just because of the severe split second pain that was caused by the cursed chain but more so because of some strong emotions that I failed to read. "What happened?" I asked worriedly.
He scoffed out a small sarcastic laugh and shook his head. Then finally he said, "nothing, you can leave now." Before I could say anything, he stood up and started to put on his shirt.
Like an obedient slave I just decided to leave. I turned around and walked away till anger resurfaced once more for he was hiding too much from me. I didn't like it. I wanted him to just tell me the truth...about everything!
I heard him gasp and fall onto his knees again. I turned around and saw that the chain had burnt him once more but this time he was quick to endure the pain and act like nothing happened. I looked at him concerned. I wanted to help him but he wasn't even letting me do so. I turned back around to the exit hopelessly to leave him there when I heard him speak in a low voice call me from behind.
"Lea," he said softly, his voice was weak all of a sudden right now, "is there something you want to say to me...or ask me?"
I turned around and stared at him confused due to the sudden random question. He waited for my answer and I decided to give it to him. This would be my last shot. If he refuses then I won't ever ask again but I won't drop this opportunity to finally say it...

"I want my memories back...

...I'm sorry Aden, but I want the truth. I want to know what happened no matter how bad if was."

He sighed in defeat and after a pause he whispered in his deep husky voice that made chills go through my body;


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