character Q and A

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Hi readers, sorry to interrupt but the story has now reached its midpoint, mid plot climatic point or in other words; intermission. So now I thought that maybe I should do this thing many other people do where they ask you, the readers to comment questions for characters and then I'll give you their answers!
Here's how you do it, comment a question right next to the name of the character who you mean to ask that question. Okay? Let's go!

Lea/ Leanora Del Rosetta



Lord Ramon el Draco


These are the only characters that will remain in the story. Not much but go ahead and ask them whatever you like.
You can also ask me, the writer something, so comment those below. Till then buy, keep reading and voting. Thanks!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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