chapter 12

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So now our relationship had improved, I was really glad. There was still some shyness and awkwardness keeping us apart but I was happy just to know that he has nothing against me. He had forgiven me and forgotten everything. We were closer than before now. He didn't avoid me as much as before and he let me follow him around. We wouldn't talk much either but just staying close was good enough.
He played the piano often now as he knew how much I liked listening to it. He even started sitting with me in the dining room during meal times. He would quietly watch me eat. It all started to feel perfect.
Hence today I woke up quiet joyfully like I had been recently. I got up, took a bath and lately I've been getting ready a lot more than usual too. I put on the best dresses, tried the perfumes that were always there but I never used and even put some strawberry gell on my lips to make them pink and moist. I came down in an excited rush for breakfast... But today nothing was there, not the food nor him. Did I come down too early? I checked the kitchen but there was no sign of him being there since last night, in fact yesterday's dinner dishes hadn't been washed! Was sometimes wrong? Where is he?
I ran around the dark empty halls of the mansion in desperate, worried search for him and decided to check his bedroom first. It was locked, it means he is inside. I knocked and called out, "Aden you there? Is everything okay? Please open up! I'm worried."
Finally the door knob twisted and I stepped back as he opened the door. I was shocked to see how weak and sick he looked. His skin was even paler than before, in fact it looked grey, his eyes were hardly opened and he could barely stand on his own feet, he was trembling! That's when I remembered, its been too long since he drank any blood. Usually he would come to me when he got too thirsty but apparently he's been avoiding it for a long time.
"Aden," I gasped as I stepped close but he instantly put his hand forward to stop me from getting any closer. "Don't do this to yourself, its okay, you can..."
"No," he firmly stated glaring at me with his glowing red eyes sternly, "stay away." His voice was huskier and lower than usual.
"Please let me help you, its okay," I cried as I tried to get closer to him but he tried his best to use all his strength to keep me back.
"I can't, its too soon, you haven't healed yet since that vampire drained you, its not good for your health."
"But I can't see you like this, this is self torture!"
"And I can't risk losing you," he whispered with his head lowered, I barely heard it.
"I'll be fine," I argued.
"No you won't," he yelled angrily, "you can only heal back if there's blood left in you to heal. If I start now I'll end up finishing please just go away." The last part was weakly said with desperation.
"No you won't, I know you won't, I trust you," I said stepping close. I chanted these soothing words repeatedly as I came closer. His arm trembled with weakness and failed to hold me back. I pulled him into an embrace and whispered in his ear, "your thirst can't over power your love for me, I know it." I closed my eyes and as expected he gave in without resisting and a sharp pain stabbed deep into my neck. He'd been starving hence he drank with more desperation and ended up hurting me than usual but I endured it. I patted his back with one hand while brushed my fingers through his hair with another while he drank. I did so to reassure him that I was okay. But then weakness took over me and my arms dropped. He immediately let me go just then. I smiled and whispered, "I'm fine," before I closed my eyes and escaped to my dreams.

I don't for how long I slept but I'm pretty sure I woke up during the same hours. It was late evening now, actually the sun must have just set since it looks like twilight outside the window. I was feeling weak but I still forced myself to get up. I was on my bed but then I suddenly noticed that there was a tray of food and drink on my bedside table. Yes, I'd only be weaker if I don't eat, hence first I gulped up almost 3 glasses of water and then I started eating.
As soon as I was done, I went around looking for Aden. My footsteps were heavy, I looked tipsy and my eyes were still a bit droopy but for some reason I was anxious to check on him even though I'm sure he's perfectly fine now compared to me. As I walked around in search of him I heard a soft solemn melody of the piano coming from upstairs. I instantly followed it to the the room with the piano.
The door was open for me to see how even though he had regained his physical strength, he looked pretty down. He played a melancholy tune lazily, his hands looked heavy, his head hung forward and his back slouched. I figured he was sulking due to guilt. Does he really become like this every time he hurts me? Is he not used to the fact that he's the vampire and I'm his prey? In the end I'm his food, his necessity, I'm like the oxygen he needs to breathe, no one pities the oxygen that they breathe in everyday nor do they feel guilty over eating...then why does he pity me and feel so guilty?

Does he truly love me that much?

I slowly entered the room and sat next to him, he was started by my entrance but he continued to play because he knew that's what I like. I comfortably took the seat right next to him and weakly leaned onto his side, resting my head on his shoulder which actually fitted there perfectly. I closed my eyes as he tried to play a better tune.
As he did so he whispered, "you okay? Feeling better?" I hummed a yes. "I'm sorry," he whispered even more softly with his voice getting huskier and inaudible but I heard it because I was right next to him. Just before I drifted to sleep I felt something like a rain drop fall from somewhere onto my face. I was too drowsy to have realised that he has starting crying.

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