chapter 3

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He was walking out the door and I followed him out while keeping my safe distance from him.
Then suddenly, halfway down the hallway he seemed to have gotten weak and dizzy as he staggered and leaned his head against the wall while panting with his mouth open. He blinked hard as if trying to focus his senses. His body began to tremble soon after.
"Aden," I whispered with a concerned voice, "what's wrong?"
I stepped a little closer to him and suddenly he said in his weak voice, "No stand back!" He raised his hand to gesture me to stop and get away.
I knew exactly what was wrong..."Are you thirsty?" I asked softly. He gulped down his saliva and then with his head against the wall, he just nodded. He began to walk away, staggering as if drunk but I found it too pitiful. I followed him and said, "then why don't you..."
"No!" He said as he tried to stop me once more. He pushed his head on the wall again and then softly said in his low rough beautiful voice, "Just stay away, I'll drink your blood later tonight."
"Why not now," I asked confused, "you're weak, you'll just get worse and might hurt yourself." I didn't understand. Why was he being so hesitant about this, what difference does it make. Besides he owns me so he can do whatever he want with me. I don't get him. Its been two weeks since his last drink and even my last injury because of it had completely disappeared then what was he afraid of? "Why do you have to wait till nightfall?"
"Because it'll hurt less if you are asleep." So this was his true motive...if only it was true, it didn't hurt any less...never. But why does he even care so much about whether it hurts me or not? I was almost taken aback by his sympathetic response, I was even touched. But he was so merciless the first time, why does he suddenly care about me?
"It doesn't hurt any less," I replied, "so what difference does it make." I stepped close and then he turned his face slightly towards me and his eyes met mine. What was that intense emotion in his eyes though? It looked so much like fear, what was he afraid of? Me? Himself maybe? Did he seriously have no intention to hurt me right now? It sure seems like it. But there was also a question in his looks and I could feel him ask me why was I doing this, why am I saying these things? I asked myself the same question and wondered why. Why am I so sorry and empathetic towards him. I might have been slightly used to the pain of him drinking my blood over and over but that didn't mean o don't mind it. So why am I giving in and just offering myself to him like that? I don't know, maybe I am getting attached to him, maybe my hate for him is finally fading away and maybe I've started to care about him...
There was no point in thinking all these things now. It was all too complicated to sort out now, all I know is what I have to do, what I might even want to do. I walked up to him and pulled him away from the wall and made him stand upright, facing towards me. "Its okay," I whispered as I pulled him into an embrace. I had to stand on my toes to make sure my neck was right next to his mouth. He became instantly stiff and rigid, I felt him hold in his breath so that he could avoid the smell of my blood that intoxicated him. I squeezed my face into his broad shoulder and held him tight. Then I whispered into his ear, "its okay...just do it." He trembled as he hesitated and tried to hold himself back but it was no use, he was already starved and so he wouldn't have been able to resist. I closed my eyes tightly shut and prepared myself as he took a deep inhale of my scent and squeezed his face into my neck.
Then he finally did it, I was attacked by severe undescribable pain. My body was completely paralysed as his teeth clenched onto the flesh of my neck. I tried to ignore it, endure it and forget it but it was too much. Surprisingly he stopped pretty soon and let go. Usually id faint before he finished but ive started to feel that recently he hasnt been drinking more than required, he hardly ever drained me anymore. Feeling extremely weakened, I instantly collapsed on my knees and trembled at the stinging pain. It was only after he backed away from my neck that I realized that my neck was wet due to his tears. I slowly looked up to him and saw him standing there, wiping the blood dripping out of his mouth with the hem of his sleeve. His pale face had become pinkish and his eyes were flooded with tears. There was so much pain and regret on his face that i had never seen. I've never before witnessed his expression after he finished drinking my blood, it was either because I was usually half asleep or because would faint soon after him draining all the blood out of me. Now that I saw it, I was dumbfounded. Did he really not wish to hurt me or cause me pain? Was there really a soft warm heart under his ice cold skin?
He then turned his sorry eyes towards me and sat in front of me. "Come," he whispered in the softest and warmest tone I've ever heard, "I'll take you to your room." He gently held onto my arms and pulled me up and then supported me as we walked to my room. I could feel my consciousness leaving me now. My body became weaker and weaker till it started to feel completely numb and light. My vision blurred but I kept my eyes on him. He's beautiful, I thought dizzily as if drunk, he's beautiful both inside and out.
There were some stairs on the way to my room so he eventually picked me up bridal style and carried me to my room. He took me to my room and gently place me on my bed. He tucked me in and as he did I watched him with my half open blurred eyes. "You okay," he whispered while holding one of my hands but I failed to respond, I only stared at him sleepily. Then he stared back, his beautiful gleaming red eyes gazing at me ever so softly. He pressed my hand onto his lips, I felt the incredible warmth of his breath again. My heart skipped a beat. "Rest well," he said with a warm smile as he rubbed my hand lightly against his cheek.
It all felt amazing all of a sudden, even the stinging severe pain on my neck felt endurable. I closed my eyes just as he let go of my hand and I fell asleep before I could witness him leave my side.
It all- just- felt- too- amazing!
...but what is this feeling anyways?

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