That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles (Ep. 1)

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Episode One -- That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

The billionth time. She's almost certain it's the billionth time that kiss has replayed in her head. In fact, she's gone over that kiss so many times there have been occasions where she's edited, glamorized and added to it.

On one such occasion Tessa clutched the back of her head with much intensity. Another revised version had the kiss ending nearly the same, however, before Mariah could pull way, with forehead pressed to hers Tessa whispered what took you so long? In another, one kiss switched into several and the heated pair wind up sprawled on the nearby couch, legs and arms entangled, breasts greeting through the fabric of their clothes.

That might have been her favorite.

A groan drifting into the night air Mariah snatches the unused pillow from the right side of her bed and slaps it over her face. Arms around the pillow she presses downward further groaning into it and wonders if it's possible to smother herself in that manner. Of course if successful she would perish rendering her unable to fantasize about Tessa.

Oh God. She was losing her mind. Or perhaps she already lost it weeks ago. Difficult to pinpoint precisely when but it may have started when Tessa told her she was incredible then proceeded to gaze into her eyes as though on a sudden mission to hypnotize her.

It worked. Here it was three months later and Mariah remained hypnotized.

Another groan emitted she tosses the pillow back to its side of the bed and rises. Fall weather having brought a chill to the air Mariah pulls on a robe and slips into a pair of slippers before leaving her bedroom.

The house quiet at 2:43 in the morning, she travels down the stairs using an app on her phone as a flashlight. Once at the bottom she notices light emanating from the kitchen.

A one out of four chance it was Tessa. Although she didn't like those odds Mariah kept her fingers crossed that it was her mother, her sister Faith, or Tessa's sister Crystal.

Or a masked robber.

Okay, perhaps not a robber. The members of this household had been dealing with enough drama.

Just as she is about to turn around and tiptoe back up the stairs a dark head pokes out from the kitchen. Eyes connecting Tessa offers a smile which Mariah shakily returns.

"Thought I heard something or someone," Tessa says, intentionally keeping her voice quiet. "Couldn't sleep either?"

Phone turned off and dropped into a robe pocket Mariah shakes her head.

"Care for some tea? I put the kettle on."

"What kind?" What kind? What does it matter? Just say yes, stupid! Mariah's groan is low enough Tessa doesn't hear it. So many times lately she wished to possess a magical remote so she could rewind and modify her interactions with Tessa.

"I'm having chamomile, but your Mom has like a dozen to choose from." She smiles again, that one broader. "So it's up to you." Right hand raised Tessa crooks a finger at her friend. "Come here." The kettle selecting that moment to whistle she disappears into the kitchen.

Butterflies perform a little dance in Mariah's stomach. Is it just her imagination or did Tessa's voice reduce to a seductive whisper upon the words 'come here' leaving her mouth?

Just your imagination. She doesn't want you. Tessa's dating your little brother, remember? Each time Mariah thought of that she experienced tremendous guilt, but no matter how hard she tried she just couldn't help the way she felt. Whether Tessa wanted to or not she had a tight hold from which Mariah just couldn't break free. In her entire life no other being had ever made her much. Tessa unlocked emotions she hadn't realized existed.

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